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Kedatuk Kerembong Janapria Central Lombok

Personal Profile: Name Place & Date of Birth Address Mobile Number Religion Age Sex Marital Status : SAHARUDIN : Keadatuk,31 Desember 1987 : Kedatuk desa kerembong Kec.janapria Kab Loteng : 081907918365,087864494517 : Moslem : 24 years old : Male : Single

Education: 2000,Graduated from Elementary School 2003,Graduated from junior High School 2006,Graduated from Senior High School 2006Graduated from TOUR & TRAVEL BLK Program praya Central of Lombok 2011,Education for Language and Art Muhammadiyah mataram institute of Teacher Training (FKIP MUHAMMADIYAH MATARAM ), majoring English Departement.

Working experiences July 01,2007-july 26,2011 : English teacher in junior high school BAKAN March 04,2007-Nop 29,2011 : English teacher in Vocational high school Duties and Responsibilities Responsible for welcoming guests and updating rate and arrival for in house guests Preparing welcome drink

Ensure smooth daily operation for handling check out guest luggage Handling billing transaction Handlling guest complaint Guest transportation arrangement Night reports May 05,2007-up to present as English teacher Duties and Responsibilities

Handlling room- reservation-either-by phone; Preparing and updating the reservation related document for Upcoming arrival Handlling any reservation inquiry either by phone or email from Travel Agent or booking; Preparing welcome and departure letter for daily guest check out; Follow up cancellation or no show to the agent . Nopember 01,2007-up to present January 11,2007-up to present July 01,2009-up to Sept 2009 : As English teacher in junior school : As English teacher in vocation high School : As instructur in Mastering of English Faster Course

Training and Others : August 11-13,2006 : Training as guide in BLK Program at Mayura swimming pool and other tourism object. Training of selfdepend (KEMPO) in sport Station Mataram.

Awards: March,2007,best student of the BEM organication and Certificate. April,2009,Certificate of seminar national pedagogic. Other Skills English Indonesia Carpenter : Good in speaking & writing : Mother tongue : Mastering of wood modification and building

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