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Melissa McConnell Mr.

Neuburger English 102-102 6 March 2012 A Film Unfinished The movie, A Film Unfinished, is about the Warsaw ghetto during the Holocaust. The Holocaust happened when Adolf Hitler came to power in Germany. This film was very disturbing. There were a lot of questions surrounding what happened to the Jewish community when Hitler came to power because they vanished from Germany. Hitler decided to send a film crew to the Warsaw ghetto to capture Jewish living on film. However, the film scenes portrayed were not real. They had staged scenes portraying upper class Jewish person living it up, along with funerals, circumcisions, and other daily activities. The scenes portrayed were far from real, but if the film had been edited, it would appear the Jewish community was living good. During filming, the film crew filmed everything imaginable. This is where you see the most gut wrenching, heart breaking footage that really depicts what life was like in the ghetto. The unspeakable acts that were pushed upon people in the ghetto would be considered cruel and unusual punishment today. People, adults and children, were living on the street starving because they could not afford food. Their bodies were just skin and bone. When their bodies finally gave out, they withered away to nothing and were left dead in the streets. Other Jewish people in the ghetto would walk by these bodies like they were trash because they knew if they looked, they would have to face the reality that

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it was eventually going to be them. The most horrific moment in the movie for me was watching what happens to the bodies lying on the street. They had carts that would go around and pick up the bodies. They did not care if the bodies were fully loaded on the cart before they moved which sometimes left limbs and heads hanging off banging against the wagon or even falling off to hit the ground. Once they were finally to an open field, they would slide the bodies into already dug trenches. They would just watch the bodies stack up and did not give it a second thought. It broke my heart to watch this because it is so cruel. There are definitely more aspects to life in the ghettos, but watching the bodies pile up for me was the most gut wrenching. Nobody deserves to be treated like a piece a trash and forgotten about. A lot of people never believed that the holocaust really happened but after watching this film it is undeniable.

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