PremiumLifeCancellation 2012-02-28 111754

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P Bezuidenhout 579 Kerk Street Pretoria 0002

28 February 2012 Dear Bezuidenhout Premium Life Plan: 610606805 It is with regret that we confirm receipt of your recent request to cancel your Premium Life Plan. All the valuable benefits relating to this policy will cease immediately, and no further premiums will be debited from your account. Please take a few moments to consider the reasons that you originally applied for this policy - think about whether cancellation of this policy is now going to leave a gap in your current insurance portfolio. You cannot predict what may happen in the future and this policy could ensure that those unexpected events are taken care of. Kindly note, that according to the provisions of this policy, you have the right to reinstate your cover. Should you change your decision to cancel this valuable policy we would be pleased to assist you with a reinstatement. Should you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact our National Contact Centre on 011 320 3000, Monday to Thursday between 8 am and 5 pm, Friday between 8:30 am and 4 pm or Saturday between 9 am and 1 pm or email Yours sincerely,

Basil Reekie Managing Director

Clientle Life Assurance Company Limited Registration no. 1973/016606/06, PO Box 1316, Rivonia 2128, South Africa C l i e n t l e O ff i c e P a r k C n r. R i v o n i a a n d A l o n R o a d s M o r n i n g s i d e Te l # 0 11 3 2 0 3 3 3 3 F a x # 0 11 3 2 0 3 1 3 3 e m a i l : s e r v i c e s @ c l i e n t e l e . c o . z a w w w. c l i e n t e l e . c o . z a Directors: G Q Routledge (chairman) B W Reekie* (managing) A D T Enthoven P R Gwangwa I B Hume* J W F Pretorius* G J Soll* B A Stott* (* executive) W v a n Z y l ( c o m p a n y s e c r e t a r y ) G O S i m p s o n ( a u t h o r i s e d c o m p l i a n c e o ff i c e r ) Clientle Life is an authorised Financial Services Provider FSP number: 15268

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