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To start out with, I must say that I really liked the movie Geronimo. I think that it did a really good job of portraying how much the Native Americans hated the White-Eyes. Geronimo had the spirit of a fighter, which I really admire in him. Another one of my favorite characters was Al Sieber. I think that he was funny, and not too serious, another quality trait that I really admire. Geronimo was a warrior, plain and simple, but I dont understand why he surrendered in the end. He knew at the very least that he would be stuck on a reservation for the rest of his life, or worse he would go to jail because of the crimes that he committed, and I just dont get why he gave up. One possible reason could be that he knew that the Apache, and even the Native Americans were far outnumbered by the White-Eye, and so he saw no reason to fight longer, because eventually all of them will die. Another possible reason could be that he felt that the Spirit that kept him alive in battle was leaving him, due to the quote; No guns, No Bullets could ever kill me. That was my power. Now my time is over One last reason that I can think of that would cause Geronimo to stop fight would be that he just grew tired of it. Based on my understanding of the movie, he was fight to avenge the deaths of his family. But he then realized that fighting could never bring his family back, and killing people certainly didnt make his situation any better, so he decided to surrender.

I like Al Sieber too. I like him because he is a lot less serious than the other soldiers. He jokes about how many times hes been injured, even though Im sure it was kind of like a badge of honor in the army. But he just seems like hes happy all the time, which I really admire. I also got the sense that he isnt scared. In other words, he reeks of confidence, and I also think thats really cool. But anyways I like the movie Geronimo. I think that it does a good job showing what the period of The Great Plains, and the Capturing of Geronimo looked like, and it also had really good acting. The only thing that I didnt like is how they edited all the swear words out, and personally I think the movie would have been more dramatic with them in it.

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