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: Nizar Harith b Sazali : HIV and AIDS : 5K07 : Miss Ing

The word HIV stands for H: Human; because this virus attack human. I: Immunodeficiency; as the virus lower the body immune system . V: virus; cause by the virus from the group that known as retroviruses. Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) is a condition in which a person who is infected experiences various infection. HIV attacks certain lymphocytes (helper T cells) which are essential components of bodys immune system. HIV travels in the bloodstream, where it binds to receptors on the helper T cells. Once inside, the virus incorporates its genetic material into that of the host cell. HIV may remain dormant in the host cell for many years. When active, HIV direct the host cell to produce many new viruses. The new viruses are released into bloodstream, where they travel to other helper T cells and destroy them. As the number of helper T cells decrease, the body develops full-blown AIDS and succumb to a number of disease such as pneumonia, thrush and a type of skin cancer called Kaposis sarcoma. The immune system of the AIDS patient cannot control the replication of HIV, or resist infection by other pathogens. Death occurs. HIV is spread through body fluids such as blood, semen, vaginal fluids and breast milk. There are four main ways that HIV can be transmitted. 1. Through any form of sexual intercourse with an infected person. 2. Through contact with blood products of an infected person. 3. Through shared needles or syringes that are contaminated with blood of an infected person. 4. From an infected mother to child, either during pregnancy, birth or breast-feeding.

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