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1.1 Every moving object has momentum.

However,the momentum of a timber lorry is very much bigger than

that of a cycle , despite them moving at the same speed.

1.2 The momentum of an object is defined as the product of it s mass and it s velocity.

Momentum=Mass x Velocity 1.3 The SI unit for momentum is kg m s -1 or N s. 1.4 momentum is a vector quantity.

Principle of conservation of momentum.

2.1 Example for principle of conservation of momentum is two billiard balls A and B.When ball A collides with ball B ,ball A loses momentum and ball B gain the amount of momentumlost by ball A. 2.2 When he throws the ball forward,he moves backward.Initially,the respective momentums of both the boy and the ball is zero because both are at rest. 2.3 When the ball is thrown,the ball gains momentum.The boy gains an equal amount of momentum but in the opposite direction. 2.4 The above observations can be explained using the principle of conservation of momentum. 2.5 According to the principle of conservation of momentum,when two or more bodies act on each other,their total momentum remains constant , provided that there is no external force acting on them.

Applications of conservations of momentum.

3.1 Example of application conservation of momentum is the launching of rocket.A rocket carries liquid hydrogen fuel and liquid oxygen.When a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen burns in the combustion chamber during launching,jets of hot gas are expelled at very high speed throught the exhausts.This produces a very large momentum. 3.2 According to the principle of conservation of momentum, an equal and opposite momentumis produced causing the rocket to propel upwards.

Newton s third law

4.1 for every action ,there is an equal and opposite reaction. 4.2 In every interaction,there is a pair of forces acting on the two interacting object.The size of the forces on the first object is equals the size of the force on the second object. 4.3Example newtons third law is the rocket action is to push down on the ground with the force of it s powerful engines,and the reaction is that the ground pushes the rocket upward with an equal force.

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