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How to delete duplicate row for FLAT FILE sources? How to Load Multiple Target Tables Based on Conditions?

How to Load Multiple Flat Files using one mapping What happens to a mapping if we alter the datatypes? Describe the situations where we will use the Source Filter, Select Distinct and Number Of Sorted Ports properties of Source Qualifier transformation. What is the difference between Source Qualifier transformations Source Filter to Filter transformation? State the limitations where we cannot use Joiner in the mapping pipeline. How does Joiner transformation treat NULL value matching? What are the changes we observe when we promote a non resuable Sequence Generator to a resuable one?

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Best Informatica Interview Questions & Answers Comparing Performance of SORT operation (Order By) in Informatica and Oracle Informatica Reject File - How to Identify rejection reason Implementing Informatica Incremental Aggregation Using Informatica Normalizer Transformation Informatica Dynamic Lookup Cache Pushdown Optimization In Informatica Informatica Tuning - Step by Step Approach Implementing Informatica Partitions Implementing Informatica Persistent Cache Aggregation with out Informatica Aggregator

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