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Strategic Planning Committee Notes of the meeting held 2/20/12 Present:

Peter (facilitator), Michael, Jeff, Anthony, Bonnie (recorder), Kathleen, Alan, Pat; Aly Good, Tara. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DEADLINE for receipt of proposed revisions to the Draft Notes: Thurs., Mar.1. NEXT MEETING: Mon., Mar. 6, 6:30 pm at KCC Away/unable to attend next meeting: Kathleen, Peter. Focus for next meeting: Prepare for the Leadership Retreat, continue work on issues and goals. Facilitator for the next meeting: Julia. Recorder: Bonnie. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ACTIONS TAKEN: Notes for the 2/6/12 SPC meeting were approved. Dates for sangha meetings set: March 11, April 8, May 14 - in general, 2nd Sundays, after the morning sit and brief Q&A, around 11:15, at KCC. Subsequent meetings TBA. Tasks Assigned - TO DOs: All look at the categories to prepare for our small group meeting(s) next Sun. 11:30-1:30 - gather at KCC, then go to the atrium at Emanuel hospital for the meeting. Jeff will publicize the first three monthly sangha meeting dates to the sangha. =============== HIGHLIGHTS: Monthly Sangha Meetings: Dates set for 3 monthly sangha meetings (after the morning sit) to share information, answer questions, increase engagement with the sangha. Aim to minimize conicts with other key events, have a consistent a day of the month if possible, have at least 2 board members (and SPC members) attending. Evaluate how useful these are , then decide on scheduling more. SPC Subgroups Meeting: The SPC subgroups will meet to try out working with Doras categories, meeting as one group so each can consider all of the categories and the interconnections. Leadership Retreat: The SPC is responsible for conducting the retreat and needs to clarify what it needs to get from the LR and what to provide, be prepared but still open to input from the LR. People need background info in advance but not be too overwhelmed. Some options - we could: - present a list of key decision points to discuss at the LR as a precursor to determining goals - present a broad selection of issues, along with background and the dilemmas, then ask the LR folks re priorities and which ones can be left off - we would refrain from predetermining the goals - present a list of whittled down draft goals along with background to the LR, telling them weve spent a lot of time chewing on this, now we want fresh eyes on it to nd what the deal killers are in it. Growth: Whether we want it, how much and how fast needs to be discussed, decided openly. Terms: These (issues, goals, strategies) still get confused and need to be consistently clear before the LR. Using concrete examples from the DRZC plan may help. SPC Meeting 2/20/12 - Notes (Approved)


Focus Groups: People will have less time to consider all the factors and come up with suggestions. This makes it more important for SPC members to fully consider and clarify the issues and goals in advance. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------FIRST SPC SUBGROUPS MEETING: Peter, Anthony, Michael, Pat, Kathleen, Alan and Aly met informally after the sit on 2/6 to try out the categories proposed by Dora. Each worked with one category for 20 minutes to identify and differentiate issues, goals, and strategies (see attached). They found this helpful, though consistently applying the concepts/terms was hard. We need to clarify this before and for the LR and FG meetings. The exercise showed how intertwined the categories are, but also that the six categories could work to cover the key concerns for KCC that have been raised so far. Another interim meeting was planned to do more work with the categories (or sub groups), including more of the SPC members. Some decisions need to be made before well know if somethings an issue, or how to esh it out - e.g., whether to have an Executive Director or not affects use of volunteers, nances (costs, fundraising strategies), as well as other areas; similarly deciding whether to have a new Urban Center signicantly affects the rest of that category and others. LEADERSHIP RETREAT (LR) The Board is holding the SPC responsible for preparing and running the LR meeting. There are two more SPC meetings left to do the preparation. The success of the LR depends on how well prepared we are to lead it and our clarity about what we want to get out of the meeting, and how to get there. General engagement is one thing, but it doesnt help us complete the Plan. Dora suggested using the LR to come up with some strategies. Another view is to get selection and priorities of issues and goals from the LR, then aim for strategies. First we need to identify goals. These might be seen as the ip side of an issue, so clarifying the issues is also key. This needs to happen before the LR. We referred to Bills helpful email re preparing for the LR and strategic plan goals (see attached). A concern is to not overly predetermine these aspects (e.g., issues, goals, etc.) but have room for others (at the LR, and in focus groups) to review and give their input. Jeff noted that once we set the goals, then were off to the races. If we set the wrong goals, were in trouble. So best to discuss key decision points at the LR before we arrive at goals. E.g., if the goal in fundraising is to hire an Executive Director to devote 50% of their time to high end fundraising, that has a big impact on everything else. Someone who comes to the LR without being in the SPC may not want to be presented with goals, but prefer to see the issues and dilemmas and see how the goals come out of that. However, it can be overwhelming to to presented with too much information, especially with little time to digest it. Kathleen and Michael recommended identifying daft goals (and supporting background) to send to LR participants 1-2 weeks before the LR so they can think about them and be prepared when they come. Without this, well just mush around, like this group usually does - til yesterday when a few people got together. We can use SPC subgroups to try to create these goals, something concrete to bring to the LR. SPC Meeting 2/20/12 - Notes (Approved)


Michael suggested that we may already have decided what we want from the focus groups and the LR, and it would be legitimate to say weve spent a lot of time chewing on this but we need fresh eyes on it, we need you to look at it and nd the deal killers. This might be more effective. Peter suggested reviewing Doras workplan (see SPC Meeting and Workplan, page 3). Others noted difculty digesting the words. Pat proposed using lters to identify specic goals.
GROWTH: Anthony noted concern that growth and growth management havent been addressed as an issue. How much and at what pace do we want this? Its not our mission to grow, its to provide resources to people for wherever they are on their spiritual path. What about our teaching resources, and nances to pay for what we do? Also since we cant predict the growth rate, we need enough room in our vision to accommodate a fast or slow pace. Michael expressed the view that for over a decade weve had a covert decision and done everything to NOT grow. An overt discussion about this in this group before the LR could save a lot of time. Peter viewed non growth as a default position not a covert one. To sustain SCOL we need to grow the UC. The board overtly decided not to put any energy into a new UC - while focusing on completing SCOL. Kathleen noted that it seems a waste of time to focus on wether or not we need a new, bigger UC if theres already a consensus - she hasnt heard anyone say in a long time we dont need this. We shouldnt pretend that areas which have obvious consensus are undecided. FOCUS GROUPS: Michael noted that its hard to think that the focus groups, with what little time and background they will have had, will be able to come up with stuff. So for the these and the LR, we should have already considered the issues, goals and strategies. The FG are to have folks feel they have a say, to get buy in. But people can get overwhelmed - this has been a problem in annual sangha meetings. Kathleen noted it helps to put out something denite but not set that people can tackle like a straw manfor both the LR and the FG. Peter suggested keep room for others input, not have everything set already. Anthony noted the need to clarify what we really want from the LR and FG. Do we want a rubber stamp, or fresh eyes? He also noted concern about taking such a linear approach to all this. Jeff agreed with Michael re the FG, but said it was still unclear what to do with the LR. He suggested using concrete examples from the DRZC document to as a jumping off point for the LR. But for the LR to get to something like the DRZC plan and it s categories, we need to look at the priorities. RE NEXT SPC SUBGROUPS Meeting: Peter suggested that we divide into 2-3 subgroups and in 1-2 meetings review yesterdays draft, revise and identify goals, to be presented at the next SPC meeting. Eight people said they would be able to participate. Whos available will change as folks come and go, e.g. for retreat, etc. We have 3 strong people coming back soon (Dora, Julia, Bill) so maybe good not to divide up now. Re size/# of SPC subgroups: SPC Meeting 2/20/12 - Notes (Approved)


Smaller subgroups might get more done. Having fewer subgroups facilitates seeing overlaps between the issues. Michael noted that the confusion from seeing all the interconnections is helpful for awhile, then one can narrow it down - he expects this to happen at LR. An option is having everyone look at all 6 categories, together or in two subgroups. Each person could work on one issue, then all come back together to work on the interconnections. The subgroups could report back at the next SPC meeting. If all worked on all the categories we might get clearer re where out interests lie. Anthony suggested having a ow chart about all this, not so linear, with all sitting down together talking about the interconnections, which might help then narrow it down. TERMS - ISSUES vs GOALS vs STRATEGIES: We revisited the Lexicon. It was noted that the last term listed - Issues - actually belongs higher up in the hierarchy of concepts, between Vision and Goals. Michael and Kathleen noted that in preparation for the LR, its key that the SPC has thought through the distinction between goals and strategies and the interconnections. Yesterdays informal subgroups came up with issues and strategies, not goals. The SPC subgroups should look at this to pull out goals. Alan noted that goals might better be stated in general terms so as not to conate strategies with goals. E.g., a goal might be Increase fundraising. Then a strategy might be Hire a fundraiser to spend 50% of their time on this. A goal is an endpoint- e.g., we want to move from here to that place on the corner. Then we need a way to do it - so many people to move furniture - thats a strategy. Jeff noted the need to distinguish between useless goals - e.g, ones that are too broad though easier to accept - and useful goals that are more like strategies. Michael asked whether our subgroups would work on the issues or the goals. Peter pointed to an article on 5 strategic planning models ( models.htm). Some resonated more with the organic model vs. the goals or issues based models. Jeff noted that the DRZC model used Focal Points (aka issues), each with a description of the current state, its benets and limitations, and potential future states. This planning process is to create space to not jump immediately to solutions. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MONTHLY SANGHA MEETINGS - Sunday scheduling conicts: 3/11

special surprise event 3/25

Leadership retreat 4/8

Easter 4/14-15
Lama Tsam Tsing - empowerments 5/13

Mothers Day 5/20

Michael in preparation for Mahamudra retreat 5/27

Mahamudra retreat - SCOL 10/29, 11/4
Mirik- Mahamudra seminar --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by Bonnie McLean for the SPC

SPC Meeting 2/20/12 - Notes (Approved)


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