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1. L= {w|w E {a,b}*,: each a in w is immediately preceded and immediately followed by a b.

2. L={w|w E {a,b}*: was has abab as substring.

3. L= {w|w E {a,b}*; w has neither aa nor bb as a substring.

4. L={w|w E {a,b}*, w has even number of substring ab

5. L={w|w E {a,b}*: w has both ab and ba as substrings.

6. L= {w|w E {a}*: th length of w is odd

7. The set of all string ending in 00

8. The set of all strings with three consecutive 0s ( Not necessarily at the end)

9. The set of string with 011 as a substring

10. The set of strings that have different first and last letters. If the word begins with a 0, to be accepted it must end with a 1 and vice versa.

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