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DAILY LESSON PLAN DAY 1 Theme Topic Focus : World Self : All about me : Listening and speaking

Content Standards : 1.1 pronounce words and speak confidently with the correct stress rhythm,and intonation. Learning standards :1.1.3 able to say aloud and recite rhymes or sing songs with guidance. Objectives pupils starting with s,a,t, and p. Activities : 1. Teachers says the rhymes,pupils listen and say together. 2. Teacher conducts the ball roll game. 3. Pupils sit in a circle .Teacher stands in the middle.He/she puts a ball on the ground. 4. The game starts.He/she rolls the ball to a pupil.The pupils says Hello , I am.This procedure is repeated with other pupils. 5.Teacher particularly highlights the initial sounds /s/,/ae/,/t/,/p/ for pupils name starting with s a t and p. Teaching aids : Text book ,LCD and a ball. Teaching and learning : Demonstrations Added value : Pupils are able to response well when given the stimulus (creativity). : By the end of the lesson ,pupils should be able to state four sounds that start with s,a,t,and p ,highlighting the names of

DAILY LESSON PLAN - DAY 2 Theme Topic Focus Content Standard : World of Self : All About Us : Reading : .1 Able to apply knowledge of sounds of shape of letters to recognize words in linear and non linear texts.

Learning standard : 2.1.1 Able to identify and distinguish the shape of the letter in the alphabet. Objectives Activities : By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to name the pictures and stress on the initials phonemes of s, a, t and p. : 1. Pupils look and read the word on objects aloud from the word cards. 2. Pupils match the word card with pictures individually. 3. Teacher points at the pictures on board and pupils read the words. 4. Teacher calls out a few pupils randomly to say the phonemes. Word cards, pictures. Mastery Learning

Teaching Aids:

Teaching and learning strategies : Added Value :

Pupils match the pictures with correct phonemes.

DAILY LESSON PLAN - DAY 3 Theme Topic Focus Contents standard : World of Self : All About Me : 3 (Writing) : 3.1 Able to form letters and words in neat legible print including cursive writing.

Learning standard : 3.1.1 Able to demonstrate fine motor control of hands and fingers by : a. handling objects and manipulating them. Objectives Activities : By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to trace and colour the pictures and write letters s, a, t and p in neat legible print. : 1. Pupils sing a song learnt earlier in day 1. 2. Teacher shows the correct way of writing the capital and small letter of s,a,t and p on the board. 3. Pupils form a group of four and teacher ghives modeling clay to each group. 4. Pupils form letters from the given clay. 5. Teacher checks out the proper way of forming the letters using the clay. 6. Pupils are asked to colour pictures and trace the letters in the workbook pages 5 and 6. : Textbook, workbook and modeling clay.

Teaching Aids

Teaching and learning strategies : Kinesthetic Added value : Pupils form the letters actively using modeling clay (creativity).

DAILY LESSON PLAN - DAY 4 Theme : World of Self Topic : All About Me Focus : 4 (Language Arts) Contents standard : 4.1 Able to enjoy and appreciate rhymes, poems and songs through performance. Learning standard : 4.1.1 Able to enjoy nursery rhymes and action songs through non verbal response. Objectives Activities : By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to produce a phonics and pictures mobile. : 7. Teacher shows a sample of a completed mobile set with phonics and pictures. 8. Pupils are divide into four groups.They are given a long string each. 9. The phonics and pictures are given accordingly. They are required to attach the phonics and the pictures to string. 10. After completing, teacher helps to tie them to the hanger. 11. Pupils present their mobile in group. All pupils read the phonemes together. : String, pictures, hangers.

Teaching Aids

Teaching and learning strategies : Kinesthetic Added value : Pupils are able to work in group to create a great phonics mobile (creativity).

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