) - .lIJM:/: Clevie

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"" 1Wo.~d~~rfU', lIall~.:llItle--Sltc)Ol! •• -

I "','I'be ~\'o•.'" ,••'\lhe'-c#!llO; " ..., '
Tlw fe~ult of titl.tur~' ~4fli'~Le.~ue t.lall garrie~-
\Yorcef(b'r'd wUDder(lsltnt out 'of.ClpvehLoll,
UOlJ<\~'R Yldor" ove . BO>lltm·, an.1 t1le Provi-
llpUct:ldl'r •.•M ot' Cinl: n~ati,v.\itil <-:hi-eago'e v'ie-,'
tOf~: l~\'el' TI'{)yFl'ichf, chl.~~ptotllJllip· Ult;'
, rt'Ci)l"d asft4H,Qw~, th~' prt>;;ent IWfCeJlmiel'of
,ames \\-l)ll l.>elng- c",lltnlst,·\.l .. \V Ith tllo~~.of a
~e~k a~.o:-: .•... "... .
· C.lnb. ·Wni!~.Lo;'L' l','r O<Jut."!,ulltW"I':,.k
t~hh~¥()f!•••••.•. 4 .:.:to-: ,,:~ ~7 ~ ~\.:;
--\\·or'·"""ler>!: .. , •• ·•••• 14 .~ , .• ;1':' it",
lro.r •.•.....•......•. 1.11
i.:; ~.IUI~-~~«
,fr.I..Y. "
•• , or
l'ronclenc<.' .... , ' .. ' . i l. - 11 'ii)' . ",c',
'llotltontl , ....• ' ....•.. hI' ,Ll, M . "I ,
· h,utfaloa;,c; ... :, •.••.. 1\ (1)',..~ !IS ' I"
1ClUClIlllil-t1K,." ••.... ~'. Ill. . t~ .r..t
,,'~jl~' Worce8it'r ,tl'am~lJy t1l{'ir\fa\!I"'f'!I~.\PIh.)~
'l;l\..~iust, t lie ,Clevt'iat~II,.t;, Haturdat u.n~rno()n,
placl'd to. thf'IF cF~tlitthl~hl~tball.gaute/onrt'ic-
(>1"11.~nlt'il' rh',dit,dillMt i'4~ilre •. ttUl;did'upt !

" make a'h~" .lilt; did notlCOfPll b"1Sd 1un,. ln i

each or Ilw 'I1tneHtllln", of the~nl~'thp clevie ~:I
Ia.ud lntlll~ll{,lf,!l·r~" fytirt',j rnpJl~~\'O.th"t·e :(~r-
uer; not 1,\1 n:uoepl'ver 'l'!·!i(;l.lI[)gtln.t.l)al'l~'. I

· G'lJW,Witt)(}~t 'r"ns.rdj 1ft' C/)tnlll~)ll, {!lirnb., i


with011t ~ ~
'ithQ,.Qt. I. ..". .....
\tIIl. Ptl\.~'e
laUa tt"Ct'llrD~i:'d. ..(I.•...
lfu~...it i!t,.n~t"-
We 1· II ,.1.

lllocd:strtlClniU4;tiYeoCt ~ CI{'Ve-1a-rlc1~, He 1-,--

lwtt •.••tlrt'i1 fwo,oU i'oufb und,,~iHltl I.HI('ortla i

made' t~~ 'UWd~:o!'ll!!.t':11 ,4.Hlt.". t;1ti;.'lilllll1

f.oal d. 'J.'! 1t.,,'.U.d, 'K.'..}}i.l:.h~I.}.n.... 1.1• '.Il.. ft. '~~'~in
..... H.tl. Il'i V~11 Y.' ••..... i
lIt-ol'pt'dJ I· ot!ll"r .. {lHl!lf.f;~'... illS ba:-\f,
H,nl.lifht. il;r;ioj"Hn;: oueri 'JI~Jn ~lH'" timt.~; !
..' ,.hl.tl .•.t'y...
'.nil '.,.i.(.l".f.,A.Wl'ce.,
tl):!ualt~ ~t.,e:,\ll.wI1.'! ..qI..lfl.
... t~1It!{ .•...
y ;-;ul'>ol.l.e..•
'a 1. \I
Ifwlll, Wlittrte» and Gor~wJ iuiiutD .,r IUdici ' t'
to lnl\ke tifltll~, 27,put out~,wHho 'y"the 11>': I
!Sign of ~th,ltJlll~ PHO.r-, .. }.' '. J. 1./". '.
!. Mt·llOt:lm,. .~bl' CIt;!Vt'\,ilJl{l~ ''Wer~' pla}il\~ al
gawtr PO ~~u.) need !k" (illl." Hrl ot·!L.Y~. thl", '"I
innlnj.!l'I tbfiy .•' tltA'ffthS ,-'11.0 t"lteriq.~1-lU't· ~,
Uw~ caln..- to tbB ,Qilt,'lihd tn '4Ull" TI'0urt.h,. afti""1
t'\llIno .1 1
, !tiClu.nond·li 't.li~.~a flt.'ut t.l.O.l;ib. It . p..I.:~y'.i~I:Hl.
('Ilually 'hort wor~,~u~ tiUh' Ul\l'U~ ~U!ll a ,dl~a,
trou!i on ••, liOWt'VI.'r<"lluul the. 'l1'onbl:e WIi:8 'H1a. 1 .
l-ltc~l~;,;e ph~CI':' 1-twinl d ofl with. a!
l<afl' lilt; 'Benn~jt . Wai; '.' l.lIVllll hill 'b:1~eI
,on fl:l~I~, aWl .. "j9't.itll y ~F~k ,ll.e I
. 1mB '. to lthe. pitChe,r::, ,He tirDt'd~nd .ttlf(,~~t: I
· feY Dunlap, truatlll!lfOl:'.ail eftfl,r ;·.'dqubl~~·4tt
nt'Utk't t on J hf .'::'Ol~eout," .ni1\Wll itufyl\lt
tltilt bmw. ,Vulllal'L.lvll.l.r •.ll~lJilU~-\ 1,)Ull1:1p, "-1-
'fllHt,j .\0 holu the lnul, -'-nd' .~illcklyal<lrwi I,
wh~.~weU o,n t~.urd.tb rd·b~.r s.,"~tle.
jugj,rlt\, h~' J.llll!#il- the~ bill{ all II 'f11~t-t;t' r~, tl 0
.' horne J.l1"te.DuDJa!J'~r~t,htllball aoUlhre,
) .IUor tl1(, )'lat", butnop9 I', fOr' It ••.ent ~evt'r I
ft't'fc'hver 'Jn~. Ci41t,flier'II.'. ht'''1,alltl :8truek tI e
} tlllck-ooanf With "thud' j.t1l'lt 118 lrwlu··l'Icpr •.•••

out~ of
) . llJO.,,1I8t w. '.Iftl tl.e it,. 'I~.e .. plap'!"
t'X. e.'t>ck It... T...1.1.1:1."In
t. •.dO ..'~.ht". r.,ror..,..
,.~.. \.I. u>'....
r~a\'~ tire /lllrtle, ,: h! theW(lreHter8. ·r:~r.
f the, thrt-'e out14' ,tl1l1owetl. Ie ,vJn.jC, fit' :
nett.oll Whituey~-;81iHollth •• W41tt-8, an
fllu1tlefM JIIIIY t1~d Otlt~ Iri order, c,tne h! ,evprlv
,t otl\.er iooiogl'li4ve', tl.le' ,7th,wbeo' Jr.1fiuOlade .
.1\ tilt, bis 8f'OODtLand ,the third ()r,tll~ g~mt~,
)1cCo~mic.k . pi:tcblqg J" Yerf ..••.~I\v •. ~lll,&)e
thronitloot, alt 18IlhoWll'b.r lhelrto or hlb and.
b .' ,he IeYt>n slrike-.6ut.J. '. ..... \

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