Mod8.Man - Skill Dresssing1.20.04

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BAY AREA COLLEGE OF NURSING Nursing Assistant Program Module 8: Resident Care Skills

EQUIPMENT: clean clothing as selected by the resident BEGINNING STEPS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Wash hands. Knock and pause before entering the residents room. Introduce self. Identify resident. Explain procedure. Gather equipment, if applicable. Provide for privacy. Apply gloves, if necessary.

MANUAL SKILL: Dressing and Undressing the Resident

SKILL STEPS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Arrange clothing items in the order of dressing open buttons, zippers, and fasteners. Assist resident to a comfortable sitting position while assisting. Be gentle and pay attention to how you hold the resident. Assist resident with clothing on upper body first (if resident has a weak side, apply clothing to weak side first). Place arm in sleeve. (Do not pull on arm). Gather shirt, blouse, or dress to neck opening and slip over head or around shoulders as appropriate to garment and place other arm in sleeve. Position sleeves comfortably at shoulders. Adjust clothing to cover upper body. Smooth and ease clothing over body by pulling it down. (If unable to sit up, assist resident to roll side to side while adjusting clothing). Assist resident in buttoning, fastening garments if resident is unable. To apply clothing to lower extremities put weaker foot into pants first followed by stronger foot, working them up the legs by pulling one side then the other.

_________________________________________________ Do Not Reproduce. BACN Property/2010

BAY AREA COLLEGE OF NURSING Nursing Assistant Program Module 8: Resident Care Skills
10. 11. 12. 13.

MANUAL SKILL: Dressing and Undressing the Resident

If resident is able, ask that he/she raise the hips while you pull the pants up to the waist. If resident cannot assist, turn onto the weak side, pulling the clothing up the stronger side. Turn resident onto stronger side and finish pulling up the pants. Assist with buttons or zippers as necessary. To undress, reverse steps of the procedure.

ENDING STEPS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Clean and return equipment and supplies, if applicable. Remove gloves, if wearing. Position resident comfortably. Place call light within reach. Lower bed to safe position for the resident. Leave room neat. Wash hands. Document. Report abnormal findings to licensed nurse.

_________________________________________________ Do Not Reproduce. BACN Property/2010

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