Annual Report 2007: Fueling The Movement For New Priorities

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Voices for Change

Fueling the Movement for New Priorities

an n u a l re p o r t 2 0 07

Bringing the Federal Budget Home

national pr ior iti es proj ect an n ual r e port


The National Priorities Project offers citizens and community groups tools and resources to
The information in the Annual Report is available at

shape federal budget and policy priorities that promote social

2007 1
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and economic justice.

instinctively speaking

Message from the Executive Director

Its interesting where you end up when you follow your instincts. This past year Ive had the opportunity to do much of what I like to do besttalk with people about the direction this nation is headed and share the valuable information NPP has to challenge it. There have been many different kinds of forumsspeaking to 3,000 activists in 95-degree heat in Kennebunk, Maine, last August as they marched in front of the Bush compound to protest the war; talking for three hours to 30 evangelical bishops; meeting with elected local officials from all around the country at a Cities for Peace event in Washington. In these and many other speaking engagements, the response has always been amazement at the facts, a readiness to take action, and a plea from the audience to get this information into the hands of sympathetic organizations and mainstream America.

Ive given a lot of thought to this challenge of dramatically increasing the use of our materials. When I founded NPP 24 years ago, my goal was twofold: to make sure that activist groups and the public had the information to understand our nations distorted spending priorities, and to make sure they were actually changing those priorities. One look at our website will show that weve accomplished the first goal. I now want to ensure that this information is being used as widely as possible, especially by people in the human needs community, national and local grassroots organizations, environmental groups, labor and the peace movement. My instincts tell me that if we collaborate thoughtfully with others, our work will become an integral part of their work. Here's a critical way to get this information into the hands of mainstream America.

So after much discussion with and support from my board, Im creating a major new direction at NPP focused on education and networking. It will allow me to do what I do best: write, train, speak about these issues, and bring together various elements of the progressive community to coalesce around issues they have in common. I look forward to spending time with key leaders from other organizations, showing them how our information can add value to their work. My instincts tell me that the travel, writing and Internet work required to grow this direction will be full-time. Ive decided, therefore, to step down as executive director to head up this new component. Organizationally, its the right time to do so. As the rest of this annual report indicates, we are at the top of our game. We have a unique niche and great resources, and my moving into this new position will allow for a smooth transition in executive leadership.

Meanwhile, directing this unique experiment in grassroots democracy for 24 years has given me much to reflect on, as this nation is faced with growing environmental, human needs and international challenges. NPP has some answers, and I look forward to sharing them with national organizations, the public and the media. My instincts tell me well be successful.

Greg Speeter Executive Director National Priorities Project

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the federal budget

year in review

NPP is an integral part of this summers series of Town Hall meetings entitled Agenda for a Shared Prosperity we are sponsoring around the state. It is especially significant to have cost-of-war figures for each Congressional district, as citizens can see how their Representatives votes impact their own locale.
Gar y Zuckett | Exe cutive Dire ctor, West Virginia Citizen Acti on

he year 2007 began and ended with public controversy over the Iraq War. Data produced by the National Priorities Project in 2006 had played an important role in elevating debate over the unpopular war during the mid-term election campaigns. At the beginning of 2007, there was great hope that the new, Democratic-led Congress would stand up for the majority view that U.S. troops should leave Iraq. During the year, Congress initiated numerous legislative efforts to limit funding for the war and set a deadline for withdrawal of troops. By the end of 2007, however, none of these initiatives had succeeded, and the total cost of the Iraq War had risen to $456.1 billion.

In May, Congress passed the request for additional spending for FY2007. Congress initially refused to appropriate funds for the Iraq War for FY2008 without a timeline for troop withdrawal. Ultimately, though, Congress failed to prevail over President Bush, who vetoed every legislative attempt in 2007 to end the war.

Domestic Spending Cuts > The Presidents

FY2008 budget request proposed a $13 billion cut in domestic discretionary spending (excluding the Homeland Security budget, which had a proposed increase). The proposal also cut billions more in Medicare, Medicaid and other mandatory programs. In addition, the budget request proposed to make permanent the tax cuts passed in earlier years. In FY2008, the wealthiest 5 percent of taxpayers would receive $92 billion in tax cutsroughly seven times the amount cut from domestic discretionary spending. 2007 5
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Military Spending Increases > During his

State of the Union address in January, President Bush formally announced his intention to escalate the Iraq War. In February, President Bush submitted to Congress his FY2008 budget which included $505 billion in military spending, a $100 billion supplemental FY2007 request for Iraq, and a supplemental FY2008 request of $145 billion for the war. Subsequently, President Bush requested $5.3 billion more in war spending in July, and then another $45.9 billion in October.

Children Under Attack > In October and

December, President Bush vetoed bills that would have expanded the State Childrens Health Insurance Program (S-CHIP). In November, the President vetoed a Labor/Health and Human

Services/Education bill passed by Congress. President Bush insisted on $6.7 billion in cuts from the bill, including:

At Odds Over Budget Priorities >

President Bush and Congress failed to agree on budget priorities in 2007. While Congress tried to end the Iraq War and protect essential domestic programs, the President escalated the war, demanded multiple appropriations for FY2007 and nearly $200 billion for war funding in FY2008and slashed programs that help children and families. By December, only one of 12 appropriations bills requiring approval, the defense bill, passed Congress without a presidential veto. Congress wrapped up the budget process with an omnibus spending bill that combined all other bills into one. It included numerous cuts to domestic programs as well as another $70 billion in unrestricted war spending. 2

> Funds for K-12 education; > Spaces for 34,000 children in Head Start; > Community health center services for 1.2 million
uninsured; and

> Heating and cooling assistance for 1.4 million

low-income families. 1 Congress bill would have increased spending on these and other domestic programs by $5.2 billion (3.5 percent after adjusting for inflation).

Cost of
(through FY 2007)

to Cities

Des Moines

228,200,000 59,000,000

PortlanD, Maine new York CitY

15,200,000,000 927,700,000

ColuMbus, ohio saleM, oregon PhilaDelPhia nashville

139,700,000 727,600,000

1,600,000,000 160,900,000

"Statement on the President's veto of appropriations for Labor, Health, and Human Services and Education must be overridden," by the Coalition on Human Needs, November 14, 2007.

salt lake CitY

2 J. Horney and M. Coven, "Labor/HHS/Education Bill - what's at stake: The President's budget would weaken education, medical research, and other critical needs," Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, November 16, 2007.

national pr ior iti es proj ect an n ual r e port




federal budget
As the national organizer for two U.S. tours of Iraqi trade unionists, I was responsible for ensuring that local organizers received the resources they needed to make the tours a success. The National Priorities Projects fact sheets were by far one of the most useful, and widely used, resources we provided to them.
Th omas Ba con | U.S. Lab or Against the War 8

bringing the


he tug-of-war between Congress and the President in 2007 over federal spending priorities resulted in a dramatic expansion of NPPs role of helping citizens understand how the government spends their tax dollars. Media coverage of NPP data increased by an extraordinary 73 percent in 2007the number of outlets citing NPPs data grew from 726 in 2006 to 1,253. NPP published 17 reports on the federal budget, the cost of the Iraq War, and the impact of federal spending priorities on states and local communities. These received extensive coverage by local, regional, national, and even some international media outlets. Members of the Progressive Caucus in Congress used NPPs information extensively in their efforts to push Congress to end the war. They displayed NPP data on their office doors and in the hallways of the office buildings. In addition, they cited NPPs data in speeches on the House floor as well as at home in their districts. Finally, NPP was awarded the Most Innovative Advocacy Tool award from Progressive Source Communications, a New York City-based company creating web videos, strategies and ad campaigns to serve progressive advocacy groups and

nonprofit organizations. NPPs cost-of-war page received the award for creative and innovative use of web technology.

Making Headlines > National radio and television coverage tripled from the previous year. Highlights included appearances on CNN, Newshour with Jim Lehrer, Bill Moyers Journal and NPRs Morning Edition. CNN featured NPPs costof-war information, including what else the money could buy, at least three times in 2007.
NPPs releases were also covered by MSNBC,, MTV, C-SPAN, PNN Online, Yahoo News, and many others. Clips from several television interviews may be viewed on NPPs website,, in a short video produced by the Media Education Foundation. Print coverage was syndicated by the Associated Press, and appeared in Business Week and such major newspapers as The New York Times, Newsday, USA Today and The Boston Globe. Syndicated articles have proven to be the most effective way for NPP to reach a large audience. In 2007, 14 syndications on the topics of the cost of war, military recruitment, and food stamps resulted in 80 media mentions. Syndicated op-eds,

national pr ior iti es proj ect an n ual r e port


placed through the Progressive Media Project, were especially successful, with a tax day op-ed appearing in eight newspapers.

Educating Activists > In 2007, NPP

increased its representation at conferences across the country. NPP staff presented at numerous national events, including the Take Back America conference, the U.S. Social Forum in Atlanta, and the Cities for Peace cost-of-war event at the White House in July. The Catholic peace organization Pax Christi distributed NPP materials at its annual convention. In January, at the United for Peace and Justice lobby training day in Washington, D.C., NPP Executive Director Greg Speeter co-led a discussion of the need for a broad-based coalition to address federal priorities. NPP provided delegates from almost all 435 Congressional districts with information on the cost of war to their districts. In March, Greg spoke at the annual Ecumenical Advocacy Days in Washington, when hundreds of religious activists were trained to use state, congressional district, and city-specific information to call for a shift in federal spending priorities. He also provided training and consultation to 27 bishops attending the annual Evangelical Lutheran Bishops Conference in Washington in September.


npp media mentions

tv : national radio : state radio : national newswire blogs total

2 35 1 8 352 726

5 47 13 14 809 1,253

% increase
+150 +34 +1200 +75 +130 +73

The Power of the Internet > A quarter of a

million people visit NPPs website each month. Not surprisingly, considering the heated public debate over Iraq, cost-of-war information continued to be the most frequently sought data on the website. NPPs embedded cost-of-war counter is on 20,000 websites, which leads to 1.6 million page views each week. Celebrity blogger Rosie ODonnell added the cost-of-war counter to her website,, greatly expanding the reach of NPPs information.

American Friends Service Committee chapters throughout the country, including this one in Virginia, used NPP data for powerful exhibits on the wars devastation.

Working Together > NPP brings the federal

budget home by collaborating with national organizations and local groups both before and after research and publication of our analyses. Our materials were used to organize demonstrations and inform public meetings with candidates and elected officials. These efforts enabled NPP to reach hundreds of thousands of activists throughout the year. NPP collaborated with and USAction to produce reports using NPPs cost-of-war data. NPP received 44 media mentions as a result of MoveOn.orgs report, and 14 from USActions release.

Reaching New Audiences > NPPs

collaboration with the Hip Hop Caucus, an exciting new multiracial, multiclass, and multicultural movement, continued in 2007. Hip Hop Caucus organized an 18 city tour of colleges and urban communities called Make Hip Hop, Not War, using NPP materials as an integral part of their educational strategy.



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We used NPPs figures at the City Council to show how the Iraq War impacts us here at home. They passed a unanimous resolution supporting a diplomatic approach to the war. It was a good resolution. Last year we had only two votes out of five. This year two people changed their minds and the new council member supported the resolution.
Dorothy Kakim oto | l o cal a ctivist, Alameda Cit y, California 12

at home

n 2007, NPP introduced a new Budget Priorities and Poverty Series. The series focuses on two areasanti-poverty social programs and educationwhich together comprise more than $100 billion in annual federal spending. Each report provides data and statistics for every county in the United States.

the Food Stamp Program. More than half of all children in the region were eligible for lunches through the National School Lunch Program. The statistics illustrate that hunger and poverty are on the rise in America. Other than a very modest decline in 2006, the proportion of people living in poverty has steadily increased since 2000. Today, 36.5 million people, or 12.3 percent of the population, live in poverty (defined by the federal government as an annual income of $16,227 or less for a family of three).

Poverty and hunger > The first report in this series, published in August 2007, examined the Food Stamp Program. The complete report is available at foodstamps2007. NPPs analysis of 2004 county-level data on the distribution of food stamps found that:
> Half of all low-income people did not receive Food Stamp Program benefits; > Counties with lower poverty rates and higher median household incomes had lower percentages of low-income people that were food stamp recipients; and > A significant number of counties, 13.2 percent, had below-average rates of food stamps recipients, yet above-average poverty rates. NPPs research also revealed that the rural South had the highest percentage of enrollment in

Low-Income People Receiving Food Stamp Benefits


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Who bears the social cost of distorted federal priorities? > According to the U.S.
Department of Agriculture, more than one in ten households in the United States is food insecure, meaning that at some point during the year, these households did not have access to enough food for an active, healthy life. More than onethird of all people in the country who live in food insecure households are children. The Food Stamp Program is the first line of defense against hunger. But, as NPPs research reported, the average person on food stamps receives only $94 per month to eat. On such a strict food budgetabout $1 per mealnutrition and health suffer. NPP found three main reasons that low-income people do not participate in the Food Stamp Program: Eligibility > Restrictions on legal immigrants, limitations on countable assets, and the frequency with which a person must certify that s/he still qualifies, as well as other eligibility rules, can and do prevent low-income people from signing up for Food Stamp benefits. Stigma > In a wealthy society, being poor and needing assistance carries a stigma. Informal networks > Counties with high poverty rates, and/or more economic stressors, are less likely to have developed informal networksfamily, friends and neighbors that share information about how to access government benefits.

Looking ahead > In 2008, NPP will expand

the Budget Priorities and Poverty Series by releasing additional reports during the election campaign to ensure that the social costs of high military spending are part of the political debate. A further goal is to impact the thinking of a new Administration and Congress in 2009. In the coming year, NPP plans to expand its online tools on military spending and its impact on social needs. NPP will also collaborate with national organizations to increase pressure on decision-makers to shift current military spending to smart security options. The main elements of smart security include reducing the remaining stockpiles of Cold War-era nuclear weapons, increasing money to stop the proliferation of nuclear weapons, and providing adequate security for Americas ports, water supplies and nuclear power facilities. NPP has begun to expand its outreach beyond its traditional constituencies to the grassroots networks that are part of the Economic and Environmental Justice movement. In addition, NPP is working to expand its donor base beyond Massachusetts by identifying individuals willing to host houseparties to introduce potential new supporters to NPPs exciting work. Finally, NPP plans to launch a new initiative that will examine our nations addiction to oil, illustrate the cost of securing oil resources, and call for a shift in energy policy away from oil to one that promotes conservation and renewable alternatives.



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In teaching middle-schoolers about the federal budget, I found NPPs website, particularly the tradeoffs, to be a shocking eye opener to many of the students on how we spend our money as a nation.
Liam Bowler | Pea ce Campaign Co ordinator, N ext Generati on, San Anselm o, California

Reports Published
More Troops, More Dollars "Administration Requests More War Funding" A Vote to Pay for More War? Where Do Your Tax Dollars Go? Unified Security Budget, FY 2008 A Vote for More War: Selected Cities Just Security *

in 2007
January 23 February 5 February 5 March 14 April 6 April 30 July 30 August 9 August 9 August 13 October 22 October 24 October 25 October 25 December 28 January 2, 2008 January 22, 2008 2007 17
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The Presidents BudgetImpact on the States

A Vote for More War: States and Congressional Districts Half of Low-Income People Not Receiving Food Stamp Benefits Federal Dollars: What Came to and Left Your State in 2005 Local Cost of the Iraq War, Proposed FY 2008 Local Cost of the Iraq War, Through FY 2007 More War Funding Requested (Updated) More War Funding Signed by President Federal Budget Year in Review 2007 Military Recruiting 2007: Army Misses Benchmarks by Greater Margin * NPP Research Director Anita Dancs contributed to this report published
by Foreign Policy in Focus, a project of the Institute for Policy Studies.


strengthening NPP
in 2007

n 2007, NPP revenues grew by 8 percent from the previous year. Individual donor support in 2007 increased from 30 percent to 36 percent of total revenue. Of this support, an increasing amount came from donors who have made a five-year pledge by joining our Investors Circle. The annual Fall Party October 28 once again filled the Log Cabin in Holyoke, Mass., to capacity. Invited by 43 table hosts, more than 400 guests attended to listen to Matthew Rothschild, editor of The Progressive, learn more about NPP and invest financially in its programs. Linda Stout was the recipient of the 2007 Frances Crowe Award. Stout is author of Bridging the Class Divide, founder of the Piedmont Peace Project, and founding executive director of Spirit in Action, an organization dedicated to building a successful social change movement.

As NPP approached its 25th anniversary in 2008, the board of directors and founding executive director Greg Speeter undertook a thorough review of the organizations structure. To better utilize Speeters talents and ensure that NPPs data is used to its greatest effect, they crafted a new role for Speeter that focuses on education and outreach, with an emphasis on writing and public speaking. Effective in early 2008, Greg will travel extensively for NPP to speak to activists and encourage the utilization of NPPs data analysis for public policy advocacy. A national search is underway for a new executive director to guide NPPs organizational growth in 2008 and beyond.

BOARD OF DIRECTORS Laurie Herrick* Chair, 1st half 2007 Peter Greenwald, Treasurer Chair, 2nd half 2007 Hal Fales Clerk Jennifer Kern Michael Klare Stephanie Luce Vijay Prashad Beth Spong Bill Strickland Sue Thrasher Cate Woolner STAFF Greg Speeter Executive Director Juan Carlos Aguilar Development Associate Barbara Chalfonte Administrative Assistant Anita Dancs Research Director Kristine Elinevsky Administration & Finance Director

Kristin Holloway-Bidwell* Development Associate Philip Korman Development Director Daniel McLeod Outreach Coordinator Al Nutile IT Director Mary Orisich Research Associate Pamela Schwartz Communications Director Suzanne Smith Database Manager Dennis West* Technology Coordinator *NPP gratefully acknowledges the service of board and staff who departed the organization in 2007. CONSULTANTS McConnell Consulting Group Northern Star Communications Doreen St. John

IN-KIND SERVICES PROVIDED BY: Doug Fulton Beth Newburger Jason Threlfall Photography Twenty Six Letters R. Michelson Gallery DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Karen Alstadt Dennis Bidwell Carolyn Cushing Laurie Herrick Alice Hodgdon Jim Levey Robert Lowry Stuart Mieher David Starr Jamie Williamson INTERNS Adrian Assim Vanessa Caderon Jennifer Daley Jamie Maloney Margaret Martens Jaime Soper Kara Sosa

NPP staff at the 2007 Fall Party.



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major collaborators
Our mission, to shape federal budget and policy priorities that promote social and economic justice, could not be accomplished without collaboration with others. We thank you for your vision, work and commitment.


Patricia Silver Fund/Peace Development Fund Proteus Fund/Ford Foundation



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ACORN Act for Change/Working Assets AFSCME American Friends Service Committee Arms Trade Resource Center Assn of Farmworkers Opportunity Programs Call to Renewal Campaign for Americas Future Center for American Progress Center for Arms Control and NonProliferation Center on Budget and Public Policy Priorities Center for Community Change Center for Defense Information Childrens Defense Fund Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments Center for War, Peace, and the News Media Cities for Peace Clean Water Action Coalition on Human Needs Code Pink Connect US Economic Policy Institute Economists for Peace and Security Ecumenical Advocacy Days

Emergency Campaign for Americas Priorities Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Fair Taxes for All Friends Committee for National Legislation Hip Hop Caucus Interfaith Alliance Institute for Policy Studies Jobs with Justice Laboratory for New Thinking Leadership Conference on Civil Rights League of Conservation Voters Media Education Foundation (MEF) MIT Security Studies Program NAACP National Community Development Association National Council of Churches National Education Association National League of Cities National Low Income Housing Coalition National Organizers Alliance NETWORK OMB Watch

Peace Action People for the American Way Physicians for Social Responsibility Political Economy Research Institute (PERI) Presbyterian Church USA Priorities NH Progressive Cabinet Summit Project on Defense Alternatives Religious Action Center RESULTS SEIU True Majority United for a Fair Economy United for Peace and Justice (UFPJ) US Action US Labor Against the War US PIRG US Social Forum War Resisters League Womens Action for New Directions (WAND) Working America

With funds cut for schools, healthcare and poverty relief programs, the impact of current federal priorities has been especially great on children.

Foundation support comprises more than 60% of NPPs revenue. We appreciate that the following foundations partnered with us in 2007:

Colombe Foundation Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts Connect US

Rockefeller Brothers Fund Select Equity Foundation Stewart R. Mott Charitable Trust Town Creek Foundation Wellspring Fund/Peace Development Fund

Gone Giving Circle/New Hampshire Charitable Foundation


Educational Foundation of America

Individuals who share our belief that a democracy depends on an educated citizenry have been vital in expanding the work of the National Priorities Project. We thank all of our donors for their generosity and support in 2007.
Robert & Hilary Keating Susan Kimball & Adam Saunders Justin Kimball & Maura Glennon Phil Korman Jennifer Ladd Margaret Lamb & Christopher Clark George & Ann Levinger Lilys Family Robin Lloyd David & Anna Loven Robert Lowry Nancy Lustgarten & Edmund DeLaCour Carol MacColl & Don Michak Robert & Ellen Meeropol Irene Michaud Stuart Mieher Margaret Miller & John Christopher Paul & Ellen Mintzer Carolyn Misch & Timothy Jones Kathleen Molitor & John Kratz Joe & Teresa Morris Paul Morse Julia Moss & Mark Horwitz Martha Nathan & Elliot Fratkin Sarah Neelon Rebecca Neimark & Lee Spector Dorothy Nemetz & John Todd Beth Newburger Sean Norton & Karen Brown Heidi & Gina Nortonsmith Congressman John W. Olver & Rose R. Olver Andrew & Molly Pasquale Lorna & Dale Peterson Thomas & Johanna Plaut

We thank supporters who have joined the Investors Circle by making a five-year pledge. Anonymous (4) Angela Barth & Linda Stout Bethann & Benjamin Albro-Fisher Katherine Allen & Michael Brezsnyak Eugene & Carol Angus Eric Bachrach & Renee Moss George & Marsha Bailey Lynn & David Barclay Dr. & Mrs. H. D. Barnshaw Susan & Jack Barocas Donna Lee Bartell Angela Barth & Linda Stout Lisa Baskin Amy Ben-Ezra & Farnsworth Lobenstine Anne Benedict Swansea Benham Bleicher Evan & Kristen Benjamin Wendy Berg & Thomas Wartenberg Joyce & Len Berkman Phyllis Bermingham Olivia Bernard Dennis Bidwell & Mary Ann Kelly

ANNUAL FUND Leadership Circle Gifts of $1,000 or more

Anonymous (4) Ben Cohen Michael Cohen & Patricia Collins Sarah Creighton



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Mary Birks Mary Bombardier Lynn Bowmaster & Michael Docter Eve Brown-Waite & John Waite Cristina Canales Barbara Chalfonte Andrea & Jonathan Chasen Diane Clancy & Susan Elkin Court Cline & Scott LaRochelle Kathleen Clougherty Michael Cohen & Patricia Collins Joanne Comerford Roger & Shirley Conant Andrea Cousins Sarah Creighton & Phil Lawrence Frances Crowe Carolyn Cushing & John Laux Dee DeGeiso & Howard Polonsky Lori Divine-Hudson Carol Duke William Dwight Kristine & Yoav Elinevsky Judith K. Ellenburg & Stephen Ellenburg William Feinstein & Deb Sherr Nancy & Bob First Nancy Flam & Neil Kudler Chris Flynn Rachel Folsom & Robert Moll Laurel & Paul Foster-Moore

Doug Fulton & Val Voorheis Amy Gilburg & Michael Trotman Marina & Joshua Goldman Stephanie & Ron Gonthier Cleo Gorman & Ronald Ackerman Monica Green & Richard West Peter Greenwald & Phyllis Bermingham Margot Greenwald Heidi Haas & Frederick Hooven Malcolm Harper & Kara Kritis-Harper Linda Harris & Alan Eccleston Thomas Harris Bruce & Ruth Hawkins Hugh Heisler & Miriam Sadinsky Ira Helfand & Deborah Smith John & Priscilla Hellweg Laurie Herrick & Daniel Zukergood Carolyn Hicks & Frank Marotta Mary Clare Higgins Ruth Hooke Jack Hornor & Ron Skinn Carole Horowitz & Richard Last Marsha Humphrey & Stephen Jasinski Motoko Inoue John Joelson & Joanne Levin Virginia Kaeser & Jim Mareniss Dr. Ellen Z. Kaufman

Public opinion polls throughout 2007 revealed that a solid and growing majority of the U.S. public opposes the war with Iraq.

Peter Pollard & Sydney Thorn Lyndy Pye David Russell & Holly Hartmann Carolyn Sadeh Loran & Max Saito Robert & Paula Sakey Sharon Saline & Kenneth Hahn Maureen Scanlon Gary Schaefer & Barbara Fingold Maxine Schmidt & Elizabeth Jones Pamela Schwartz & Joel Feldman Dianne Schwartz & Jim Maza Virginia Senders Michelle Serra Sayre Sheldon Mary & Alfred Siano Elizabeth Silver & Lee Badgett Risa Silverman & Ryan Hellwig David Simpson Preston H. Smith II Suzanne Smith & Steve Flynn Greg & Betsy Speeter Elizabeth Spong Jane Stephenson & Alison Ryan

Elizabeth Sullivan & Hal Fales Nathan Therien & Susan Newton Linda & John Thompson Martha Sue Thrasher Carlos Vega & Elaine Vega Robert & Delores Viarengo Ann Wassell & Joe DiDomenico Eve Weinbaum & Max Page Jon Weissman & Joan Grenier Eric Winkler & Bonnie Alpert Robert & Jan Winston Cate Woolner & Daniel Croteau Jonathan & Margaret Wright Mark & Barbara Zaccheo George Zimmerman


Gifts up to $999
Anonymous (19) Martha Ackelsberg & Judith Plaskow Brian Adams & Morey Phippen Ira & Bina Addes Juan Carlos Aguilar



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Lori Divine Hudson Nancy Flam & Neil Kudler Lee Halprin & Abby Rockefeller Lilys Family Bruce & Ruth Hawkins Sally-Jane Heit Ira Helfand & Deborah Smith Jack Hornor & Ron Skinn Rochelle Korman & Richard Friedman James Levey & Christine Olson George & Ann Levinger Robin Lloyd Susan Lloyd Maryel Locke Nancy Lustgarten & Edmund DeLaCour Stuart Mieher Dorothy Nemetz & John Todd Sayre Sheldon Mary & Alfred Siano Jody Sieben & Dan Mason Patricia Silver Lucy & Daniel Stroock Tom Symes Eva Thomson Robert & Delores Viarengo

Dan Aldridge William Alexander Dean Alfange Alice Allen Jeanne Allen Marilyn Allen & Jesse Ferland Katherine Allen & Michael Brezsnyak Margaret Anderson & Fred Breeden Eugene & Carol Angus Laura Arbeitman & Laurie Herzog Lynn Asch John Austin Martha Ayres Andrea Ayvazian & Michael Klare James Babson Eric Bachrach & Renee Moss Barbara Schaffer Bacon Ronald Baer & Renee Schultz Ralph & Esther Bailey Barbara Wrenn Banks & David Root Robert Barber & Carol Edelstein Michael Bardsley Angela Barth & Linda Stout Lisa Baskin Elaine Baskin Gary Bass Henry & Suzanne Bass Christine Bates & William Carlton Frank Battaglia Joseph & Beate Becker Patrice & Brian Beddor Lawrence & Beth Beede Brad & Debra Behr

Robert Belfort & Cindy Stagoff Allen Belkin & Mary Jean OReilly Mark & Janet Mcvey-Bennett Phyllis Bennis Iris & David Berkman Roger Berman & Tracy Perkins Robert & Carolyn Biagi Paul Bissex & Kathleen Gorke David Bisson Beatrice & Judd Blain Fletcher Blanchard & Heidi Schiller Margaret Blum Leslie Boden Vandy Bollinger Jeffrey Bott & Ginny Miller Miriam & Andrew Bourke Gerard & Sabina Braunthal Mary Lynn Brezsnyak Craig Slatin & Ruth Brownstein Steven & Linda Brion-Meisels George Brown Jr. Eve Brown-Waite & John Waite Sarah Browning & Tom Hertz Louis & Ann Bucciarelli Penny & Dan Burke Andrea Burns Koren Butler & Tracie Kurth Cheryl & Stephen Butler Sarah Buttenwieser & Hosea Baskin Catherine & Paul Buttenwieser Elyse Cann James Cannon Vivienne Carey & Roger Webb David Caruso & Sara Hunt

Anne Cassebaum & John Herold Barbara Chalfonte Thomas Chang Vicki Cheikes Francis Chiappa & Dorene Davis Diane Clancy & Susan Elkin Mary Ann P. Cofrin Bruce Cohen Clemente Cohen & Lisa Aber Cohen Lawrence Cohen & Kathi Donnelly-Cohen Amy & Len Cohen Roger & Shirley Conant Susan Conger John & Marianna Connolly Denise Cormier Andrea Cousins Beth Crawford & Robert Dickerman Sarah Creighton & Phil Lawrence Daniel Croteau Frances Crowe Andrew Crystal Penelope Cuninggim & Steve Benjis Carolyn Cushing & John Laux Daniel Czitrom & Meryl Fingruted Howard Czoschke Toni Dachis Duane Dale & Heidi Frantz Dale Anita Dancs & Bill Sweeney Kenneth Danford & Tamara Kaplan Michael Danoff & Susan Zarchin Joel Dansky & Nancy Felton

By the end of 2007, the financial cost of the Iraq War had risen to $456.1 billion. The value of American, Iraqi and other lives lost in the war is incalculable. (Damir Sagolj/Reuters file photo)

Kathy Davidheiser & Claudia Downey Susan Davies & Richard Talkov Louis & Jen Davis Laurel & Linda Davis-Delano Michael de Sherbinin & Jan Stevens Peter DeAmicis Sallie Deans Lake & Kevin Deans Lake Dennis Delap & Paula Olson Susan DeMaria Margaret DeRivera David Dersham John & Bess Detmold Carol & Christopher Devine John & Patricia DiBartolo Barbara & Dennis Diessner Colleen Doherty & Kevin Doherty Amy L. Domini Alan Dorman Katherine Dreier Susan Dudek & Tom Weiner Leslie Dwight & Byron Coley Valle Dwight & Phil ODonoghue Joan Ecklein

John Eisenhour Kristine & Yoav Elinevsky Stephen & Theresa Engels Ann F. Eno David & Dorothy Entin Gerald Epstein & Francine Deutsch Robert Evenstein Mr. Haliburton Fales II Nancy Fales Garrett Anna Faro Audrey Faulkner Israel Feldman Lenore Fenn Peg Fiddler & Nick Fleisher Larry & Tamara Field Ralph Fine & Valerie Miller Anne Fine & Jonathan Liebman Nancy & Bob First H. John & Sebern Fisher Stephen Fisher Daria Fisk Constance Fitzgerald John J. Fitzgerald Carol & Paul Flandreau Ralph Fletcher Elizabeth & Dick Floor


Osa & Chris Flory Chris Flynn Rachel Folsom & Robert Moll Food for Thought Books Collective Becky Forest & Dave Bulley James Foritano John & Nancy Foster Cheryl Fox David & Joan Fradkin Leslie & Janet Fraidstern Leslie Fraser Ian Fraser & Pamela Bartlett Lyn Frazier Margola & Samuel Freedman Jane Frey Martha & John Gabbert Meg Gage & Stephen King Kelly Gallagher & Liza Neal Lucy Garbus & David Slack Harold Garrett-Goodyear Gary & Joan Gemme David & Karen Gengler Katherine Gerstle & Jen Werner Ann Gibson & Annie Cheatham Richard Gifford & Rebecca Allessi Dana Gillette & Julie Elias Judith Glaser & Robert Stern Gerald & Leah Glasser Penina & Myron Glazer Mark & Debbie Glotter Norbert Goldfield & Sandra Matthews Marina & Joshua Goldman Ellen Goldsmith & Sam Levitt Kathy Goos & Barry Werth Jeff & Diana Gordon

Cleo Gorman & Ronald Ackerman Terry Grant Ruth Graves Monica Green & Richard West Peter Greenwald & Phyllis Bermingham Linda Gross & Christopher Jarvis Jean Grossholtz Mary Ann Gundersen Molly Hale Phil & Jane Hall Isabella Halsted Cathi Hanauer & Daniel Jones Rachel Hannah & Pam Bockol Raphael Hanson Malcolm Harper & Kara Kritis-Harper Andrew Harris, M.D. Angela Harris Linda Harris & Alan Eccleston Thomas Harris Elizabeth Hartmann & James Boyce Michael J. Hearn, Ph.D. Joan Hebert Hugh Heisler & Miriam Sadinsky James & Mary Henninger-Voss Thomas & Carolyn Herrick David Herships Ellen Hertzmark & S.M. Gedwiser Marjorie Hess & Rudolph Talaber Kim Hicks & Jim Gipe Katherine Hicks & Henry Rosenberg Barry & Eileen Hirsch Sherrill Hogen

Kris Holloway-Bidwell & John Bidwell Ruth Hooke Carole Horowitz & Richard Last Shel Horowitz & Dina Friedman Tina Howard & Jonathan Gould James Humphreys Franklin & Priscilla Hundley Stanley Hunter Louise Hurwitz & Susan Crimmins Integrity Development & Construction Reverend Peter Ives & Jenny Fleming-Ives James & Miriam Jagger Peter Jessop Richard & Faith Jodoin Lee Johnson Robert & Joycelyn Johnson Nicholas Jones Dana Kadish & Lou Cove Virginia Kaeser & Jim Mareniss Kenneth & Laurel Kahn Matthew Kane & Ann Markes Michelle Kaskey Ellen Kastanopolous Gary Katz & Ilene Sakheim Katz Alan Katz & Pauline Bassett David Katz & Kathleen Mellen Charles Kaufman David Kaufman & Helmi Pucino Oran Kaufman & Danielle Barshak Sharon Kaufman Sami Keats & Joel Liebman Arthur & Maura Keene

Randy Kehler & Betsy Corner Pam Kelly & Loren Kramer Dr. Ernece Kelly David & Gail Kielson Irene Kimball Susan Kimball & Adam Saunders Julianne Kinsman & Jeffrey Dahlberg Murray & Jean Kiteley Jeffrey Knight & Audrey Guhn Emily Koester Silas & Linda Kopf David Kotz & Karen Pfeifer George Kriebel & Sarah Metcalf Karen & Saul Kuhr Robert Kunreuther KWHome Phyllis Labanowski Helen Ladd Jennifer Ladd Sita Lang & Anne Jemas Susan Lantz Philip Leech Michael Lehman Holly Leonard & Patty Rene Tom Lesser & Maggie Spiegel Adam Levine Sura Levine Barbara Levy Barry & Nancy Levy Daniel Levy Tracey Levy Dora Lewis & Jim Nash Patricia Lee Lewis Peter Lindenauer &

Reprinted by permission of Tribune Media Service

Dorothea Von Goeler Paul Lipke Dennis Litfin Elizabeth Loughran Nancy & John Lovejoy David & Anna Loven Henry Lowendorf Susan Lowenstein James Lowenthal Steven Lucas & Mark Carmien Stephanie Luce & Mark Brenner Marilyn & John MacDougall Blair Maerowitz & Rose McMahan Peggy Maher Anthony Sandy Mandel Thomas Marantz & Gwen Agna Horace Marchant Patricia & Alan Marcus Frances & Peter Marcuse

George & Arky Markham Frank Marotta & Carolyn Hicks Mr. Paul McClenon Joseph McCoy Susan & Margrit McIntosh Dan McKenna Kate McKenney & Maya Machin Maureen McMahon & Doron Goldman Donald & Sandra McPherson Jeffrey McQueen & Amy Kahn Howard Mechanic Jennifer Meeropol Robert & Ellen Meeropol Nancy & Chris Meyer Richard Micelotta Susan Mikula & Rachel Maddow Margaret Miller & John Christopher Steven & Linda Miller





national pr ior iti es proj ect an n ual r e port

Lisa Mintz Margaret Misch Terry Mollner Martha & Mark Moore Michael & Marcella Moran Eva Moseley Julia Moss & Mark Horwitz Sidney & Miriam Moss Phyllis Muldoon Patricia Mullady & Robert Parfet Valerie R. Mullen James Mulvanny Asaph & Hanifah Murfin Merry Nasser Martha Nathan & Elliot Fratkin Sheridan & Dana Neimark Juanita Nelson Dorothy Nemetz & John Todd David & Catharine Newbury William Newman & Dale Melcher Greg Nichols & Rebecca Fletcher Ellen & Barry Nigrosh Sara Nolan de Aguilar William Norris Emily Northrop Sean Norton & Karen Brown Heidi & Gina Nortonsmith Alfred Nutile & Gabrielle Slavin Fred Ojile Mildred Okino Jaime Olander & Kelsey Flynn Joseph & Mary Palen Gerard Paquin Ruth & David Pardoe Mary Parker Pamela Parkhurst & Tom Harris

Robert & Elizabeth Passi Susan & Leslie Patlove Elizabeth Patton Anne & Frederick Paulsen Howard & Carol Pellett Mary Pendleton Max Pepper Christine & Roscoe Perham Dwight & Julie Perkins Lorna & Dale Peterson Erik Peterson Richard Peterson Suzanne & Robert Petersson Susanna Porte Michael Posner & Carol Owen Susan & Thomas Powers Vijay Prashad Principle Profits Asset Management, Inc. Michael Prokosch & Rebecca Pierce John Pucci Laura Punnett & Rafael Moure-Eraso Christopher & Cynthia Pyle Garrett Quinn Thomas Randall & Becky Miller Steve & Anita Randall Harold Raush & Marguerite McMillen Robert Reckman & Joan Braderman Scott Reed & Ferdene Chin-Yee Edward & Joan Rising Jan Roby & Diane Brenner Joan Roche

Charlie Rogers Reene Romano & Gerry Joseph Anthony Rominske Margaret Rooks & Jeremy Smith Jim Rooney Julie Rose Susan Rosen & Douglas Amy Stanley Rosenberg Michael Rosenthal Matthew Rothschild Andy & Cyndie Rothschild Virginia & James Rovnyak David Roy & Rene Patenaude Ann Roy & Thomas Uzar Sharon & Ned Rudnitzsky Joel Russell & Mari Gottdiener Rose Sackey-Milligan Carolyn Sadeh Loran & Max Saito Robert & Paula Sakey Juliet & William Saltman Richard & Jane Sanders Nicholas Sanders Carol Sartz Becky Schachter & Emmett Leoder Barbara Schaffer Bacon Stan Schapiro & Joan Wiener Steven Schatzki Robert Schenkkan & Maria Headley Deborah Schifter & Alan Schiffmann Steve & Honey Schnapp Jeanne Schubmehl & Michael Hooker

Penny Schultz & Jody Nishman Sigrid Schumatzer & Winston Close Suzanne N. Schuster Lori Schwartz & Rob Catlin Frances Schwartzberg Elizabeth Schwerdtle Tim Scott Alan Seewald Maynard Seider Michelle Serra Susan Shaer & Rep Jim Marzilli David Sharken & Joanne Jaffin Elena Sharnoff Carrie & Andrew Shelffo Susan Shilliday Paul Shoul Seth Shulman & Laura Reed Anthony Sillars Marie & Scott Silver Elizabeth Silver & Lee Badgett Henry Simkin, M.D. William Simmons & Irene Eigner Karen Simon Nancy Simons & Paul Rowd David Simpson Peter Simpson Jeremy Smith & Margaret Rooks Dana & Mary Snyder Judith Solsken George Sosa LuAnne Speeter Cheryl & Alan Speeter Margoles Elizabeth Spong David Sprague & Barbara Knapp Sprague

Throughout 2007, NPP's materials were used by thousands of activists in protests, public education efforts, and meetings with elected officials. This event was organized by Sacramento Peace Action.

Irene & Norton Starr David & Julie Starr Ervin Staub & Laurie Pearlman Diana & Otto Stein Craig Stevens Kaitilin Stevens OShea Donald & Janee Stone Elizabeth Stone & Marc Berman Ellen & Ronald Story Bill Strickland Lynne & Bertram Strieb Mark Stumpf Michael & Marianna Sullivan Alice & Arthur Swift Joan Tabachnick & Jane Fleishman Tamaara Tabb Elizabeth Tafe Nancy Talanian & Fran Fortino Pamela Tanzi Margo Tenold Gomer Thomas & Jane Cameron Martha Sue Thrasher Peter Titelman & Katharine Baker William & Heli Tomford

Margaret & Frank Toscanini William & Betsy Towe Tom & Merle Tresser Gordon & Elise Tripp William Turomsha Valley Mediation Martha Vinick Jeanette Voas Daniel Volman Pamela Walker Gisela & Anthony Walker Frederick & Barbara Walton Nicholas Warren Ann Wassell & Joe DiDomenico Sheila Weinberg Tom Weiner Vivien Weiss & Steven Berman Jim Westrich & Patricia Spellman Lisa Wexler Peter Weyman Peter Whalen & Janna Ugone Doug Wheat & Amy Seldin Priscilla C. Whipple Patricia Wieland


giving options
Betty Willhoite Jamie Williamson & William Marley Douglas Wilson James Wimsatt Robert & Jan Winston Stephen & Bettina Winter Kurt Wise Judith Wofsy Jacquelyn Wolf & Barry Levy Tom & Peg Wolff Michael & Sara Wolff Al Woodhull Keith Woodruff Emilie Woodward Cate Woolner & Daniel Croteau Jonathan & Margaret Wright Betty & John Wright David Wunsch Rachel Wysoker Felice Yeskel & Felicia Mednick Jeffrey Zesiger & Dorien Miller George Zimmerman Fred & Megan Zinn

Gifts made in memory or honor of others provide an opportunity to pay tribute to special people or organizations. NPP is pleased to recognize the following individuals in whose honor or memory gifts were received in 2007.

Blanche Shea Pamela Schwartz Linda Stout Kurt Vonnegut Jon Weisman

We invite supporters to become members of our Investors Circle by making a five-year pledge of any amount. We deeply appreciate that more than 150 donors currently participate. More than $75,000 was contributed through this program in 2007 and an additional $200,000 has been pledged for 2008-2011. These pledges help NPP plan for the future and provide valuable flexibility in programming.

NPP is working on a new initiative to help shift U.S. energy policy away from oil to conservation and renewable alternatives such as solar power (see Looking Ahead p.14). (Photo: Boston Globe)

Jane Bachinski Carol & Ron Fraser Yetta Frazer Margaret Holt Richard Hooke Molly Ivins Kathy Ann Keenan Sylvester Labanowski Herbert Lipke Marine Lance Corporal Jeffrey Lucey Laurence Locke Tom Murfin Nina Payne Bob Rogers Doris Rominske Joseph Sakey Meg Sanders Jack Shulman Ann Siano Lucille Magnhilde Speeter Mel Wexler Fred Wilmot

Sky Allen-Brezsnyak Xavier Carlton Gordon M. Clement Norman Cousins Ellen Cousins Frances Crowe Rabbi Justin David Asher Davis Izzy Davis Nancy First Joan Grenier Erma Green Peggy Huran Amory Lovins, Rocky Mountain Institute Alison Luterman George Markham Arky Markham Anne Paulsen Benjamin Perlzweig

Supporters who contribute $1,000 or more during our annual fund drive are vital to our day-to-day work. Their leadership gifts inspire others to support social change by investing in NPP.


Supporters who become Monthly Sustainers contribute to NPP through the convenience of a monthly credit card charge or bank withdrawal, and are some of our most loyal and consistent $1,500 each month for NPPs work, providing a valuable source of revenue throughout the year. supporters. As a group, the Sustainers generate more than For further details about these giving options, please contact Juan Carlos Aguilar, Development Officer,

A nation moving toward social and economic justice may be the greatest legacy we can leave to our children and grandchildren. Living Legacy members who share our long-term goal for a vibrant democracy have chosen to provide for the National Priorities Project in their wills. These bequests, life-income gifts, and other charitable estate planning arrangements provide vital support for NPPs work today and in years to come.

National Priorities Project, 243 King Street, Suite 239, Northampton, MA 01060, 413-584-9556, jcaguilar@



national pr ior iti es proj ect an n ual r e port


financial summary
Condensed Financial Statements for the Year Ended December 31, 2007 (with comparative totals for 2006)

REVENUE & SUPPORT Grants Donations In-kind donations Other Interest TOTAL REVENUE AND SUPPORT EXPENSES Program Administration Development TOTAL EXPENSES CHANGE IN NET ASSETS NET ASSETS, Beginning of the Year NET ASSETS, End of the Year $379,500 $222,446 $5,300 $2,012 $5,710 $614,968

$392,648 $191,830 $3,300 $675 $7,158 $595,611
PDX Peace, a Portland, Oregon, anti-war coalition, used NPP data in its protest marking the Iraq Wars fourth anniversary. The event was attended by 15,000-20,000 people.

$369,601 $72,435 $97,834 $539,870 $75,098 $515,011 $590,109

$358,318 $63,973 $96,461 $518,752 $76,859 $438,152 $515,011

NPP gratefully acknowledges for permission to reprint the photo on page 12. Thanks to WAND's Oregon chapter for the photo on page 10 and Sacramento Peace Action for the photo on page 29.

*Unaudited figures. Complete audited statements available upon request.

Bringing the Federal Budget Home

Printing donated by Japs-Olson Company Design: Radwell Communication by Design



national pr ior iti es proj ect an n ual r e port


Fueling the Movement for New Priorities

Voices for Change


National Priorities Project 243 King Street, Suite 239 Northampton, MA 01060 413-584-9556

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Bringing the Federal Budget Home

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