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FOR SUMMARY INVESTIGATION BY A COMMANDING OFFICER OR SUBORDINATE OFFICER Number Years of Service Sub-unit and Unit CHARGES: 1st Charge 861249 12 MONTHS L.E.CIARA Rank T.O.E. Station O.COM JAN.2009 HAULBOWLINE Point on Payscale Name Grade in Rank

Committing Neglect to the prejudice of good order and discipline contrary to Section 168(1) of the Defence Act 1954 to 1998 "IN THAT HE" onboard L.E.Ciara alongside Naval Base (Basin) while on Duty Watch at approximately 0900hrs on 13.5.06 did fail to collect Signals from the Comms block as instructed by the O.O.D OA..0481 Ens Weldon.

Names of Witness

1 0A.0481 ENS WELDON 3

2 4

A copy of the charge(s) including names of witnesses, should be made available to the accused at least 24 hours (where practicale) before the investigation by the Subordinate or Commanding Officer. I certify that the accused was informed that he/she is entitled to: 1. Cross-examine witnesses whose statements are unfavourable to him. 2. Present anything he/she wishes on his/her own behalf by way of defence and/or in mitigation. 3. Have called and examined any reasonably available witnesses he/she may wish 4. Have all the witnesses against him/her sworn, if he/she so demand. 5. In any case to which the provisions of Section 178 (6) of the Act apply, to be tried by Court-Martial, if he/she so elects. 6. In any case to which the provisions of Section 179 (6) of the Act apply, to have his/her case referred to the Commanding Officer Signature of Investigating Officer Subordinate Officer Commanding Officer


Result of Investigation Punishment Awarded

Signature of Subordinate Officer Date

Name Rank Appointment


Result of Investigation Punishment Awarded

Signature of Commanding Officer Date

Name Rank Appointment

1. When an accused is remanded for trial by Court-Martial on his/her own election the following only will will be recorded on the AF 117 "Remanded for trial by Court-Martial, accused so elects" 2. In all cases of remand for trial by Court-Martial give a resume of the evidence of each witness (including the accused) on a separate sheet, which shall be signed by the Commanding Officer. Punishment promulgated in Routine Orders Part II serial No: Paragraph Date

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