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Francis Xavier - Ballarat RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Overview 2012

Prep Junior Strand : Jesus Christ Unit: The life of Jesus Middle Strand: Jesus Christ Unit: Followe rs of Jesus

Senio r Stran d: Jesus Christ Unit: Who is Jesus in Mark s Gospe l Stran d: Jesus Christ Unit: The Risen Christ Prep Strand: Church Unit: Our Church Junior Strand: Sacramen ts Unit: Sacramen ts are special celebratio ns Middle Strand: Sacramen ts Unit: Sacramen ts Of Initiation Confirmati on Senior Strand: Sacramen ts Unit: Sacramen tal Life Prep Strand: Sacram ents Unit: I care for Gods world

Junior Strand: God Unit: Creatio n Middle Strand: God Unit: For Creation Praise Senior Strand: God Unit: Harmony In Creation, Our Responsi bility Strand: Prayer Unit: People of Prayer Prep Strand: Christia n Life Unit: Called to live like Jesus Strand: Scriptu res Unit: Why do we celebra te Christ mas?

Junior Strand: Christian Life Unit: Sharing With Others Middle Strand: Christia n Life Unit: Serving Others Senior Strand: Christian Life Unit: Witnessing and Proclaiming

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Strand : Jesus Christ Unit: What do I know about Jesus?

Stran d: Jesus Christ Unit: Lent & Easte r

Strand : Jesus Christ Unit: Easter

Strand: Jesus Christ Unit: How Do We Journey to New Life During Lent?

Strand: Christian Life Unit: I am special so are you

Stand: Sacramen ts Unit: Jesus helps me to choose

Strand: Sacramen ts Unit: Jesus models forgivenes s

Strand: Church Unit: The Church In Australia

Strand: Prayer Unit: I can talk to God

Strand: Prayer Unit: We can pray in differen t ways

Strand: Church Unit: Communi ty of Believers

Strand: Jesus Christ Unit: Getting ready for Jesus

Strand: Church Unit: Christm as the promis e fulfilled

Strand: Jesus Christ Unit: The Birth of Jesus The Messiah

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Jesus Christ

Christian Life

Christian Prayer




Religion and Society

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