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AOL Media Video Storage and DAM - Connectivity

Los Angeles Production Environment

Outside AOL Network (via VPN)

New York Office Environment

New York Production Environment

14 fiber workstations

9 ethernet workstations 1 Gbps 1 Gbps

5 real-time capture workstations

~50 ethernet workstations VPN

~15 ethernet laptops

5 real-time capture workstations 1 Gbps

5 ethernet workstations 1 Gbps

9 fiber workstations

100 Mbps

1 Gbps

1 Gbps 1 Gbps

1 Gbps

1 Gbps

1 Gbps 1 Gbps ATDN 1 Gbps

Central Digital Asset Manager Application 1 Gbps ethernet to fiber bridge 4 Gbps 5 proxy creation servers 4 Gbps 1 Gbps 5 proxy creation servers 4 Gbps fiber switches 1 Gbps 4 Gbps Media Request Tool 4 Gbps 4 Gbps fiber switches Brightcove 4 Gbps 4 Gbps 1 Gbps Secondary Digital Asset Manager Application ethernet to fiber bridge

4 Gbps

4 Gbps

4 Gbps

4 Gbps


5 SAN MDCs 4 Gbps

10 Drives 4 Gbps 4 Gbps 4 Gbps

AOL Media Encoder (Rhozet, X.264, Quicktime, WMV encoder)

2 backup and recover servers fiber digital tape library 120 TB disk storage ethernet 120 TB disk storage

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