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SME B-Plan Draft

Click to edit Master subtitle style Executive Summary

Business Description Market Analysis Marketing Plan Operations and Management Strategy Competitive Analysis Development Plan Financial Statements Annexure


Executive Summary

Summary of companys business plan Identify owner Description of Products & Services Target customer & approach in brief Expected investment


Business Description

Business Goals Industry segment of company

State of industry Future trend in industry

Mission, Vision ( Business philosophy) Objective

Monetary Objective/Sales Target Delivery Objective

USP of company

Strength, Skills

Product Description
Features of product (USP, benefit to customer) 3/5/12

Market Analysis

Product or service description against current market situations Competitors Market Size Roadblocks & strategies to address them Offering differentiation Price structure & comparison with competition Technical superiorities & qualities

Technologies Brochures


Marketing Plan

Funds allocation plan Pricing Methodology Target Market segment Strategy to capture market Business promotion strategy Company Image in market Marketing Material

Web design Logo Brochures Business Proposals


Operations and Management Strategy

Current location & future outposts Justification for branches Partnership model/ BD team Profit margins of competitors Business opportunity forecast

Things to be done to realize it

Resource/Manpower requirement

Skill set required Talent acquisition process


Competitive Analysis


Direct Indirect

Reason of their success Differentiation of competition How to overtake

Detailed comparison


Development Plan

Product/service development plan Where the money will be utilized Timeline for startup Business forecast for 1, 5 & 10 years Where to operate How to operate With whom to operate Cost outline To-do list/ Project Plan/ WBS


Financial Statements

Figures for management/ sponsor/ investor Financial forecast Financial history



Graph/chart Logo Detail market & competitive analysis


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