Finacial State

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Man power/recruitment

1813 203,000 troops Lowering recruitment. Personnel reduced to 95,000. Army presence in Germany will end by 2020. By 2020 troops will be at 94,000. No cuts in support for Afghan operations. Present day 100,000.

Reduce costs by 750 million plus by 3.2 billion over 10 years. 2011 12 2012 13 2013 14 2014 - 15 33.8 bn 34.4 bn 34.1 bn 33.5 bn

8% deduction. 718 million on armoured to be cut.

Armoured vehicles cut until 2025. Challenger tanks by 40% to 200. Heavy Artillery cut by 35%. More Chinook choppers available.

Can you explain why these changes are taking place, commenting on the current financial climate and armed forces resources?
Financial crisis is happening all over the UK, this is happening because of many different things. Tax being raised to help fund the British Army in Afghanistan, when most of the British citizens want the army to be pulled out of Afghanistan.

Britain could be asked to contribute towards a 200 billion (170 billion) attempt to support debtstricken euro zone members, European Union officials have warned.

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