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Topic Search

Content Tasks, links, variables, or events can be searched The Workflow Manager saves the last 10 search strings in the list check in :scheduler objects or session configuration objects in the Workflow can run an object query to search for them. You can view and compare versions of objects in the Workflow Manager. 1.You cannot simultaneously 1.You can compare objects across folders and repositories. You must open both folders to compare the objects. 2.You can compare a reusable object with a non-reusable object.



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Nested Aggregate ports

Group By

Null Values

Default Values



Incremental Aggregation








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Remove Duplicate records Filter




Null Values

Default Values


Troubleshootin g Router


Filter condition


Not Passive



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Join Types

Join Flows

Default Values

Blocking the Source Pipelines

Working with Transactions








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Patni Confidential

Active and connected

Following types of function can be used MIN MAX In Aggregator transformation, at least one port has to be selected as group by column. By default, aggregator will return the last value for a port ( if there are more than one record for group by column). Aggregator will also sort the data in ASC order on group by port. Nested Aggregate ports can not be used in Aggregator. Means, you can not get the count(*) in one port and use this value in other Aggregator port. This will invalidate the mapping. You can include multiple single-level or multiple nested functions in different output ports in an Aggregator Indicates how to create groups. The port can be any input, input/output, output, or variable port. When grouping data, the Aggregator transformation outputs the last row of each group unless otherwise specified. Null Values in Aggregate Functions When you configure the Integration Service, you can choose how you want the Integration Service to handle null values in aggregate functions. You can choose to treat null values in aggregate functions as NULL or zero. By default, the Integration Service treats null values as NULL in aggregate functions. Use default values in the group by port to replace null input values. This allows the Integration Service to include null item groups in the aggregation. Aggregtor has a property "SORTED INPUT". If you check this property, then aggregator assumes that data is coming in sorted order ( on group by ports). If not, at run time session will fail. Sorted Input improves the aggregator performance. Do not use sorted input if either of the following conditions are true: After you create a session that includes an Aggregator transformation, you can enable the session option, Incremental Aggregation. When the Integration Service performs incremental aggregation, it passes new source data through the mapping and uses historical cache data to perform new aggregation calculations incrementally The Integration Service stores data in the aggregate cache until it completes aggregate calculations. It stores group values in an index cache and row data in the data cache. When you run a session that uses an Aggregator transformation, the Integration Service creates index and data caches in memory to process the transformation. If the Integration Service requires more space, it Difference between Informatica Aggregator and Oracle GROUP BY: 1.Informatica Aggregator Sorts the data for Group by ports where as Oracle does not sort data. Passive and connected. Expression Transformation is used 1. To perform non-aggregate calculations on row-by-row basis. 2. To test conditional statements. Port names used as part of an expression in an Expression transformation follow stricter rules than port names in other types of transformations: A port name must begin with a single- or double-byte letter or single- or double-byte underscore (_). It can contain any of the following single- or double-byte characters: a letter, number, underscore (_), $, #, You can enter multiple expressions in a single Expression transformation. As long as you enter only one expression for each output port, you can create any number of output ports in the transformation. In this way, use one Expression transformation rather than creating separate transformations for each calculation that requires the same set of data.

Patni Confidential

in expression transformation use following code .use in that seq only.ok first create 2 ports .suppose u have to chk emp no.which is repeated then 1) emp2 = emp1 2) emp no is ur i/p port Active and connected

All ports in a Filter transformation are input/output, and only rows that meet the condition pass through the Filter transformation. You cannot concatenate ports from more than one transformation into the Filter transformation. The input ports for the filter must come from a single transformation. A filter condition returns TRUE or FALSE for each row that passes through the transformation, depending on whether a row meets the specified condition. Only rows that return TRUE pass through this transformation. Discarded rows do not appear in the session log or reject files. To filter out rows containing null values or spaces, use the ISNULL and IS_SPACES functions to test the value of the port. For example, if you want to filter out rows that contain NULLs in the FIRST_NAME port, use the following condition: The Filter transformation does not allow setting output default values.

To maximize session performance, include the Filter transformation as close to the sources in the mapping as possible. Rather than passing rows you plan to discard through the mapping, you then filter out unwanted data early in the flow of data from sources to targets. Case sensitivity. The filter condition is case sensitive, and queries in some databases do not take this into account. Appended spaces. If a field contains additional spaces, the filter condition needs to check for additional spaces for the length of the field. Use the RTRIM function to remove additional spaces. 1 Input Group and Multiple Output group transformation. Two types of output groups -Userdefined and default. You specify the test condition for each user defined group you create. Zero (0) is the equivalent of FALSE, and any non-zero value is the equivalent of TRUE.

You can connect one group to one transformation or target. You can connect one output port in a group to multiple transformations or targets. You can connect multiple output ports in one group to multiple transformations or targets. You cannot connect more than one group to one target or a single input group transformation. Router is not passive transformation, but one may argue that it is passive because in case if we use default group (only) then there is no change in number of rows. Router is an Active Transformation Most of the time we use router only when we are going to apply multiple Router and Filters Router and Filter transformation are similar in behavior but router has some additional features. Informatica added Router transformation version 5.x onward. Lets first talk about Filter transformation Active

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join source data from two related heterogeneous sources(different types of sources. ) residing in different locations or file systems. You can also join data from the same source. The two input pipelines include a master pipeline and a detail pipeline.The master pipeline ends at the Joiner transformation, while the detail pipeline continues to the target. By default, when you add ports to a If you use multiple ports in the join condition, the Integration Service compares the ports in the order you specify. The Designer validates datatypes in a condition. Both ports in a condition must have the same datatype. If you need to use two ports in the condition with non-matching datatypes, convert the datatypes so they You define the join type on the Properties tab in the transformation. The Joiner transformation supports the following types of joins: Normal Joining Data from a Single Source : Join two branches of the same pipeline. Join two instances of the same source. The Joiner transformation does not match null values. For example, if both EMP_ID1 and EMP_ID2 contain a row with a null value, the Integration Service does not consider them a match and does not join the two rows. To join rows with null values, replace null input with default values, and then join on the default values When you run a session with a Joiner transformation, the Integration Service blocks and unblocks the source data, based on the mapping configuration and whether you configure the Joiner transformation for sorted input. Unsorted Joiner Transformation When the Integration Service processes a Joiner transformation, it can apply transformation logic to all data in a transaction, all incoming data, or one row of data at a time. The Integration Service can drop or preserve transaction boundaries depending on the mapping configuration and the transformation scope. You can preserve transaction boundaries when you join the following sources: You can configure the Joiner transformation for sorted input to improve Integration Service performance by minimizing disk input and output.. If you have the partitioning option in PowerCenter, you can increase the number of partitions in a pipeline to improve session performance. Perform joins in a database when possible. Performing a join in a database is faster than performing a join in the session. In some cases, this is not possible, such as joining tables from two different databases or flat file systems. If you want to perform a For Unsorted Input joiner transformation, i) Data cache stores all master rows in the join condition with unque index keys ii) Index cache stores all master rows. diffrence between joiner transformation and source qualifier transformation: A.Source qualifier Homogeneous source and Joiner Heterogeneous source source qualifier is used for reading the data from the database where as joiner transformation is used for joining two data tables. Passive and connected/Unconnected

flat file( from PC 7.1.1 onwards) or a relational database to which both the PowerCenter Client and Integration Service can connect. Use multiple Lookup transformations in a mapping Sometimes you can improve session performance by caching the lookup table. If you cache the lookup, you can choose to use a dynamic or static cache. By default, the lookup cache remains static and does not change during the session.

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Connected Unconnected:Uses only static cache Does not support user-defined default values

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Object Query

1.Track repository objects during developm ent. You can add Label,

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