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Workshop 7: Chapter 7/FuelSystem Lecture Homework

Name: Otis W McCallum Jr.

1. Name two of the most common manufacturers of motorcycle carburetors 1. Keihin 2. Mikuni 2. Name the two common types used on starter/choke circuits 1. slide 2. CV 3. There are four circuits within a CV motorcycle carburetor. Name them. 1. Float circuit 2. starter circuit 3. main fuel circuit 4. pilot circuit

4. On a CV carburetor, a pilot screw meters what? Whats a good baseline figure to use? It measures the set amount of air or fuel into the chamber. And the base line is 1 and out.

5. On a flat-slide carburetor, the pilot screw typically meters? Air or Fuel entering the chamber? Fuel entering the chamber

6. What is the purpose of synchronizing carburetors? Which takes priority, the amount of vacuum or the balance across all cylinders? The purpose of synchrnozing carbs is to make sure you are getting the same amount of air to fuel mixture across so that one cylinder isnt working harder than the other. The amount of vacuum takes priority.

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