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Territorial Boundaries: Changes Concerning Germany The German and Russian empires lost much territory in eastern Europe

and the AustroHungarian Empire disappeared. From these lands emerged new nation states including: Finland, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Czechoslovakia, Austria, Hungary and Poland. Most of German lands became Poland. The Germans were also forced to return Alsace and Lorraine. France lost Russia as a major ally on Germanys eastern border and it wanted to strengthen and expand Poland, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia and Romania. These nation states would serve as barriers against Germany and Communist Russia. Other territorial boundaries New territorial arrangements in the Balkans o Romania acquired additional lands from: Russia, Hungary and Bulgana Serbia formed the nucleus of a new state called Yugoslavia, which was a combination of Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes The Eastern European state was left with many ethnic minorities as a result of redrawing boundaries. o Germans in Poland o Hungarians, Poles, and Germans in Czechoslovakia o Hungarians in Romania o Serbs, Croats, Slovenes, Macedonians, Albanians in Yugoslavia o The Ottoman Empire was broken up by peace settlements France gained control over Lebanon and Syria Britain gained control over Iraq and Palestine

Condition of Country and The Changes in the Peoples Lives Economic Disaster o Germanys work force was made up mostly of men, but most went off to war, and two million died. Without them, Germanys industrial base could not recover, weakening the economy. o in the Treaty of Versailles, Germany was forbidden to unite with Austria to form one superstate. This kept Germanys economic potential as low as possible. o Disrespect for the Government people distrusted the political leaders and government officials o They were told that they were going to win, so when they lost, the people felt angry, and betrayed, as if they had been lied to. o People were discontent and workers rose up on strikes. o Riots o People believed their governments did not know how to serve the best interests of the people. Western Germany was demilitarized. Most people in Germany wanted peace, as long as it meant they did not lose any land. Thousands of armed, disillusioned and dangerous former soldiers roamed the streets People were traumatized by the horror and destruction and death People believed war was forced upon Germany

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