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(ECE) 4th Sem

Operating Systems PART-A
Q1. (a) Explain the operating systems for time sharing & real time systems. (8) (b) Describe the purpose of system calls. (7) (c) With the help of a diagram, explain process state transitions. (5) Q2. (a) What are process synchronization methods? Explain them in detail. (6) (b) Explain: (i) Critical section (ii) Scheduling criteria (iii) Process control block (c) Compare the performance of FIFO & LRU page replacement algorithms. (8) Q3. (a) Differentiate between logical & physical address space. (5) (b) Compare paging & segmentation techniques in detail. (c) Explain thrashing in detail. (5) Q4. (a) What is the purpose of swapping? (8) (b) List & explain the various operating systems services. (7) (c) Compare external & internal fragmentation techniques. (5) (10) (6)

Q5. (a) What are the various free space managing techniques? (b) Compare network & distributed operating systems. (7) (8)

(c) Compare stateful & stateless services. (5) Q6. (a) Describe the various electron algorithms in detail. (8) (b) How is mutual exclusion ensured in distributed systems? Explain the various methods. Q7. Write short notes on:(a) Unix O.S. Architecture (b) Reading agreement (c) Remote Services (d) Disk Structure (4*5=20) (12)

Q8. (a) Explain & compare the various disk scheduling algorithms detail. (12) (b) Describe Unix shell in detail. (8)

Disclaimer: Well this looks a little stupid but we are not responsible if any portion of this paper is not relevant with todays syllabus. Due care has been taken to make this paper error free, but there always remains a chance of error so please ignore any typographical error if present..

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