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Robert Andrew Dunn, Ph.D.

East Tennessee State University

Department of Mass Communication
ETSU Box 70669
Johnson City, TN 37614
Ph.D. in Mass Communication, University of Alabama, 2010
Concentrations: virtual identity, communication technology, media psychology
Cognate: psychology (18 credits)
Dissertation: Hiding or Priding? A Study of Gender, Personality, and Game
Context within Avatar Selection.
Dissertation committee chair: Dr. Shuhua Zhou, (205) 348-8653
M.S. in Mass Communication, Florida State University, 2004
Concentrations: communication technology
DIS: Practicing or Preaching: Are Opinions of Communication Media Predictors
of Usage?
Advisor: Dr. Arthur A. Raney, (850) 644-9485
B.A. in Communication, Auburn University Montgomery, 1998
Concentrations: journalism, mass communication
Advisor: Blair Gaines (retired), (334) 244-3379
Associate Professor/Journalism Program Head, August 2010-present
Department of Mass Communication
East Tennessee State University, Johnson City, TN
-Teaching mass communication law and theory, multimedia production, and
journalism courses as needed
-Conducting quantitative and qualitative mass communication research
-Overseeing to the journalism program and advising journalism students
-Directing masters degree theses
Instructor, January 2008-May 2010
University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL
Department of Journalism
-Teaching mass communication and journalism courses as needed
Education Reporter, July 2003-August 2007
The Ledger, Lakeland, FL
-Writing daily stories, enterprise pieces and two projects a year

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Instructor, August 2004-December 2006

Department of Communication
Florida Southern College, Lakeland, FL
-Teaching communication courses as needed
Education Reporter, October 2000-July 2003
Tallahassee Democrat, Tallahassee, FL
-Writing daily stories, enterprise pieces and two projects a year
News Assistant, April 1999-October 2000
Tallahassee Democrat, Tallahassee, FL
-Writing obituaries, designing pages, editing copy and consulting teen writers
from area high schools
Intern, April 1997-September 1997
Montgomery Advertiser, Montgomery, AL
-Writing advertorials and editing copy
Editor, Fall 1997
Filibuster, Literature and arts magazine for Auburn University Montgomery
-Creative force behind the 1997 edition
Dunn, R. A. (In Press). Social Media Suds: Blogging Beer to Stay Sharp in the
Classroom. In A. Tyma (Ed.), Beer Culture in Theory and Practice:
Working to Understand Craft Beer Culture in the United States. Lanham,
MD: Lexington Books.
Dunn, R. A. (2016). Collaboration and Online Gaming. In A. Herbig and A. F.
Herrmann (Eds.), Communication Perspectives on Popular Culture.
Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 193-206.
Ewell, P.J., Jones, M., Guadagno, R.E., & Dunn, R.A. (2016). Good Person or
Bad Character? Personality Predictors of Morality and Ethics in Avatar
Selection for Video Game Play. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social
Networking, 19(7), 435-440.
Dunn, R. A. (2014). Polyreality. In A. Herbig, A. F. Herrmann, & A. W. Tyma
(Eds.), Beyond New Media: Discourse and Critique in a Polymediated
Age. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 109-224.
Okdie, B. M., Ewoldsen, D. R., Muscanell, N. L., Guadagno, R. E., Eno, C. A.,
Velez, J., Dunn, R. A., OMally, J., & Reichart Smith, L. (2014). Missed

Dunn 3
programs (There is no TiVo for this one): Why psychologists should study
the media. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 9(2), 180-195.
Barber, R. E., Dunn, R. A., & Marshall, S. W. (2013). Alternative vs. Traditional
News: A Content Analysis of News Coverage of the 10th Anniversary of
Sept. 11. American Communication Journal, 15(4), 118.
Dunn, R. A. (2013). Identity theories and technology. In R. Luppicini (Ed.),
Handbook of Research on Technoself: Identity in a Technological Society
(pp. 26-44). doi:10.4018/978-1-4666-2211-1
Dunn, R. A., & Guadagno, R. E. (2012). My avatar and me Gender and
personality predictors of avatar-self discrepancy. Computers in Human
Behavior, 28(1), 97106. doi:10.1016/j.chb.2011.08.015
Dunn, R. A. (2011). Is the Web making rural children less rural? A study of the
Internets impact on non-urban youth. Journal of Rural Community
Psychology, 14(2).
Dunn, R. A. (2011). The status of journalistic routines within reporter-run political
blogs. International Journal of Interactive Communication Systems and
Technologies, 1(2), 46-55. doi:10.4018/ijicst.2011070104
Dunn, R. A., Zhou, S., & Lent, M. (2011). But is a picture worth a thousand
people? Effects of pictorial vividness and numeric representation on
attitudes toward the China-Tibet issue. China Media Research, 7(2), 5765.
Fancy, T., & Dunn, R.A. (2017, March). Media, Publicity, and Fashion: The
Michelle Obama Effect. Presented at the annual meeting of the Central
States Communication Association, Minneapolis, MN.
Zhang, H., & Dunn, R.A. (2017, March). The Facebook Me: Gender, Self-Esteem,
and Personality on Social Media. Presented at the annual meeting of the
Central States Communication Association, Minneapolis, MN.
Dunn, R.A. (2015, April). Betrayers Betrayed: Privacy Issues and Ashley
Madison. Presented at the annual meeting of the Southern States
Communication Association, Austin, TX.
Dunn, R. A., & Herrmann, A. F. (2014, November). Participatory fandom as
reality convergence. Presented at the annual meeting of the National
Communication Association, Chicago, IL.

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Ayad, S.M., Dunn, R. A., & Marshall, S. W. (2014, March). The Effect of Political
Advertising on Perceived Bias and Credibility of Online News Stories.
Presented at the annual Southeast Colloquium for the Association for
Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Gainesville, FL.
Dunn, R. A. (2012, November). Analyzing Public Relations Research of
Technology Across Three Cultures. Presented at the annual meeting of the
National Communication Association, Orlando, FL.
Barber, R., & Dunn, R. A. (2012, March). Research in Progress: Alternate vs.
Traditional News: A Content Analysis of News Coverage of the 10th
Anniversary of Sept. 11. Presented at the annual Southeast Colloquium for
the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication,
Blacksburg, VA.
Ewell, P.J., Jones, M., Guadagno, R.E., & Dunn, R.A. (2012, January). Good vs.
Evil: A Study of Avatar Selection and Alignment. Presented at the annual
meeting for the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, San Diego,
Dunn, R. A., & Guadagno, R. E. (2011, August). Hiding or Priding? A Study of
Gender, Race, and Gamer Status and Context on Avatar Selection.
Presented at the annual meeting of Association for Education in
Journalism and Mass Communication, St. Louis, MO.
Jones, M., Ewell, P., Dunn, R.A., & Guadagno, R.E. (2010, October). Good and
Evil in the Virtual World: Who Chooses What Alignment? Presented at the
annual meeting for the Society of Southeastern Social Psychologists,
Charleston, SC.
Dunn, R. A., & Guadagno, R. E. (2009, June). Playing Me: A Study of Gender,
Gameplay, and Game Preference Effects on Avatar Selection. Presented at
the annual meeting of the International Communication Association,
Dunn, R. A., & Zhou, S. (2009, June). Effects of Pictorial Vividness and Numeric
Representation on Attitudes Toward the Tibetan Conflict in China
Presented at the annual meeting of the International Communication
Association, Singapore.
Dunn, R. A., & Zhou, S. (2009, November). Research in Progress: A Study of the
Effects of Vividness and Numeric Representation on Visual Argument
Effectiveness. Presented at the annual meeting of the National
Communication Association, Chicago, IL.

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Dunn, R. A. (2009, May). Is the Web making rural children less rural? A study of
the Internets impact on non-urban youth. Presented at the annual meeting
of the International Communication Association, Chicago, IL.
Dunn, R. A., Reichart, L., Kim, J.K., Ahn, D., & Lowrey, W. (2008, April). Are
the newsmakers listening? A study of the role Web site metrics play in
newsroom practices and decision-making. Presented at the annual meeting
of the Southern States Communication Association, Norfolk, VA.
Dunn, R. A. (2009, March). The status of journalistic routines within reporter-run
political blogs. Presented at the annual midwinter meeting of the
Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication,
Norman, OK.
Dunn, R. A., & Ewoldsen, D.R. (2009, March). A working memory model of
presence. Presented at the annual midwinter meeting of the Association
for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Norman, OK.
Dunn, R. A. (2008, November). A systematic review of online identity within
traditional communication journals. Presented at the annual meeting of
the National Communication Association, San Diego, CA.
Reichart, L. & Dunn, R. A. (2008, August). Is Ugly the New Beautiful? An
Investigation of the Perceptions of Beauty of Young Female Viewers of
Ugly Betty. Presented at the annual meeting of the Association for
Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Chicago, IL.
Dunn, R.A. (2017, March). Social Media Suds: The Birth of the Belgian Beer
Bureau. (Panel Guest) Presented at the annual meeting of the Central
States Communication Association, Minneapolis, MN.
Dunn, R.A. (2017, March). Marvel: Whedons Poison Pill. (Panel Guest)
Presented at the annual meeting of the Central States Communication
Association, Minneapolis, MN.
Dunn, R.A. (2014, September). Converting Media Content into Revenue Exploring
Pedagogical Approaches to Content Value and Media ROI Teaching
Foundational Concepts to ROI as it Relates to Media Professionals. (Panel
Guest) Presented at the annual District 2 meeting of the Broadcasting Education
Association, Boone, N.C.

Dunn, R. A. (2011, August). Blogs, Tweets and Streaming, Oh My: Technological

State of Internship Assessments. (Panel Guest) Presented at the annual
meeting of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass
Communication, St. Louis, MO.

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Dunn, R. A. (2010). Alcohol. In S. Steinberg, M. Kehler, and L. Cornish (Eds.),
Boy Culture: An Encyclopedia. Santa Barbara, CA: ABCCLIO/Greenwood Publishing Group.
Dunn, R. A. (2010). Scouting. In S. Steinberg, M. Kehler, and L. Cornish (Eds.),
Boy Culture: An Encyclopedia. Santa Barbara, CA: ABCCLIO/Greenwood Publishing Group.
Dunn, R. A. (2010). White supremacy and racist organizations. In S. Steinberg,
M. Kehler, and L. Cornish (Eds.), Boy Culture: An Encyclopedia. Santa
Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO/Greenwood Publishing Group.
Dunn, R. A. (2008). Howell Raines. In W. Flynt (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Alabama.
Auburn, AL: Auburn University. Retrieved from
Dunn, R. A. (2008). Stand in the schoolhouse door. In W. Flynt (Ed.),
Encyclopedia of Alabama. Auburn, AL: Auburn University. Retrieved
Dunn, R. A. (2008). Mose Tolliver. In W. Flynt (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Alabama.
Auburn, AL: Auburn University. Retrieved from
Dunn, R. A. (Spring 2009). Moving on to mobile media. AEJMC Communication
Technology Division Newsletter.

2014 Top Faculty Paper Award at the Association for Education in Journalism
and Mass Communication Southeast Colloquium for The Effect of Political
Advertising on Perceived Bias and Credibility of Online News Stories

2009 Top Three Student Paper Award from the Children, Adolescents, and the
Media Division of the International Communication Association for Is the
Web Making Rural Children Less Rural? A Study of the Internets Impact on
Non-urban Youth

2003-2007 Member of two reporting teams to win the New York Times
Chairman's Award

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1998 Third Place Award at the Southern Literary Festival Competition at

Millsaps College for the Filibuster magazine


2010 CPATH Workshop, Collaborating Across Silos to Create

Interdisciplinary Game Design and Development Curriculum, ETSU
Campus, Johnson City, TN

2009 Graduate Teaching Fellow, University of Alabama Graduate School,

Tuscaloosa, AL

2007 Graduate Council Fellowship, University of Alabama Graduate School,

Tuscaloosa, AL

2002 Harold W. McGraw Jr. Annual Seminar for Reporters New to the K-12
Beat, Hechinger Institute on Education and the Media, Teachers College,
Columbia University, New York


Solo nominee for a New York Times Chairmans Award

Inductee of Kappa Tau Alpha National Honor Society in Journalism and Mass

Inductee of Phi Kappa Phi National Honor Society

Inductee of Alpha Epsilon Lambda National Graduate Student Honor Society

Inductee of Omicron Delta Kappa Leadership Honor Society

Inductee of Order of Omega Greek Honor Society


COM 229: Media Writing, Florida Southern College

COM 445: News Media Projects, Florida Southern College

COM 499: Communication Issues, Florida Southern College

JN 150: Mechanics of Media Writing, University of Alabama

JN 311: Reporting, University of Alabama

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JN 312: Editing, University of Alabama

JN 315: Beat reporting, University of Alabama

JN 499: Journalism Issues, Practices and Ethics, University of Alabama

JOUR 2050: Journalism History and Issues, ETSU

JOUR 2120: Writing for Print Media I, ETSU

JOUR 2130: Reporting (formerly Writing for Print Media II), ETSU

MC 101: Introduction to Mass Communication, University of Alabama

MC 405: Mass Communication Ethics, University of Alabama

MC 551: Communication Theory (Graduate), University of Alabama

MCOM 1030: Introduction to Mass Communication, ETSU

MCOM 2400: Multimedia Production, ETSU

MCOM 3070: Mass Media & Society, ETSU

MCOM 4400: Media Ethics, ETSU

MCOM 4037: Communications Law, ETSU

MCOM 4957/5957: Multimedia Reporting (undergrad/grad mix), ETSU

MCOM 5960: Communication Ethics

SPCH 5330: Communication Theory


Proficient with Adobe Creative Cloud software (Dreamweaver, InDesign,

Photoshop, and Primere Pro)

Proficient with Adobe Marketing Cloud software (Adobe Analytics, Adobe

Experience Manager, Adobe Social, Adobe Targeting)

Proficient with publishing and multimedia software including PageSpeed,

WordPress, Audacity, Soundslides, iMovie, MovieMaker

Proficient with Associated Press and American Psychological Association

Dunn 9

Proficient with news editing software including Atex, Speedwriter, and


Limited experience with Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Muse

Limited HTML coding skills


SPSS and AMOS statistical programs

Statistical analysis including univariate, multivariate, SEM

Survey design and implementation

Experimental design

Library and online research capability


Member of ETSUs Student Publications Committee

Member of ETSU College of Arts and Sciences Tenure and Promotion


Former member of the ETSU College of Arts and Science Educational Affairs

Member of the Tennessee Press Associations Education & Literacy


Member of the steering committee/academic partners for the Institute for

Rural Journalism and Community Issues

Member of review editorial board of Frontiers in Child Health and Human


Research associate for the Center for Intercultural New Media Research

Regular reviewer for the Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media

Reviewer for the Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication

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Reviewer for the American Journal of Psychology

Reviewer for Cyberpsychology: Journal of Psychosocial Research on


Reviewer for Psychology of Popular Media Culture.

Reviewer for Journal of Child Health and Human Development.

Past reviewer for Handbook of Research on Technoself: Identity in a

Technological Society.

Directed week-long summer environmental journalism camp for preteens and


Former member of ETSUs College of Arts & Sciences Education Affairs


Former treasurer and member of the Greater Tri-Cities Society of Professional

Journalists Pro Chapter

Former member of the National Society of Professional Journalists

Former member of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass


Former member of the International Communication Association

Former member of the National Communication Association

Participant/host for the Rural Computer Assisted Reporting workshop at

ETSU, led by Investigative Reporters and Editors and the Institute for Rural
Journalism and Community Issues

Reviewed an edition of Principles of Convergent Journalism by Jeffrey S.

Wilkinson for Oxford University Press.

Former Communication Technology Division listserv coordinator for the

Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication

Former supervisor for three undergraduate lab assistants in the Department of

Psychologys Online Social Interaction Laboratory at the University of

Paper reviewer for the International Communication Associations annual

meeting, 2009, Chicago, IL

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Volunteer for National Communication Associations Doctoral Honors

Seminar hosted at the University of Alabama

Former consultant for Teen Democrat (Tallahassee high school reporters)

Former member of AUMs Board of Publications

Former member of AUMs PR/AD club

Former computer lab monitor for AUMs Department of Communication

Alumni, former secretary and former public relations chairman for Pi Kappa
Phi Fraternity Epsilon Delta (AUM) chapter

Interview subject for local media on subjects of communication law

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