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Namaz (Salaat)

- Health Benefits
Muslims Medical Research Forum Islamabad


In the name of Allah the most beneficent, the most merciful

This presentation has been made to seek Allahs mercy and compassion by highlighting the benefits inherent in the offering of Namaz (Sala'at) in light of the present day medical knowledge. The contents have been carefully selected and do not represent views of any particular sect. All references from Ahadith are those which are accepted by all Fiqah. Medical references are mentioned with the studies. This has been compiled by members of MMRF. We have limited knowledge and we are not scholars. We may have made mistakes for which you are requested to pray that Allah All Mighty forgives us. There is a need of more work on this subject. Salaat has a lot more to it then what the mere eye catches. Muslim Physicians, scholars and philanthropists should come forward and let the world see the truth of Islam through the eyes of modern day medical science.
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Main Objective
The world today only believes in facts and science. We want to tell them that a Prophet (PBUH) 1400 hundred years ago without access to the modern knowledge told things that are completely in line with the science of today; which is a proof of the fact that his words and deeds were from Allah the Master & Creator of All. Hence Islam is the only faith that should be followed for our salvation on the final day of judgment.
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Islam Wudu
Nasal Irrigation Face Washing Ear & Feet


Timings Psychological Effects Social Benefits Physical Effects
Positions Movements Rukko Sajdah Brain, Lungs, Bones & Muscles Julsa (Tashad) Salam


Final Prescription

Salaat or Namaz - The customary Prayer of Muslims Adhaan - The call to Prayer Niyyah - Intention. Wudu - Ablution (with water) Ghusl - A bath (with water) Masah - To stroke (wipe) or rub gently over. Miswaak - A small branch or stem, used for brushing teeth. Rakaat - A single round/cycle of all bodily actions within a Prayer. Sajdah Prostration during Salaat Rukko Forward bending with flexion of the spine
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"Everything good that happens to you (O Man) is from Allah, everything bad that happens to you is from your own actions".
(4:79 Qur'an)
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Islam A Divine Faith

A Natural Religion & a complete CODE OF LIFE Islam lays great emphasis on Health & Hygiene at a time when the world didnt even knew what are germs (bacteria, parasites & viruses) Allah wanted Muslims to be healthy & strong From Qur'an & Sunnah (the practice of the Prophet PBUH) many treatment modes have been derived effectively by the Muslim Physicians during the golden age of Islam Aab-e-Zamzam is a living miracle of Islam:
A companion of the Prophet (PBUH) lived for 40 days solely on Aab-e-zamzam and still gained weight and felt stronger then before
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Islam is the only religion where physical movements of prayers (Salaat) are combined with spiritual exercise. Allah could have ordered us to offer prayers in any other postures or with no movements .. But NO! Behind each & every instruction of Our Creator there are benefits for us But our knowledge is limited & we may not understand them. Namaz is a prescription from Allah for better health of Muslims Its a natural & automatic way to keep the body healthy.
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In the following pages an analysis has been made in light of the present day medical knowledge that how Namaz can have positive effects on health. Being Muslims we believe in every thing that Allah has said We blindly follow the orders But it will gives us even more happiness, & solitude by knowing that Namaz is not just a religious obligation but a sure path towards better health & fitness as proven by the 21st century science.
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Effect of MILD Exercise

Findings of a recent research study undertaken in USA proved that people who do regular moderate exercise have almost 1/3rd lesser death rate. Salient features of the study are:
17,000 Harvard alumni who entered college between 19161950 participated in the study. Strong evidence was found that ONLY moderate aerobic exercise, equivalent to jogging about three miles a day, promotes good health and may actually add years to life. Men who expended about 2000 kcal of exercise on a weekly basis (equal to a daily 30 minute walk, run, cycle, swim, etc.,) had one-quarter to one-third lower death rates than classmates who did little or no exercise.
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Namaz is also a form of a mild exercise It involves movements of all body parts and some such unusual movements that we normally dont make during routine course of the day Done 5 times daily at regular intervals it helps to maintain the body round the clock without causing any strain or tiredness Regularity is the key.
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"O Mankind: There has come to you a direction from your Lord and a healing for the (disease) in your hearts - and for those who believe a guidance and mercy!"
(Quran 10:57)

The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) stated: "The key to paradise is Prayer (Salaat), and the key to Prayer is cleanliness."
(Sahih Muslim)



Perfection - Accuracy
Health benefits only come if the actions of Namaz are done EXACTLY the way they have been ordered by Allah & our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) Inaccurate / Hurried Approach: Can lead to more problems then benefits eg., inaccurate bending during Rukko can damage the back bone (vertebras)
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Time & again the Prophet (PBUH) has emphasized correct observance of all the process from wudu to offering prayers. Its how unfortunate that we pray for seeking sawab but we do not observe the correct procedures We just hurry through it without focusing ourselves We may satisfy ourselves with our Namaz but its important that Allah is satisfied Praying in fast motion, without pausing at appropriate places we make a mockery of Namaz Making us the end looser as we loose our time, sawab and also the beneficial effects on health
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The Prophet (PBUH) said: Whoever offers all his Prayers on time after a perfect ablution, stands with humility and reverence, prostrates and bows with calm, and offers the entire Prayer in good manner - so that Prayer becomes a radiating one and prays for him thus: O the offerer of Prayer !! May Allah guard you the way you have guarded me. And as regards the one who offers the Prayer poorly - that is without proper ablution, and not even prostrating and bowing correctly - then the Prayer curses him thus: May Allah ruin you the way you have ruined me. Then the Prayer is folded and thrown back at his face like a used (dirty) cloth. (Tibrani)
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Abu Qatada reported the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) as saying: "The one who commits the worst theft is he who steals from his prayer." When asked how one could steal from his prayer, PBUH replied: By not performing his bowing and prostration perfectly".
(Musnad Imam Ahmed & Tibrani)



The Holy Prophet (PBUH) said When you perform prayer, think that you are standing in front of God and seeing Him with your eyes. And if it is not possible for you to see Him, at least think that Allah is seeing you".
(Sahih Bukhari)



O children of Adam! Wear your beautiful apparel at every time and place of prayer"
(Qur'an 7:31) Namaz is meeting Allah. We wear our best clothes when we go to meet some body important But when we meet Allah - the most powerful entity in the whole Universe we dress so poorly He commands the highest degree of respect so we should be in our best presentation hair finely combed, Perfume (non-alcoholic), clean & good clothes And with COMPLETE FOCUS You cannot afford to think of any thing else Its Allah you see, its Allah who is listening to you, its Allah who is watching you No gathering or meeting can be more important then this!
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Wudu (Wuzzo / Ablution)

Correct & complete wudu is an essential pre-requisite of performing Namaz & Allah has elaborately described the whole process in surat Al-Maida in the Holy Qur'an
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"Oh you who have attained to faith, when you are about to pray, wash your face and your hands and arms up to the elbows and pass your (wet) hands lightly over your head, and your feet up to the ankles and if you are in a state requiring total ablution, purify yourself. But if you are ill, or traveling, or have just satisfied a want of nature, or have co-habited with a woman, and can find no water - then take resort to pure dust, passing therewith lightly over your face and your hands. Allah does not want to impose any hardship on you but wants to make you pure, and to bestow upon you the full measure of His blessings so that you may have cause to be grateful."
(Qur'an: Al-Maidah 5:6)
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Hazrat Anas (RA) reports that Rasulullah (PBUH) said:

Be meticulous in performing wudu, your lifespan will increase and your protecting angels will love you "He who performs ablution, and performs it in the best way, his sins leave his body, even from beneath his nails."
(Sahih Muslim)

"Purity is half of the faith

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"Prophet (PBUH) said: 'On the Day of Resurrection, my followers will be called AlGhurr-ul-Muhajjalun from the traces of ablution and whoever can increase the area of his radiance should do so (by performing ablution in the most perfect manner).
(Sahih Bukhari, Vol. 1, No. 138)



A Blind Man came to the Prophet (PBUH) seeking cure. The Prophet (PBUH) before giving him any advice asked him to:
First go to the ablution area and make ablution.

Ablution is the opening for the cure of every sickness. Without ablution effort to cure a disease will be minimal.
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Now in the 21st century we know that washing hands, face & other parts of the body is important to prevent disease But 1400 years ago when there was no microscopes Allah advised the Muslims a set of washing movements before every prayer so that they remain free of disease & ill health
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One of the Chinese way of treatment focuses on some specific points on the body called Biologically Active Spots. Dr. Magomed Magomedov of Daghestan State Medical Academy in his paper Muslims Rituals and their Effect on the Persons Health says:

Ablution stimulates the biological rhythms of the body and specifically Biological Active Spots (BASes), very much like Chinese Reflexo-Therapy. Among the total 700 BASes in the body 66 have quick reflex therapy effects Out of these 66 astonishingly 61 are involved in wudu !
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An American scientist :
Water has a magic effect is the best means of achieving relaxation and eliminating tension.
Source: Reformation Magazine No. 296, 1994

Dr. Ahmed Shawqi Ibraheem, MRCP, says: Scientists came to know that when light falls on the drops of water on the skin during ablution gives birth to negative ions and reduces the positive ions consequently relaxing the nervous system & muscles reducing pain as well as tension and anxiety.
Symposium of the Association of the Scientific Miracles in Qur'an , Cairo



Hand Washing
Hands are the main contact part of the body with the outside world They attract Germs & Parasites - Ova / Egg all the time If not washed these germs can cause various infections of skin and other parts of the body Contact Infections



After saying Bismillah Wudu starts with hand washing We could have been advised to wash the face first or the ears or any thing else . But no! Allah knew that if unclean hands touch the face first they will transfer infection to it so hands must be washed first as then one can use them to wash other parts of the body This is simple common sense but again considering that this was advised in the 6th century AD is sufficient prove to believe that this was not the advise of a human but of somebody who knows all: Allah All Mighty
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Hand washing advised in wudu is not just simple wetting of the hands It includes rubbing the hands from both sides and scrubbing the Nails & doing Khalal (rubbing the interlocked fingers with each other
to remove dirt from in-between the fingers)

All this done 3 times will not even leave a speck of dust or germs on the surface of hands
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An ordinary head of a pin as seen through a microscope. With microscope you can see how many germs are hiding on just one place on the head of this pin. Now, just think about how many could be on the surface of your hands!!



Hand washing is the single most important means of preventing the spread of infection.
US Center of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

They are saying it now we were told 1400 years ago when their were no microscopes and no bacterial culture media!
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This chart has been developed by World Health Organization based on long research See the similarities in the hand washing recommended in wudu (1400 years ago) and this chart developed in the 21st century



Washing Mouth before Nose Cleaning

After washing hands next is washing the mouth cavity by gargling Now see the order how perfect and scientifically logical it is Once the hands are completely clean then they are used to take water in the mouth so that no germs go inside the body Allah could have asked us to clean the nose before gargling . But again No! He knew what we learned in the 21st century as then the nasal germs could have passed into the mouth
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Mouth The main door of the body:
Every thing we eat or drink pass through (every time we eat we are exposed to the bacteria in our mouth) Even the air we breathe has to pass through it (carrying germs & allergens & dust particles)

The surface of the mouth cavity (throat / tonsils) is covered by very fine cells called Epithelium. Dust particles & germs from air & food are deposited on them and if these germs are allowed to stay there for long periods they multiply and can cause infections During wudu gargling is taking the water to the back of the throat - Not just the mouth cavity! & rinsing it well One can use his/her fingers or if available a miswak or brush to further rub and clean the teeth & remove food particles sticking in between the teeth
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Gums & Teeth Miswaak:

Gum infections Dental Carries Bacterial Endocarditis Digestion Trace Elements

Prophet (PBUH) said:

If I had not found it hard for my followers or the people, I would have ordered them to clean their teeth with Miswaak for every prayer."
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The most important finding in our study is that the common cold could be prevented over 30 percent of the time by daily gargling with plain water. This simple hygienic habit could contribute to public health and it would have obvious economic benefits.
(Recent study by Kazunari Satomura, M.D., Ph.D., Professor of Medicine and Epidemiology at Kyoto University, Japan)
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It has also been observed that regular Namazis who do proper gargles with every wudu, instead of the simple Kuli (that most of us do) have about 50% less chances of catching viral or bacterial throat & respiratory infections like Flu. When we gargle water comes in contact with the throat lining and thus washes it of all foreign particles & germs
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Effect on Tongue Mouth Washing

15 gargles / day (5 x 3 times) ensure that no foreign particles like food, germs, etc remain stuck in the ridges of the tongue This improves sense of taste Also reduces Bad Breath



Figures below show the parts involved in TASTE sensation. Whenever we eat or drink something it comes in contact with very fine taste buds on the tongue. A very minute residual amount of the food that passes on into the stomach can remain stuck in the folds of the Papillae. Regular mouth washing with vigorous movement of water inside the mouth cavity such stuck particles are dislodged thus maintaining better taste perception.



Nose Cleaning


Air passage way Dust / Germs / Allergens / Contaminants Moist & humid mucosal surface Hair / Sticky Accumulate & multiply over hours Post Nasal Drip: Pass down into the throat


Air that we inhale contains many suspended dust particles & germs Allah has bestowed us with a very effective filter (nose hair) that removes and stop the entry of germs into the lungs Gradually over hours these germs get accumulated in & around the nasal hair If not removed by blowing and washing the nose they would cause infections like Flu, Sinusitis, Chest infections, etc.
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During wudu water must reach the upper bony part Not just the front portion The little finger of left hand is used to dislodge sticking particles



This figure is meant to show that highly refined and microscopic processes take place on the mucosal surface of the nose. These sensitive process are disrupted by accumulation of dust & germs



Study to prove that nose cleaning helps in reducing the presence of germs in the nasal cavity
Study at Alexandria University (Egypt) on decreased presence of germs in nose through regular Nasal Irrigation:

Practicing prayers with irrigation of their noses: 9.5% <0.025 Practicing prayers but without nasal irrigation: 42.5% <0.025 Not practicing prayers (not doing nasal irrigation): 47% <0.025
(in red is the percentage of persons in whom germs were present in the nose)

Conclusion: Ablution before praying has an important significance in decreasing and minimizing the skin flora (germs) especially in the nasal area.
(Saudi Medical Journal 2001; Vol. 22 (12): 1136)
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American Study of 211 patients with different inflammatory conditions in the nose including allergies:
Patients who used nasal irrigation for the treatment of sino-nasal disease experienced statistically significant improvements in 23 of the 30 nasal symptoms queried.
(Ref.: Tomooka L. et al. (2000) Clinical Study and Literature Review of Nasal Irrigation. The Laryngoscope 110:1189-1193)



Significant improvement of the conditions in the nasal passages and improvement of the general quality of life of patients with chronic sinusitis, as a result of cleansing the nose with water regularly.
Nasal Douching as a Valuable Adjunct in the Management of Chronic Rhino Sinusitis. Taccariello et al. (1999, Rhinology J. 37:29-32)



Nasal Irrigation Benefits

Clear out sticky, persistent mucus and help reduce nasal congestion. Cleanse and rid the sinus cavities of allergens, irritants, and contaminants. Treat chronic sinusitis. Treat allergic rhinitis. Prevent common colds and flu. Relieve nasal dryness. Improves breathing. Reduce symptoms like cough of post nasal drip. Treat acute bacterial rhino-sinusitis Specially beneficial to people with allergies, asthma, sinusitis and deviated nasal septum
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Face Washing
(without soap) Do not leave even a space equal to a hair follicle

Invigorates the facial skin cells and prevent early wrinkles. Promotes good skin and complexion Removes oily skin conditions Retard acne or pimple growth
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Cleansing effect on the inside of the eyes - prevents eye infections. Cures dry skin, blisters, rashes and eczema Stress reduction / soothing effects
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Forearms & Elbows

Forearms also remain exposed during normal daily life & attract germs / dust Elbows are kept lower then the hands to ensure that waste water flows away from the hands 51

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Ears are cleaned from both outside & inside The movements prescribed for ear cleaning are very comprehensive and do not leave any part of the ear contaminated. Simple wet hands are used instead of pouring water on the ears that may go into the ear canal Again notice this instruction in relation to the level of knowledge in the medieval ages. This helps in:
Effectively removing wax Regularly done 5 times a day ensures its minimal accumulation Gives a soothing & relaxing feeling



Figure showing various parts of the Ear



When cotton tipped applicators are used to clean out ear wax, there is a risk of breaking the ear drum (perforation). Although we realize that this is commonly done, we recommend against using cotton tipped applicators, hair pins, and similar devices to clean the ear. Simple wet fingers are the best mean to clean the ear.



Neck & Head

Massah (passing wet hands over the back of neck & head)

Neck is an exposed area of the body that gathers dust Massah helps in cleaning, and Also reduces stress In fact many Stress Therapists strongly recommend similar motion to reduce stress

Fingers are passed through the hair touching the scalp This motion removes dust It is a mild massage of the head (helps in stress reduction also) Prevents or slow down the process of baldness
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Germs accumulate in between the toes During the day feet remain bound in the socks & shoes This can cause infections incl. fungus, Athletes foot, etc. In wudu the feet are washed up to the ankles along with passing of the fingers of the hands in between the toes Benefits include:
Eliminates germs & reduces infections Increased blood circulation Freshen up the body as a whole also Specially helpful for diabetics Reduces formation of warts on the feet
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"Do not waste water even if performing ablution on the bank of a fast-flowing (large) river."
Washing the various parts of the body requires water But it does not mean that water should be wasted. From Ahadith it is clear that the Prophet (PBUH) always used minimal amount of water People usually open the water tap to its full That results in water splashing around It is recommended that the minimal amount of water be used Thus fulfilling an important Sunnah of the Prophet (PBUH)
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Namaz Salaat
In the Qur'an 82 times we have been directed to offer Namaz Hadith: 5 benefits:
His daily bread is made easy for him; he is saved from the punishment of the Qabar; He will receive the record of his deeds in his right hand on the Day of Judgment; He will successfully cross the bridge of Siraat and He shall enter Janna'h.



Seek help with patience and prayer: it is indeed hard, except to those who are humble.
(Qur'an 2: 45)

) ( -



The picture is taken by the NASA Hubble Space Telescope of the "Cat's Eye Nebula." It is an exploding star 3,000 light years away. We see it now in 1999 / 2000! And the Qur'an mentioned it more than 1400 years ago.
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Salaat: A Great Honor for Us

Greatest Privilege bestowed on us Standing in front of your Creator Most important / VVVIP One to One talk with ALLAH No better way to spend your time With the ONE Who gave you all this time! Thank ALLAH that He has made you capable to perform Namaz Without Allahs wish we cannot do any thing!
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An exercise of the mind, body and spirit - Meeting with Allah Spiritual Religious (Sawaab) Social Economical Psychological Physical 62

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Prayer Timings Day ORGANIZER

The prayer timings very effectively ORGANIZE the day. They are in accordance with the NATURAL daily routine of life, and the conditions of human body:

Dawn prayer: Man is still inactive as a result of sleep. Noon prayer: The zenith of the working day & vitality. Afternoon prayer: After man becomes tired of work. Sunset prayer: End of the hectic day. Evening prayer: The time of rest and sleep.
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The Sequence of Prayers

Maximum utility of day light A perfect Time Table:
Fajar to Zuhar: Prime working time Zuhar to Asar: Lunch, Siesta Asar to Maghrib: Work / Time with the family Maghrib to Asha: Socialization / Dinner and then sleep early

Reduces exposure to artificial light In our bodies some hormones are released at specific times which is called Bodys Biological Rhythm: Highest secretion of Cortisol (an important hormone) is from midnight to 6 am in the morning Till Fajar time!
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CORTISOL Hormone secretion in relation to the Prayer Timings




The Time of FAJAR

Baad-e-Sabaa (beautiful fresh breeze of the dawn) This is the time when there is highest levels of Oxygen in the air which is very beneficial for the Lungs Highest proportion of OZONE gas in the atmosphere is also at this time - It fades away until complete disappearance by sunrise.
OZONE Beneficial for the nervous system & energizes the muscles & skin.

Ahead of time: When we start our day by waking up at Fajar we are ahead of others and one can finish a lot of work by the time nonnamazis wake up.
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Psychological Benefits
Ultimate satisfaction Peace of mind! Mental relaxation Sense of self-control Reduced stress & tension Increased ability to concentrate Improved appearance Reduced depression and resistance to get upset Better sleep Increased mental alertness & comprehension Increased intelligence & learning ability Enhanced self regard & esteem
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Brain rest One focus Isolated from the World During prayers one is cut off from every thing in the world except his/her Creator External factors / influences minimized In every day life there are times when one is upset or depressed due to so many things around us. But a Namazi never feels any loss as he/she is at peace with Allah Positive approach towards life Confidence Allahs help What ever the failures of life but a Namazi is always successful as Allah is happy with him/her
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Jamaat (Congregation)
The Prophet (PBUH) said: "Worship in the congregation is more excellent than Worship alone, by twenty seven degrees.
(Bukhari & Muslim)

"My heart desires that I should command some young men to gather a lot of fuel (firewood), and then I may go to those who pray in their homes without an excuse, and burn their houses."
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Benefits of Jamaat
A Social gathering Regular interaction with other members of the community God fearing & righteous people unite Friendly and caring atmosphere Suppresses introvert tendencies Get to know the community / neighborhood Companionship with like minded people Walk to the Masjid A regular exercise
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Narrated Abu Huraira, the Prophet (PBUH) said, " if one performs ablution and does it perfectly, and then proceeds to the mosque with the sole intention of praying, then for each step which he takes towards the mosque, Allah upgrades him a degree in reward and forgives one sin till he enters the mosque.
(Sahih Bukhari)
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Physical Benefits
A haemo-dynamic exercise 2. Improved co-ordination, circulation, posture, balance and well-being. Burning off calories and losing weight Maintaining muscle tone and body composition Joint flexibility and reduces arthritis Makes the back bone strong, prevents Sciatica Increases metabolic rate Improves blood circulation Improves heart and lung function and aerobic capacity Decreases heart disease risk Reduces incidence of brain hemorrhage & stroke Retard the loss of bone mass in the elderly (osteoporosis) 4/4/2007 72 Retard the aging process

Salaat has six postures, and they all have a strong relationship with:
Spiritual, and Mental & physical well being.

The benefits of specific movements come from:

correct rendition of the position or action, the length of time the position is held, and By careful and correct recitation.



Figure shows the muscles of the body All of them are used in prayers



Each prayer positions - Corresponding yoga position, and the positions together activate all seven chakras (energy fields) in the body as per Yoga practices Eastern healers: Each of the chakras correlate to major nerve ganglia that branch forth from the spinal column. Important to perfectly & precisely perform all the movements, rather haphazardly rushing through them.
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Islamic Yoga
Muslim prayers can be called Islamic Yoga as through them the same benefits can be availed that the Yoga practitioners recommend through regular practice of Yoga. Yoga consists of a number of asnas or body positions, which one retains for a desired length of time while either reciting mantras or breathing in a rhythmic manner. Its benefits have been researched by many doctors who now recommend it to their patients, by even medical schools like Harvard.
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Physical Movements
Various movements some of them we normally do not make otherwise during our day-to-day life. Movements are mild, uniform, and involve all muscles & joints. During Salaat muscles in the body contract both isotonically & isometrically. Blood flow is increased to the muscles Muscle tone is also increased.
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Start of conversation with Allah Static Posture A posture of respect & peace Extreme humility Its Allah you are standing in front of The most powerful & creator of all



During Qiyam one stands straight & still for almost one minute while reciting Surah Fateha & one another surah. This still posture pools the blood in the lower part of the body Feet have to straight facing the Qibla (many
people put their feet so that they are directed to the sides).

Straight feet allow the veins to remain upright without any bend. Legs muscles are taut Without any no bend at the knees Eyes focused at the point where forehead is placed in Sajdah Ideal to reduce stress
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Blood pooling in the leg veins


Right hand holds the left wrist putting a little pressure on this point on the Radial Artery
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Forward bending movement of the vertebral column , especially at the lumbar joint, supported by two straight hands grasping the two hyper-extended knees. After a few seconds (10-20) reverts to upright posture until the vertebral column is vertical again.



This is a recently discovered tree in a forest near Sidney. As you can see, the bottom half of the tree trunk is bowed in such a way that it resembles a person in the posture of 'Ruku'. You can see the 'hands' resting on the knees. The most amazing thing is that the 'man' is directly facing the Holy Kaaba in Mecca.



Even in the picture you can see that the

back is completely straight and arms hyper extended clasping the knees We can
learn how to do a proper Ruku from this tree in Australia



Sitting: Back Problems

Sitting more than half the time at work is associated with herniated discs and sciatic nerve pain in those older than 35. (Kelsey, 1975). People in seated occupations (office workers and commercial drivers) have a greater frequency of lower back pain/sciatic pain. (Aaras
AH, Horgen G, Ro O).

Workers who sit in fixed postures experience more discomfort and chronic disorders such as sciatic pain (Graf et al, 1995) and movement reduces these risks. (Aaras et al. 1997).
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Ruku Stretches the backbone. Thus reducing chances of developing back ache and other vertebral diseases. People who do Ruku correctly have far lesser chances of developing backache
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Brings pressure to shoulder, elbow, wrist, knee & ankle joints.





No Movement starves your discs! Squeeze/expand cycles After 5 years of age, there is no direct blood supply to the jelly like nucleus of the inter-vertebral discs

Diagram: Unloaded disc filling with nutrient rich fluid. 4/4/2007

Diagram: Loaded Disc emptying of waste laden fluid. 89



Stretches muscles of the neck, back, thighs, legs and calves Tones the muscles of the abdomen & prevents flabbiness. Pressure on abdominal muscles: Increases intestine movement to push forward its residual contents thus preventing constipation and promoting gut motility and absorption capacity


Zero degree flexion

60 degree flexion


While properly bending with the back & elbows straight there is a squeezing pressure (just like pressing a sponge to release water) on the kidneys by the muscles of the back & abdominal wall that results in:
Variation in blood flow Mechanical pressure on the excreta forcing it into the ureters and bladder

On standing back the pressure is suddenly relieved and the kidneys assume there normal blood flow Thus in the process of Ruku Kidneys undergo a sort of massage.
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Stretches the muscles of leg: Pumping of blood from the calves to upper torso particularly to the lungs, abdominal organs, head, eyes, ears, nose & brain. Over time improves brain function Increased blood supply. Excellent stance to maintain proper position of the fetus in pregnant women.
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The Prophet (SAW) used to make his Rukoo, his standing after Rukoo, his sujood, and his sitting in between the two sajdahs, nearly equal in length.
(Sahih Bukhari and Muslim)

The Prophet (SAW) said, "O assembly of Muslims! Verily, the prayer is not valid of the one who does not settle his spine in Rukoo and Sujud."
(Sahih Ibn Abi Shaibah, Ibn e Maajah and Ahmad)

The Prophet (SAW) said, "then rise from bowing till you stand straight"
(Sahih Bukhari)
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Proper Ruku Body Parts

Back: straight & extended forwards. You will feel that the muscles of the abdominal wall become taut while bending like this. Arms: Hyper extended and straight without any bend at the elbows and holding the knees firmly Legs / Knees: Straight without any bend Head: Should be at level of the back Not too low or high Eyes: Focused at the ankles
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The Prophet (SAW) said: "I have been ordered to prostrate on seven bones: on the forehead ... and he indicated by moving his hand around the nose, ... the hands, the knees and the toes, and not to tuck up the garments and hair."
(Sahih Bukhari and Muslim)

Man is nearest to Allah in sajdah Sajdah is complete submission before Allah 4/4/2007


Important Points of Correct Sajdah

Gently the tip of the nose should touch the ground first followed by the forehead Similarly when coming out of Sajdah one should lift the nose first and then the forehead Forearms should not touch the ground Back should be bent smoothly without any bump Hands in direction of Kabaa with the fingers approximated together Eyes focused towards the tip of the nose Lips should never touch the ground during Sajdah Women: Slight difference Elbows closer together and touching the ground to ensure modesty
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Sajdah has positive effects on:

Brain Lungs Muscles Various joints, and Backbone Vertebral Column
Sajdah has a great psychological advantage. It gives relief to the person concerned as life is full of worries and in this position he gets at least a transient refuge from the agonizing problems.



This is the only position in which brain (or head) becomes lower than the heart resulting in gushing of blood towards the brain. Also note that in all other positions (even when lying on bed) brain is above the heart which has to work against gravity to send blood to the brain. Sajdah increases this blood flow to the Brain through the two Carotid Arteries



Brain consumes 20% of the oxygen we inhale and one fifth of the blood pumped by the heart. Brain is responsible for all your functions, movements & processing information gathered by the five senses: taste, feel, smell, hear and see. Blockages of blood flow to the brain result in tiredness, lack of clarity and stroke. In sajdah increased blood flow forcibly flushes the brain cells, replenishing oxygen supply & nutrients to the brain. Blood flow to the pituitary and pineal glands in the brain is also increased. These two glands monitor the functioning of all glands in the body and play key roles in metabolism, growth, health and vitality.
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Blood Flow to Brain

Head - Lowest part Gravity: Increased blood flow Increased flow in the carotid arteries. Regular Namazis have increased flow (10-15 seconds) - on a regular basis:
Increases the tensile strength and diameter of the brain arteries More resistant to hemorrhages due to high BP, and Reduces clot impaction owing to the increased diameter of blood vessels. Less incidence of headaches
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More Research Needed

The effects of Sajdah on blood flow to the brain needs to be studied in more detail. There is equipment available in the world that can show us the processes that take place in the brain while a person is in Sajdah. We request Muslims around the world to support such research in order to highlight the truth of Islam.
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You must have noticed that Namazis cough and clear throats immediately after coming out of Sajdah There are hair like cilia in the lungs that propel the mucus and phlegm out of the lungs In Sajdah their efficiency increases many folds through gravity by turning the lungs almost upside down. Repeated many times (minimum 34 Sajdahs/d) - Small increment translates into a substantial amount of sputum cleared.



Chest Physiotherapy
Present day Chest specialists recommend the Sajdah position for chest physiotherapy to people who are suffering from diseases like Chronic Bronchitis & other chronic lung conditions But our Sajdah is a natural & excellent way to do Chest Physiotherapy: 40 sessions (17+3)
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The pattern of air tubes in the lungs of all human beings. The air pipes are distributed in the shape of "La Ilaha Illallahu Muhammad ur Rasullah" (There is no deity but Allah and Muhammad (P.B.U.H) is the Messenger of Allah). (Photo courtesy of Dr. Syed Ashrafuddin, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia)



Bones & Muscles

Backbone Cervical / Lumbar Spondylosis The vertebral discs move & intra-spinal muscles are stretched Stretches the shoulders, leg muscles and nerves Increases blood circulation
Hands are stretched out and the forearm as well as arm muscles bear the weight in the Sajdah position. It gives good exercise to the muscles of the upper limb. Holy Prophet in a hadith advised not to put the forearms flatly on the ground but to keep them elevated above ground (this is better for the forearm and arm muscles).
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Backache - Backbone
The unique position of Sajdah also has positive effects upon the back muscles as while going into Sajdah and getting up from it, the back muscle contract actively and they become stronger. So a regular Namazi usually dont have backache.
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Neck Cervical Problems

In Sajdah the neck muscles also get exercise. They bear the load when the forehead lies at the ground and make the neck muscles stronger. There is a tense pressure at the neck muscles in the position of Sajdah specially during the active motion of the neck and the facial muscles when the head is being lifted. (e.g. one inch above the ground). More strong cervical muscles protect the cervical vertebras. Strength of cervical muscles is important as the head rests upon cervical vertebra supported by cervical musculature.
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Julsa Tashad



The Prophet (SAW) would lengthen it (sitting between the two sajdahs) until it was about almost as long as his sajdah.
(Sahih Bukhari and Muslim)

Squeezing effect on the veins / arteries



Muscles & tendons of legs and thighs are stretched Blood from the legs (500-800 ml) is squeezed towards the torso thus the central organs like Heart, Brain, Liver, Lungs get more blood Relaxing time 2nd Sajdah: Even more blood flow to the brain As during Jalsa more blood has been pumped towards the upper torso There are special prayers to be read during Jalsa The way we do Jalsa in which we just come out of Sajdah and go back immediately there is no benefit Even Allah doesn't like it So if we are praying for Allah then we must try to please Him by following the exact procedures Otherwise its no use except wastage of time
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Salam is turning to your side so that the side of your face can be seen be the person sitting behind. This complete movement is excellent neck exercise in which:
The cervical vertebras (the neck bones) rotate on each other Neck muscles (Sterno-Caedo-Mastoid / Trapezius) are stretched A squeezing & twisting pressure is applied on the carotid artreys and veins Bilateral movement of both eyeballs focusing on the shoulders

This is a movement that we dont normally make during the day but only in Namaz (if done properly)



While saying salam keep in mind that you are addressing the Angels on your shoulders. You can actually talk with them & request for help.



During different postures:
Qayam: place where forehead would rest in sajdah. Ruku: Ankles Sajdah: Tip of nose Tashad: Lap Salam: Shoulders

Stress reduction. Increases concentration. Brain rest Single focus. A good eye exercise (specially focusing on the nose during Sajdah). Travel with Allah
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ALLAH WRITTEN IN HONEYCOMB A honeycomb found by a Turkish beekeeper!



The Final Prescriptions

Prescription 1:
Lahaula wala quwata illa Billah L-Aliyyil-Adhim 100 times / O.D.

Prescription 2:
Allah, Allah La ilaha illallah - All the free time.

Prescription 3:
Proper Wudu preferably 24 hrs.

Prescription 4:
5 daily prayers (as per Sunnah-DO NOT BE A THIEF)
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It must be noted that the beneficial effects of Namaz only come with correct & exact practice of prayers with regularity If a person does not follow the correct postures & movements he/she can create more problems / diseases (specially of back bone due to inappropriate Ruku and Sajdah)
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Points to Remember
Hands: Always wash in between the fingers and rub the surface & edges of the nails Mouth Cavity: Gargle atleast once along with the routine Kuli Nose: With conscious effort inhale water up to the upper bony part and then with the little finger of left hand dislodge any sticking substance Face: Ensure that water has touched and flowed over the whole face from below the chin to the top of forehead & up to both the ears Arms& Elbows: Wash & rub the whole forearm including the elbow so that flow of water is towards the end of elbows Ears & Nape of Neck: Rub wet fingers both on the inside & outside of the ear Feet: Always wash in between the toes by crisscrossing the fingers of your hands in them
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Points to Remember
Keep the feet straight towards qibla. Do not place them at an angle to the legs. Bend completely straight, with extended arms holding the knees during Ruku. Do not hurry and do it calmly. Pause a while after coming back from Ruku In Sajdah do not rush Prolong your Sajdah Would you not like to be close to Allah for a longer time? Pause in jalsa and try to recite the special duas of Jalsa While making salam ensure that the person sitting behind you can see the complete sides of your face
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It must be reminded that prayer is not meant to be an exercise. Though there are many health benefits associated with it. Other then physical effects, prayers give complete peace of mind, when the worshipper accomplishes his duty to Allah by fulfilling the obligation of Namaz.



Research Projects
There is a need of lot of research on Islamic practices on scientific grounds. This will not only give us more solitude but also can be an eye opener for non-Muslims. MMRF has planned to take up the following research projects in 2007:

Memory Comparison: Hafiz Others Waist Measurement: Regular Namazis NonNamazi - occasional Namazis Old Age Eye sight evaluation: Recitors NonRecitors Flu History of 6 months / 1 yr: Namazis NonNamazis Fasting Blood Chemistry: Before, mid way & after Ramzan
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Allah please give us the strength & courage to offer our prayers in the best possible manner as per the Sunnah of our Prophet (PBUH). Please also enable us to live our life as per Qur'an & Sunnah. Protect us from the punishment of grave and the fire of hell. Please take us, our parents and our children to Jannat. Amen. May Allah Bless You All ! with the best of health and energy to do good deeds for your self and the Ummah.



"We will show them Our signs in all the regions of the earth and in their own souls until they clearly see that this is the truth..." (Qur'an 41:53)











A photo from Balakot after the earthquake







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