Anotateed Bibliography 1

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Annotated Bibliography Primary Sources Clinton, Hillary. "Free and Equal in Dignity and Rights." Gay Rights. UN Headquarters, New York. December 7th 2011. Speech. This speech gave me a very good quote, and helped me understand how much gay rights are needed. It also shows how the UDHR applies to gay rights. I can use this information in the long- term change section to show some things the UN and UDHR need to work on. Glendon, Marry Ann. Personal Interview. Febuary 10th 2008. This interview that I found from gave me a very good sense of how big the UDHR was. This interview will help show how incredible the UDHR really was. I can use this video in the background of the UDHR section of my website to show how much it meant to the world, and how it was created. GlobeMed. Human Rights Day. 2010. Photograph. This website helped give me a photo of Human Rights Day that is on Decemeber 10th. I can use this photo in my long- term change section of my website. I think this photo can show how much progress the UDHR has made, since they made a whole human rights day on it. Hulton-Deashut collections/CORBIS Last. Hitler gives the Nazi salute. 1934. Photograph. This photo of Hitler giving the Nazi salute will help me show how big an impact World War II had on the the UN and UDHR starting. I will use this in events leading up to the UDHR section. Lundberg, Paul Re: history day, UDHR message to Paul Lundberg. 26 Jan. 2012. E- mail. This E- mail from Paul Lundberg, who works for the UN, helped me figure out why human rights were thought of. He also wrote about the two Covenants that followed the UDHR. I can use this in my background for why human rights were made. I can also use it in my section about events leading up to the UDHR and the Covenants. Murolo, Priscilla,. "Life after the White House; Eleanor Roosevelt chaired the United States (UN) Commission of Human Rights that was responsible for drafting the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948." Women's Review of Books. 28.5 (2011): 4. Web. 2 Feb. 2012. This web article gave me a photo of Eleanor Roosevelt looking at the UDHR. It will be helpful for me to use on the home page of my website. I think the photo can show all the progress the UDHR has made.

New York City: UN Headquarters. Photograph. Britannica Online for Kids. Web. 7 Feb. 2012. This website on helping kids gave me a good photo of some of the United Nations flags. I will use this photo in my long- term section of my website to show what the United Nations has accomplished with all the countries that have signed on. Roosevelt, Eleanor. United States. Foreign Affairs. Promise Of Human Rights. Carlson Publishing, Inc., 1948. Web. This web article gave me good information on how the UDHR got created, and all the steps it had to take to be passed. I can use this info in my section events leading up to the UDHR of my website. Roosevelt, Eleanor. "Human Rights and Human Freedoms: An American View." New York Times [New York] 24 March 1946, 2nd 21. Web. 1 Feb. 2012. This article gave me some good quotes about what makes the UN such a good organization and what it it does. I can use these quotes to help my argument about why the UN is so good. I can use these quotes in the long- term change section of my website. Roosevelt, Eleanor. "Making Human Rights Come Alive." Pi Lambda Theta. (1949): Web. 2 Feb. 2012. This web article gave me some very good quotes on how much the UDHR meant, and how complicated the UDHR really was. I can use these quotes in my longterm change section of my website, to show how large the document was and its importance. "The Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the African Child Today: Progress or Problems?."Ebsco. Web. 4 Feb 2012. This article from Ebsco. com, a database website, gave me information about how the UDHR has helped Africa, and what the UDHR did to lead other countries to change their laws about abusing children and forced labor. This lead them to make changes on those issues. I can use this in the long- term change section of my website to show how the UDHR led other to countries changing there laws. United Nations representatives from all regions of the world formally adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights on December 10, 1948.. 1948. Photograph., Manhattan, NY. Secondary Sources Chief Executive Board. "" United Nations. United Nations, 2012.

Web. 1/20/12. This website is the official site of of the UN, containing all groups, and documents in the UN. This site helped me lot, by giving me information on different people and organizations who helped write the UDHR. It also gave me a good understanding of what the UN, and UDHR really were. This source gave me information for all sections of my website. Fasulo, Linda. An Insiders Guide To The UN. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2004. Print. This book contained many different documents of the UN that gave me good information on what the UDHR document is. It Also gave me information on what the UDHR is supposed to bring to each country. This information helped me with my background section writing about how the UN and UDHR work. Gardner, Richard. "Eleanor Roosevelts: Legacy: Human Rights ." New York Times. 10 December 1998: n. page. Web. 27 Jan. 2012. This web article from the New York Times helped give me an idea of how much Eleanor Roosevelt was involved in the UDHR, and how she helped it. This source helped give me good information for the long- term change section for my website. Hunt, Lynn. Inventing Human Rights; a History. New York: W.W. Norton & Company Inc, 2007. Print. This book about what a human right is helped me figure out how human rights worked, and the general idea of why we have them. This helped me in writing my background section about what human rights are, and my long term change section in how they have helped the world. Nickel, James. Making Sense Of Human Rights . London, England: University Of California Press, 1987. Print. This book gave me general information on what a human right actually is, and also how important they have been to our to this world today. I can use this information in my long-term change section on how human rights have helped the world. Shuttleworth, Mary. Making Human Rights a Global Reality.Youth for Human Rights. N.p., 2012. Web. 14 Feb 2012. This website on human rights has a video for every human right in the UDHR. It helped give me some helpful videos to use on my website to show some of the rights the UDHR has. It also gave some good quotes on how human rights help the world. "The New Attack On Human Rights." New York Times. 10 December 1995: E, 12. Print.

This web article gave me information on all the accomplishments the UDHR had, also what things they had to improve on going forward. I can use the information in my long- term change section for all the progress the UDHR has made. United Nations. Discovering The United Nations. New York: United Nations, 2006. Print. This book gave me general background on what the United Nations, and the UDHR. I also used it in events leading up to the UDHR section as it told me one of the main reasons it was written. United Nations. The United Nations in Our Daily Lives. New York: United Nations, 1998. Print. This book gave me good information on how the UN effects our daily lives, and how we can help as a community. I can use this in my background section to talk about how the UN heps our world and the community around us. United Nations. Understanding The United Nations. New York: United Nations, 1995. Print This book gave me good information on how the UN was formed, and the impact its had on the world. I can use this in in my events leading up to the UDHR section on my website, and in my long term change section for how the UN has helped the world. "United Nations Issues a Declaration against Torture, December 9, 1975." Discovering World History. Online ed. Detroit: Gale, 2003. Discovering Collection. Gale. St. Paul Public Library. 30 Jan. 2012 This web article on torture that I got from an online database (Gale) helped me get specific information on the impact the UDHR has had on the world. I can use this in my long- term change section for how the UDHR.

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