A Film Unfinished

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Kelle Todd English 102-106 Mr.

Larry Neuberger 6 March 2012 A film unfinished A film unfinished is a heartbreaking but is something I would recommend everyone to sit down and watch. It is mindboggling to know that other nations were not aware of what took place in ghettos such as Warsaw. Even the fact one man like Hitler had the power and could brainwash millions of Germans to take part in such activates. The cameraman as he filmed acted as if this was okay for a human to live there everyday life in those conditions. He states that he does not know why this film was being produced and that is a load of crap. I do not see how someone would even feel the need to take part of the filming and not feel sorry for the people walking the streets. Even classifying and calling them a group of Jews is hard for me because even though they practice different religions, they are still people with names and identities. Even though this was almost a hundred years ago, it should put in perspective of what we have and cherish today. Seeing bodies on the street was horrifying, there were nothing but skin and bones. Not a single person should sit on the street and wish for their death because they are starving. How the Germans could walk the streets of the ghettos and feel not a single bit of sympathy and given in and help is heartbreaking and immoral. Seeing them walking down the street and being hit and shoved for, just being there made me angry myself. There humans they should not be herded around like cattle. How someone could stage some ones life to make it perfect when it is nothing but a living hell. Watching this film at times, you cannot help but cry

and your stomach gets weak in disgust of how these human beans are being treated. I could not help but cry when basically a bag of bones was being slide down a slide to a massive grave with millions of already decaying bodies. The witnesses that took place in this documentary I give my full respect to and look up to them. Taking part of an experience such as this and being able to look back on takes a lot of courage and will power. I never knew why my grandmother hates sunflowers but I am aware of why now. I am glad that this document was found because it can open the eyes of many. (425)

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