Art in Nazi Propaganda

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Art in Nazi propaganda

Art played an immense role in Nazi propaganda. They used it to shape public opinion. Art was used in all popular gatherings and everyday things.

Hitler and Art

Hitler had tried to make a living as an artist. He disliked modern art and sculptures. Hitler enjoyed seeing art which displayed Jews as disfigured and ugly. He also was fond of architecture.

Themes in Nazi Art

Order and authority Anti-Semitism Women and the family The S.A Hitler himself

Restrictions on Art
Artist were restricted on what they could paint and produce. Only Nazi approved artist could show their art work. These were usually paintings or sculptures of heroic Aryans, or ideal Aryan family or military figures. The Nazis hated the art of the Weimar Republic which they called Degenerate art.

There was a massive book burning. Goebbels made a list of banned books. Goebbels wrote his own book which was a perfect model Nazi novel. Hitler changed the school curriculums.

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