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SEKOLAH MENENGAH KEBANGSAAN NITAR MARCH TEST 2012 BIOLOGY (1 Hour 30 Minutes) NAME : _______________________________________


Jawab semua soalan dalam kertas OMR.

1 Biology is
Biologi adalah

C I, III and IV only

I, III dan IV sahaja

A a study of environments, plants and animals.

Satu kajian tentang tumbuhan dan haiwan. alam sekitar,

D II, III and IV only 3 Which of the following is the correct order of steps in the scientific method?
Antara yang berikut, manakah merupakan urutan langkah-langkah yang betul dalam kaedah saintifik?

Diagram 2 Rajah 2

B a study of microorganisms and organisms.

Satu kajian tentang mikroorganisma dan organisma.

Which of the following is found in the part labelled Z?

Antara yang berikut, manakah dijumpai di bahagian Z?

C a study of the interaction between living things and their environment.

Satu kajian tentang interaksi antara benda hidup dan alam sekitar mereka.

M : Conclusion

A Air

N : Constant variables
Pemboleh ubah dimalarkan

B Water

D a study of the interaction between living things and nonliving things.

Satu kajian tentang interaksi antara benda hidup dan bukan benda hidup.

O : Making hypothesis
Membuat hipotesis

C Starch suspension
Ampaian kanji

P : Identifying problem
Mengenal pasti masalah

D Mineral salts solution and sugar

Larutan garam mineral dan gula

2 Which of the following are the importance of Biology?

Antara yang berikut, yang manakah adalah kepentingan Biologi?



6 The following statements describe an organelle, P

Pernyataan di bawah menghuraikan tentang satu organel, P

I Biology gives us a much-valued sense of control over other living things and our environment.
Biologi memberi kita kesedaran yang sangat berharga dalam mengawal benda hidup lain dan alam sekitar kita.

4 Diagram 1 shows an animal cell.

Rajah 1 menunjukkan satu sel haiwan.

Traps the energy from the sun

Memerangkap tenaga dari matahari

Converts light energy into chemical energy

Menukarkan tenaga cahaya kepada tenaga kimia

II Biology manages to give us a pharmaceutical knowledge of treatment for a certain disease.

Biologi memberi kita ilmu dalam farmasi dan cara mengubati penyakit tertentu.

What is organelle P?
Apakah organel P?

Diagram 1 Rajah 1

A Vacuole

Structure Y is a
Struktur Y adalah satu

B Chloroplasts

III Biology helps us understand ourselves, living things, our environment and the interactions among them.
Biologi membantu kita memahami tentang diri kita, benda hidup, alam sekitar dan interaksi antara mereka.

A Nucleus

C Golgi apparatus
Jasad Golgi

B Ribosome

D Rough endoplasmic reticulum

Jalinan endoplasma kasar

C Mitochondrion

D Smooth endoplasmic reticulum

Jalinan endoplasma licin

IV Biology helps us to manage limited natural resources of food and energy.

Biologi membantu kita menguruskan sumber makanan dan tenaga semula jadi yang terhad.

7 Which of the following cells have a high density of mitochondria in its cell?
Antara yang berikut, sel manakah mempunyai kepadatan mitokondrion yang tinggi di dalamnya?

5 Diagram 2 shows the structure of a plant cell.

Rajah 2 menunjukkan struktur satu sel tumbuhan.

I Sperm cells
Sel sperma

A I, II and III only

I, II dan III sahaja

B I, II and IV only
I, II dan IV sahaja

II Flight muscle cells in birds and insects

Sel otot sayap dalam burung dan serangga


SEKOLAH MENENGAH KEBANGSAAN NITAR MARCH TEST 2012 BIOLOGY (1 Hour 30 Minutes) NAME : _______________________________________ III Palisade mesophyll cell
Sel mesofil palisad

F o sfa t h id ro filik

IV Liver cells
Sel hati

10 Which of the following sequences is correct regarding the stages in cell organisation?
Antara yang berikut, manakah turutan adalah betul mengenai peringkat dalam organisasi sel?

F osfa t hidro fo b ik

A I and II only
I dan II sahaja

A Cell Tissue Organ System

Sel Tisu Organ Sistem

B II and III only

II dan III sahaja

C I, II and III only

I, II dan III sahaja

B Cell Organ Tissue System

Sel Organ Tisu Sistem

12 Diagram 5 shows the movement of substance Q across the plasma membrane.

Rajah 5 menunjukkan pergerakan bahan Q merentasi membran plasma.

D I, II and IV only
I, II dan IV sahaja

C Tissue Organ Cell System

Tisu Organ Sel Sistem

8 Diagram 3 shows an Amoeba.

Rajah 3 menunjukkan satu Amoeba.

D Tissue Cell Organ System

Tisu Sel Organ Sistem

11 Diagram 4 shows the main structures of the plasma membrane.

Rajah 4 menunjukkan membran plasma. struktur utama

Diagram 3 Rajah 3

Diagram 5 Rajah 5

The organism reproduces by A regeneration




Substance Q is moved across the plasma membrane by

Bahan Q bergerak merentasi membran plasma melalui

Organisma yang ditunjukkan di atas membiak melalui

A osmosis

B binary fission
belahan dedua

B simple diffusion
resapan ringkas

C binary fission formation


Diagram 4 Rajah 4

C active transport
pengangkutan aktif

belahan dedua dan pembentukan spora

D facilitated diffusion
resapan berbantu

D budding and binary fission

pertunasan dan belahan dedua

What are X, Y and Z?

Apakah X, Y dan Z?

9 Which of the following are plant organs?

Antara yang berikut, manakah ialah organ tumbuhan?

X A C a rrie r p ro te in
P ro te in pe m b aw a

13 Diagram 6 shows the diffusion of water molecules through a visking tubing.

Rajah 6 menunjukkan resapan molekul air merentasi satu tiub visking.

I Stems

III Flowers

H y d ro p h ilic y d ro p h o b ic H p h o sp h a te p h o s p h a te
F osfa t hidro filiko sfa t h id ro fo b ik F

II Leaves

IV Phloem

A I and II only
I dan II sahaja

B II and IV only
II dan IV sahaja

H y d ro p h ilic y d r o p h o bC a rrie r p ro te in H ic p h o s p h a te p h o sp h a te P ro te in p em b a w a
F osfa t hidro filiko sfat h id ro fob ik F

C I, II and III only

I, II dan III sahaja

D II, III and IV only

II, III dan IV sahaja

C H y d r o p h o b ic y d ro p h ilic a rrie r p ro te in H C p h o s p h a te p h o sp h a te P ro te in p em b a w a
F osfa t F osfa t hidro filik h id ro fob ik

Diagram 6 Rajah 6

H y d ro p h ilic a rrie r p ro teH y d ro p h o b ic C in p h o s p h a te P ro te in p em b a w a h o s p h a te p

After one hour, the visking tubing becomes turgid. What are S and T?


SEKOLAH MENENGAH KEBANGSAAN NITAR MARCH TEST 2012 BIOLOGY (1 Hour 30 Minutes) NAME : _______________________________________
Selepas satu jam, tiub visking menjadi segah. Apakah S dan T?


S A 30% sucrose solution

Larutan sukrosa 30%

T 30% sucrose solution

Larutan sukrosa 30%

30% sucrose solution

Larutan sukrosa 30%

5% sucrose solution
Larutan sukrosa 5%

5% sucrose solution
Larutan sukrosa 5%

5% sucrose solution
Larutan sukrosa 5%

5% sucrose solution
Larutan sukrosa 5%

30% sucrose solution

Larutan sukrosa 30%

14 Which of the following are not true about the osmosis process?
Antara yang berikut, manakah tidak benar tentang proses osmosis?

I The process of osmosis needs metabolic energy.

Proses osmosis metabolisme. memerlukan tenaga

II Osmosis involves a permeable membrane.


Osmosis melibatkan satu membran separa telap.

III Osmosis involves the movement of solute molecules.

Osmosis melibatkan pergerakan molekul zat terlarut.

IV Osmosis does not need any chemical energy.

Osmosis tidak memerlukan sebarang tenaga kimia.

A II and III only

II dan III sahaja

B I and III only

I dan III sahaja

C I, II and III only

I, II dan III sahaja

D I, II and IV only
I, II dan IV sahaja


SEKOLAH MENENGAH KEBANGSAAN NITAR MARCH TEST 2012 BIOLOGY (1 Hour 30 Minutes) NAME : _______________________________________ D 15 Which of the processes are involved in the movement of water and mineral ions into root hairs?
Manakah proses yang terlibat dalam pergerakan air dan ion mineral ke dalam rambut akar?

FORM : 4 SCIENCE C II, III and IV only

II, III dan IV sahaja

D II and IV only
II dan IV sahaja

Mineral ions
Ion mineral


Diagram 7 Rajah 7

Active transport
Pengangkutan aktif


If this plant cell is then immersed in a hypotonic solution, it will undergo

Jika sel tumbuhan ini kemudiannya direndamkan dalam larutan hipotonik, ia akan melalui

18 A potato strip is immersed into a 3% sucrose solution. Its mass is recorded before and after the experiment. Which graph represents the experiment?
Satu kepingan ubi kentang direndamkan di dalam satu larutan sukrosa 3%. Jisim sebelum dan selepas eksperimen dicatatkan. Manakah graf yang mewakili eksperimen itu?

Facilitated diffusion
Resapan berbantu

Active transport
Pengangkutan aktif

A haemolysis

B crenation Simple diffusion

Resapan ringkas krenasi

Active transport
Pengangkutan aktif

C plasmolysis

D deplasmolysis


Facilitated diffusion
Resapan berbantu

16 A potato strip is immersed into a 3% sucrose solution. Its mass is recorded before and after the experiment. Which graph represents the experiment?
Satu kepingan ubi kentang direndamkan di dalam satu larutan sukrosa 3%. Jisim sebelum dan selepas eksperimen dicatatkan. Manakah graf yang mewakili eksperimen itu?

17 Diagram 8 shows four strips of spinach, I, II, III and IV, which are immersed into different concentrations of salt solutions for 2 hour.
Rajah 8 menunjukkan empat kepingan bayam, I, II, III dan IV, yang direndamkan dalam larutan garam yang berlainan kepekatan selama 2 jam.

Diagram 8 Rajah 8

19 Diagram 9 shows some red blood cells that are mixed into a salt solution for one hour.
Rajah 9 menunjukkan beberapa sel darah merah yang ditambahkan dengan larutan garam selama satu jam.

Which of the following are true of the solute conditions for the four strips? C
Antara yang berikut, manakah benar tentang keadaan zat terlarut bagi empat kepingan itu?

I hypertonic

III acidic

II hypotonic

IV isotonic

A I and II only
I dan II sahaja

B I, II and IV only
I, II dan IV sahaja


SEKOLAH MENENGAH KEBANGSAAN NITAR MARCH TEST 2012 BIOLOGY (1 Hour 30 Minutes) NAME : _______________________________________
Larutan garam 0.5%

Tiada penambahan atau molekul air kepada sel. kekurangan

B 1.0% salt solution

Larutan garam 1.0%

C 2.0% salt solution

Larutan garam 2.0%

D 2.5% salt solution

Larutan garam 2.5%

C The rate of water molecules entering the cell is slower than the rate of water molecules diffusing out.
Kadar molekul air memasuki sel lebih perlahan daripada kadar molekul air meresap keluar.

20 Which of the following is true when plant cell is immersed into a hypotonic solution for 30 minutes?
Diagram 9 Rajah 9
Antara yang berikut, manakah benar apabila sel tumbuhan direndam dalam larutan hipotonik selama 30 minit?

D The rate of water molecules entering is much higher than the rate of water molecules diffusing out.
Kadar molekul air memasuki sel lebih tinggi daripada kadar molekul air meresap keluar.

Which of the solution can cause the change in shape of red blood cells?
Manakah larutan yang boleh menyebabkan perubahan bentuk dalam sel darah merah?

A There is no net movement across the cell.

Tiada pergerakan bersih merentasi sel.

A 0.5% salt solution


B There is no gain or loss of water molecules to the cell.

Jawab semua soalan dalam ruangan yang disediakan.


SEKOLAH MENENGAH KEBANGSAAN NITAR MARCH TEST 2012 BIOLOGY (1 Hour 30 Minutes) NAME : _______________________________________ FORM : 4 SCIENCE

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