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1. A foundry produces circular utility access hatches (manhole covers). Currently, 120 covers are produced in a 10-hour shift. If labor productivity can be increased by 20%, it would then be A) 14.4 covers/hr B) 24 covers/hr C) 240 valves/hr D) 1200 covers/hr E) none of these

Points Earned: 1.0/1.0 Correct Answer(s): A

2. The Dulac Box plant produces 500 cypress packing boxes in two 10-hour shifts. Due to higher demand, they have decided to operate three 8-hour shifts instead. They are now able to produce 600 boxes per day. What has happened to production? A) It has increased by 50 sets/shift. B) It has increased by 37.5 sets/hr. C) It has increased by 20%. D) It has decreased by 8.3%. E) It has decreased by 9.1%.

Points Earned: 1.0/1.0 Correct Answer(s): C

3. Productivity can be improved by A) increasing inputs while holding outputs steady B) decreasing outputs while holding inputs steady C) increasing inputs and outputs in the same proportion D) decreasing inputs while holding outputs steady E) none of these

Points Earned: 1.0/1.0 Correct Answer(s): D

4. Understanding competitors' strengths and weaknesses, understanding current and prospective technological issues, and understanding product life cycle are examples of A) what is important to the transnational strategy but not the multidomestic strategy B) SWOT analysis C) elements in the formulation of an organization's mission D) preconditions to establishing and implementing a strategy E) the critical decision area of supply-chain analysis

Points Earned: 1.0/1.0 Correct Answer(s): D

5. Which of the following is not an operations strategic decision? A) maintenance B) price C) layout design D) quality E) inventory

Points Earned: 1.0/1.0 Correct Answer(s): B

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