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SCARLET AVENUE Alexander Mulley, Ryan Weir

Sawtry Community College ABR Productions

E1 Sawtry Community College Fen Lane PE28 5TQ AM: 07528685891 RW: 07521402631

FADE IN: TITLE SEQUENCE RODRIGUES is walking cautiously down Scarlet Avenue with a wrapped dead body slung over his shoulder. FARROW (V.O) Hmm. How he thought he was in control. That goon had no idea that I was following his every step. RODRIGUES approaches the bridge at the end of the street, FARROW secretly creeps up and follows behind. ESM is waiting up ahead by the bridge under a streetlamp. FARROW (V.O) We started to near a bridge; where a shady silhouette unveiled itself as a lady of distinct beauty, impatiently waiting in the spotlight of a near streetlamp. As we approached, I hid.


EXT. SCARLET AVENUE BRIDGE - NIGHT ESM Youre late Rodrigues. RODRIGUES I got held up. Things took longer than expected. Places body on the floor. ESM You shouldnt have delayed. Roman is not pleased. RODRIGUES When is he ever? Whats botherin the mug then? ESM You nearly lead Farrow right to the den. It cost him big to fix your mess. RODRIGUES What do I care? I did my job, he just failed to do his. Im the right hand man ysee doll, what he says, I do. ESM I know, but theres no point trying to argue with me. Youll get your chance to explain yourself, hes expecting after this job that youll come back downtown and, talk things over. RODRIGUES He must be joking. ESM He never jokes, you know that. He said hes got another job, paying 40 big ones. RODRIGUES 40? ESM Its Farrow, hes back, and hes causing bother for some transactions. Dixons breaking out (MORE)

3. ESM (contd) of the slammer this week, and we cant have any, problems. Apparently Farrows out looking for you anyway. RODRIGUES (laughs) Farrow, that klutz, yea, gwarn then - count me in. Now get outta here, if what youre sayins true, then youre a sitting duck. Go help Dixon, hes a priority. ESM moves closer to RODRIGUES, her head by his ear FARROW (V.O) She moved closer to him, and whispered in his ear. ESM (whispers in ear) Be careful. ESM winks into distance, as if to be signaling someone. She kisses RODRIGUES on the cheek, then walks away down the street into the shadows. FARROW (V.O) She kissed him lightly on the check, his eyes glued to her as she walked away washing out into the muddy shadows of the Avenue. ESM Cya around Johnny. RODRIGUES starts to lift body up to dump it over the bridge when FARROW pulls a gun to the back of his head. RODRIGUES drops the body, injures FARROW and whacks the gun out of his hand to then grab it himself. FARROW stumbles against the other side of the bridge, as RODRIGUES yields the gun straight at him. RODRIGUES Nice attempt buddy. But you dont know who youre messing with. FARROW I dont attempt, and I dont mess. Especially with scum like you_ RODRIGUES shoots FARROWs knee


FARROW (intensely, in pain) I succeed. RODRIGUES walks up and shoots him. RODRIGUES You aint this time freak show. RODRIGUES starts laughing, picks up the original body and throws it over the bridge. The title Scarlet Avenue appears over the ripples in the water, with the sound of laughter fading in the distance. FADE TO BLACK. FARROW (V.O) (pause) His aim was worse than his laugh, and I heard everything...


EXT. SCARLET AVENUE HOUSES - NIGHT ESM is waiting along the avenue, and is slightly worried. RODRIGUES slowly enters from the bottom of the street. RODRIGUES Esm? ESM (angrily) Oh you fool. RODRIGUES What you still doin ere? ESM I was leaving. RODRIGUES Then why you still..I dont underst_ ESM _I heard gunshot Johnny, gunshot. This street, of all the streets, is not the one to be_ RODRIGUES _It was Farrow. ESM Farrow? RODRIGUES Lets say he wont be a problem no more. ESM (impressed) Oh, this is good news. Roman will be pleased. ESM and RODRIGUES walk off, revealing FARROW following them FARROW (V.O) Bless him, he really did not guess it. I have a few party tricks, up my sleeve, I wont let a few bullets stand in my way. Now, theyll just lead me straight to the new den.


EXT. OUTSIDE THE DEN - NIGHT The den is a building of great height and made of brick. ESM and RODRIGUES approach, without the knowledge of FARROW behind them. RODRIGUES This it? ESM Well after your screw-up on the last score, you didnt leave us with much choice. Wait here, Ill go tell Roman youve arrived. FARROW is watching this conversation from around the corner of the building, unseen. He stays here watching RODRIGUES FARROW (V.O) The true mirage of raw beauty that stood no more than metres away from me, left to venture inside leaving the scum, alone, waiting.


INT. INSIDE THE DEN - NIGHT The office inside the den is furnished minimally, the person of whom ESM is conversing with is conceiled. ESM Hes here. ROMAN Well bring him up. This thing wont deliver itself, now will it.


EXT. OUTSIDE THE DEN - NIGHT FARROW looks at his watch, and absconds. FARROW (whispers) Oh, Ill be back. RODRIGUES is waiting patiently, resting casually against a nearby wall. ESM returns. ESM Hes ready, remember, dont do anything stupid. ESM looks at her watch ESM I have to go now. Youve had one foot in the grave already, dont make it two. They both exit in different directions.


EXT. PATHWAY - NIGHT FARROW is waiting along a track. ESM enters walking down, FARROW spots her and walks towards her where they embrace. ESM No-one suspects a thing. FARROW Good. They need to think that Im dead. With me in the shadows, I can, do my thing, without any distrubences. Ive already been interrupting a few of their business deals, but they kept getting smarter. ESM I know, Im sorry. FARROW Dont worry its not your fault, Ill get em eventually, just keep up what youre doing, just for a little longer. What was Roman going to talk to rookie Rodrigues about then? Is it about Dixon? At the bridge you mentioned his planned escape? ESM Yes, its part of the plan. Theres a package. Rodrigues will be sent to deliver the package to a friend of the firms. Thats all I know. But whatevers in that package is pretty god damn important. FARROW Well I better get going then, cant let him get too far out of my grasp. ESM Alright, Ive been gone for a while, Roman will be starting to wonder where Ive got to, so I better go back too.


FARROW Were so close, soon as we stop Rodrigues, and get that package, the Dixon plan will fall apart and that reward money, will be ours. They both walk down the track, with FARROWs arm around ESMs shoulders.

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