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Weekly Home Log

Student Name: ______________________

Parent Signature: ____________________

Reminder: Your assignment is to read

for at least 20 minutes, 5 days a
week and practice your math facts for
30 minutes a week. You should have
a total of 130 minutes of reading and
math for the week. Which 5 days you
read and practice math is your
choice! Logs are due every
Monday (or 1st day of the school

For the Week of:

(Date) _____________________________
Reflection: Write one sentence each night telling about a connection you made while reading. What did it
remind you of? What did you picture in your mind? Explain what you were thinking while you were reading!

Monday ______
Minutes Read: ______ Book Title:______________________________________________
Minutes of Math Practice _______
Reflection: _______________________________________________________________
Tuesday ______
Minutes Read: ______ Book Title:______________________________________________
Minutes of Math Practice _______
Reflection: _______________________________________________________________
Wednesday ______
Minutes Read: ______ Book Title:______________________________________________
Minutes of Math Practice _______
Reflection: _______________________________________________________________

Thursday ______
Minutes Read: ______ Book Title:______________________________________________
Minutes of Math Practice _______
Reflection: _______________________________________________________________

Friday ______
Minutes Read: ______ Book Title:______________________________________________
Minutes of Math Practice _______
Reflection: _______________________________________________________________

Total Reading Minutes: ___________

Total Math Minutes: ___________

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