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Sam Thompson 555 Jabberwocky Street Kingsland Auckland 26 August 2005 Sarah Jones The Human Resources Manager City Bank Private Bag 99999 Auckland Employers name, job title, company and contact details

Your name and contact details

Date in full

Dear Ms Jones

Mr, Ms, Mrs or Miss (family name)

Re: Application for position, vacancy 1234 The opening paragraph needs to inform the reader as to the purpose of the letter. It may include when and where the position was advertised. Try to show your enthusiasm for the position here.

Outline the relevant qualifications, work experience, skills and personal qualities which you have that match the position aim to establish as many links as possible between yourself and the job description. Focus on what you have to offer the company and how you can add value/benefit. Clarify any irregularities in your CV or resume such as unusual changes, gaps, or inconsistencies.

Explain why you want to work for their organization, basing what you write on what you have found out about them from your research. You could mention: product range; service; innovations; market position; reputation; customers; clients etc. Try to show how you will fit into the organisation. Avoid excessive flattery as it can be perceived as insincere.

Refer here to your CV or resume for further details. Conclude confidently by welcoming the opportunity to meet and discuss your application further. Note the best method/s of contacting you (e.g. by telephone or email).

Yours sincerely (sign here) Sam Thompson

If you have personalised your greeting then use Yours sincerely If you have used Dear Sir/Madam then finish with 'Yours faithfully'

The University of Auckland Careers Centre, Phone: (09) 373 7599 ext 88727 Email:, Website:

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