Induction Training For OOM

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Induction Training for OOM 1. Job analysis 2. Product knowledge 3. Merchandizing 4. Financial aspects 5. Electronic maintenance 6.

People Management 7. Time Management 8. Selling skills

Day - 1

Time 09:30 09:45 A.M. Opening Introduction of participants 09:45 10:30 A.M. Why we are in Job?
10:30 10:50 A.M.



What job provides us? Maslows Need Hierarchy


10:50 1:00 P. M.

Job analysis JD orientation (People and Team oriented, Product and store oriented, Customer oriented, Administration and Finance oriented, Reports and Coordination oriented) Exercise on Clustering Jobs

1:00 P. M. - 2:00 P. M.

Lunch Break

2:00pm 4:30pm

Product knowledge Products quality parameters

4:30 PM 4:45 P.M.




1. Financial aspects 2. Electronic maintenance

People Management

Time Management Prioritizing Your Time Deciding What Your Priorities Should Be - and Why (Time Management Matrix) Putting Your Money Where Your Time Is Identifying Effective Time Management Identifying Individual Time Wasters Managing Interruptions and "Time Wasters" Analyzing, Planning, and Scheduling Your Time Action Plan for Time Management Time Management Tools: Planning and Scheduling Strategy Effectiveness Analysis of Time Management People Management

Selling skills

S Issues l 1 Job analysis JD orientation 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Product knowledge Merchandizing People Management Time Management Financial aspects Electronic maintenance Selling skills



Day - 2

Time 09:30 09:45 A.M. 09:45 10:30 A.M.

10:30 10:50 A.M.





10:50 1:00 P. M.
1:00 P. M. - 2:00 P. M. Lunch Break

2:00pm 4:30pm
4:30 PM 4:45 P.M. TEA BREAK

Time Management Prioritizing Your Time Deciding What Your Priorities Should Be - and Why (Time Management Matrix) Putting Your Money Where Your Time Is Identifying Effective Time Management Identifying Individual Time Wasters Managing Interruptions and "Time Wasters" Analyzing, Planning, and Scheduling Your Time Action Plan for Time Management Time Management Tools: Planning and Scheduling Strategy Effectiveness Analysis of Time Management People Management

Selling skills

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