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Dockside Mountain Bike Society Fundraising

Coupon Agreement Agreement

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Advertisers Company Information

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Advertisers Contact Information

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Deal Information
Regular Product Price: Regular Service Price: Product Sales Volume: Voucher Expiry Date: Max # of couponDockside Mountain Bike Society/ user: Redemption Instructions: Suggested Fine Print: Other: Can be used on all regularly priced merchandise. One per customer per visit. $100 + hst $50 + hst 100 September 30 2012 DMBS Product Price: DMBS Service Price: Services Sales Volume: Advertisers % Proceeds: Max # Coupons/ user as gift: $50 + hst $25 + hst 100 20%

This AGREEMENT is made between Dockside Mountain Bike Society and the Adver:ser listed above. In considera5on of the ini5al costs and prepara5on of the online promo5onal campaign the Adver5ser agrees to pay Dockside Mountain Bike Society a one dollar fee upon execu5on of this agreement. 1) The Adver5ser appoints Dockside Mountain Bike Society and its assigns to promote, sell and distribute promo5onal cer5cates to the general public through the Dockside Mountain Bike Society website. The Adver5ser shall retain a percentage of the Net Proceeds from each sale of the online promo5onal package. The Adver5ser shall also receive the benet of adver5sing exposure and increased clientele. The Adver5ser acknowledges and hereby grants Dockside Mountain Bike Society the right to use their name(s), logo(s), photograph(s), video(s), copyright(s) and trademark(s). 2) Either party may terminate this agreement upon wriKen no5ce to the other, sent to its registered oce not giving less than 30 days no5ce. The Adver5ser agrees to honour all promo5onal packages sold in their en5rety. 3) Since it is impossible to revoke the promo5onal packages once they have been purchased, the Adver5ser understands that failure to honour the promo5onal cer5cates in their en5rety will cause irreparable harm to Dockside Mountain Bike Society, which might not be remedied by an award of damages from a court. Therefore, Adver5ser agrees Dockside Mountain Bike Society has the right to seek injunc5ve relief including but not limited to specic performance. 4) If the Adver5ser shall sell the business or part thereof as a going concern, the Adver5ser shall require the new owner(s) to assume the obliga5ons under this agreement. This agreement must survive the sale of the business and Dockside Mountain Bike Society interests be assured. 5) The Adver5ser shall indemnify and hold harmless Dockside Mountain Bike Society and its assigns of all claims and/or ac5ons however arising. 6) All par5es agree to keep strictly conden5al all informa5on regarding this agreement, sales and marke5ng now or in the future used by Dockside Mountain Bike Society and any informa5on regarding either party. 7) The par5es agree that there are no agreements, representa5ons or warran5es other than those set forth herein. No amendments or modica5ons shall be recognized unless in wri5ng and signed by both par5es. 8) Dockside Mountain Bike Society may suspend and/or alter the Adver5sers Adver5sement at any 5me at its sole discre5on for any reason. 9) If any of the provisions of this agreement hereaZer are determined to be invalid or enforceable, the same shall not aect the remainder of the provisions which shall be given full eect. 10) Dockside Mountain Bike Society shall forward 75% of the amount due to Adver5ser within ten business days of Run Date, and remaining 25% of the amount due within ninety days of the Run Date.

x ___________________________________
ADVERTISER (I have the authority to bind this agreement)

x ___________________________________
Dockside Mountain Bike Society (I have the authority to bind this agreement)



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