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Kursus Kod Kursus Kredit Bahasa Pengantar Semester/Tahun Pensyarah Jabatan Penilaian kursus Pengurusan Bilik Darjah dan Tingkah Laku
(Behaviour and Classroom Management)

EDU 3104 3 (3+0) Kredit Bahasa Melayu/Bahasa Inggeris Semester 3 ( Tahun 2) En. Bostanoordin bin Ahmad Jabatan Ilmu Pendidikan Kerja Kursus (50%) Tugasan KKP (Esei Ilmiah) Pelan bilik darjah (30%) Portfolio (20%) Sikap dan sahsiah Peperiksaan Akhir (50%) JUMLAH KESELURUHAN Sinopsis kursus 40 % 50 % 10 % (100 %) 2 50 % 50 % 100 %

Kursus ini membincangkan pengurusan bilik darjah sekolah rendah; peranan guru dalam mengurus bilik darjah; model-model pengurusan disiplin; masalah disiplin murid-murid dan pengurusan murid-murid berkeperluan khas. This course discusses classroom management in primary schools, the roles of teachers in classroom management; models of discipline management; issues regarding discipline problems of students and management of special need students. Rujukan Asas Charles,C.M. & Senter,G.W.(2005).Elementary classroom management.(4th ed.)Boston: Pearson Educational Ltd. Burden.P.(2003). Classroom management:Creating a successful learning community.New York:John Wiley & Sons. Weinstein,C.S. & Mignano, A.J.(2003).Elementary classroom management: Lessons from research and practice.(2nd ed).New York: McGraw Hill. Arends, R.L. (2001). Learn to teach. (5th ed).Boston:McGraw Hill. Charles, C.M.(2001). Building Classroom Discipline. New York: Allyn and Bacon. Edwards,C.H.(2000). Classroom discipline and management. (3rd ed).New York: John Wiley & Sons. Good,T.L. & Brophy,J.E.(1997). Looking in classrooms.(7thed). New York:Addison-Wesley Educational Pub.Inc. Hardin,C.J.((2004). Effective classroom management:Models and strategies for todays classrooms.New Jersey: Pearson Educational Ltd. Myint Swe Khine, Lourdusamy,A., Quek, C. L. & Wong, F.L. (Eds).(2005).Classroom management. Singapore: Pearson Prentice Hall. Swanson,H.L.,Harris,K.R. & Graham,S.(Eds.)(2005).Handbook of learning disabilities.London:The Guiford Press. Wright,D.(2005).Theres no need to shout!:The primary teachers guide to successful behaviour management. London: Nelson Thornes Ltd.

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Disediakan oleh: (BOSTANOORDIN BIN AHMAD) Pensyarah Akademik Jabatan Ilmu Pendidikan

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