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Spring stiffness ELEMENT Helical Spring SKETCH STIFFNESS

Gd 4 8D 3 n

d=dia. of coil, n=No. of active turns

D=mean dia. of coil, G=modulus of shear


x L x

3EI xx L3

E= Youngs modulus

Ixx= second

moment of area
48EI L3

Simply supported beam Pad in compression


I = second moment of area E= Youngs modulus

AE , L

A = Area of the face normal to the length

K1 K2

Springs in series

1 1 1 = + , k = combined stiffness k k1 k 2

Springs in parallel



k1 k2

k = k1 + k2 k = combined stiffness

Torsional stiffness of Hollow Shaft d D

Torsional stiffness =
Ip = (D 4 d 4 ) , 32

GI p L

Ip = polar moment of inertia of the hollow shaft L Two shafts in series q1 q2

1 1 1 = + q q1 q 2

q = combined torsional stiffness q = q1 + q 2

Two shafts in parallel q1 q2

q = combined torsional stiffness

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