How To Use A Cupping Set

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How to use a Cupping Set 1. Clean thoroughly, remove body hair. 2.

Wash cups and target areas on skin with warm, lightly salty water, and dry before cupping. 3. Before performing cupping procedure with a suction cup, make sure the inside of the cup is clean and the assembly is intact (valve and seal are firmly fastened to cup). 4. Select an appropriate size or type of cup. (Smaller cups are for smaller body areas). 5. Smear an appropriate amount of oil, or skin cream onto the target area. 6. Connect the connecters, cup and pump gun, and place the cup on the appropriate part of the body. Draw the gun handle to withdraw air from the cup. Remove Connector to leave cup attached to skin by vacuum pressure. Cups may be moved while attached, the cream or oil acting as a lubricant. This allows for cupping of larger areas, or to adjust the placement of the cup for optimal cupping. When moving a cup, grip the cup low on the bowl, and use the fingers of the non-pulling hand to gently hold the skin taut behind the cup as it moves. 7. The cups can be used individually or in combination according to your preference. 8. After the desired elapsed time, simply release the pressure in the cup by pulling up on the cups valve to release vacuum. Always use this method to release cup gently (rather than wrenching it away suddenly) to prevent skin damage. 9. It is normal for darkening to appear on the skin where cups are applied. This will dissipate in a few days. 10. It is possible that sometimes blisters may appear on the skin where the cup has been attached. When the blistering is serious, routine sterilization is necessary. Prick the blisters and apply disinfectant. 11. During each cupping session, keep the room warm. 12. Use for no more than 15 minutes / target area, 1~2 times daily, 10 days / area. (After 10 days, give the area a rest of at least 1-2 days). Contraindications:

Do not use cupping on individuals equipped with a cardiac pacemaker Do not apply cupping to subjects who are tired or hungry Do not apply cupping on swollen, bruised or ulcerated skin

The following should receive cupping only on the advice of a physician:

Individuals with hemophilia, thrombocytopenia or other diseases which may cause bleeding Pregnant women Individuals with allergic skin reactions


If subject experiences dizziness or fainting during cupping, stop application immediately, give subject fluids and rest. Limit application to 15 minutes. For those with tender skin, lessen the cupping time to avoid blistering the skin If any blistering or infection occurs during/after cupping, ensure proper first aid and/or medical attention as appropriate. Discoloration of the skin after cupping is normal. It will disappear after a few days.

Care and Storage

Keep cups away from sources of high heat For cups equipped with magnetic points, keep them at least a foot away from products easily affected by magnetism, such as electronic equipment, watches, etc.

Various Cupping Methods A cupping set today may consist of a dozen clear plastic cups in different sizes. The cups are strong enough to withstand the pressure during skin suction. Normally, there is a tube at the bottom of the cup which can be attached to a suction pump. Vacuum is created when the pump sucks the air out of the cup. This is the modern version of a cupping set. But did you know that since its first recorded use in 281 AD, cupping sets have evolved considerably. The first tool for cupping was animal horn. These horns were placed on specific points along the back, abdomen, thighs, or legs. Ancient medicine men will burn dry leaves or paper and they will place it inside the horn. When the fire is about to be extinguished, they will firmly position the inverted horn on the affected areas. The heat will create a vacuum and it will suck the skin where the horn is positioned. It will be left there for about 10 to 30 minutes or until the heat dissipates. This method is generally called the heat-dry method. This is still practiced today sans the horn. During the Qing Dynasty in China, traditional healers began to use bamboo cups. They will immerse the bamboo cups in boiling water to absorb liquid heat. The heated

bamboo cups then will be positioned on specific points in the body. The resulting heatcold imbalance will create a vacuum thus inducing suction on the skin. The healers will also leave the bamboo cups for about 10 minutes. They will reheat it again and continue the procedure. With the introduction of porcelain pottery cups as tools for cupping, traditional healers began to gently move the vessels along the affected areas. The procedure for heating is the same as that of the bamboo cups. By moving the porcelain cups, Chinese doctors were able to massage different points of the body. Because the cups are wet, they could easily move it along the body. This is generally called the wet method of cupping because it uses heated liquid in the procedure. Another unique method of applying the cups is by making a small incision at the point of suction. This is primarily practiced by Arabian healers. Dry heat will be applied on the jar through burning cotton or paper. The jars will be placed on affected points on the body. But before the jar can be positioned firmly, the healer will make a very small incision using a sharp knife. The suction will flush small streams of blood which is believed to carry toxins. Modern application of cupping generally uses glass cups. Glass heats quickly and stays in position for a long time. Therapists can also move the glass easily especially if the skin is lubricated with essential oils. The invention of suction pumps for cupping eliminated the use of fire or heated liquid. Cupping sets can be purchased in traditional medicine stores at a relatively affordable price. Cups have different sizes from the smallest with half inch diameter to wide cups with 4 inch diameter. Traditional doctors always use oils to lubricate the skin and they will just position the cups and pump the air out. They will leave the cups in place for thirty minutes while other practitioners constantly rub the cups against the skin of the patient. History of Chinese Cupping The history of Chinese cupping dates back from the year 281 AD. It was an ancient Taoist medical practice and was widely used in the courts of Imperial China during those times. Its administration was first recorded by Ge Hong, in an ancient tract called Handbook of Prescriptions for Emergencies. Ge Hong was a practicing Taoist, an alchemist, and a medicinal herbalist. He was famous during his time as an accomplished healer and a trusted confidante of many high officials in ancient China. During those times, Ge Hong and other medicine men used animal horns for cupping. That

is why in some medical tracts of the empire, cupping was referred to as the horn technique of healing. Other ancient medicine men in the Arabian Desert and the Indian sub-continent also used cupping technique as one of their healing methods. However, their practices in these areas were recorded at a much later time. This led researchers to believe that cupping was indeed a Chinese invention and its practice was older than stated in recorded history. There were horn implements that were discovered in the deep East Asian regions, especially in Northern China, Japan, and the Korean peninsula. During the Tang Dynasty, cupping was the principal treatment for pulmonary tuberculosis. It was also used in conjunction with acupuncture and moxibustion. In fact, the three ancient medical practices became the standard treatment for chronic pulmonary diseases during the reign of the Tang Dynasty. The ascension of the Qing Dynasty to the Imperial throne of China also saw the emergence of other tools used for cupping. Qing doctors experimented with bamboo cups and ceramic pottery. The practice came to be known as the fire jar qi. It started the introduction of the wet method of cupping. The bamboo cups were usually boiled and these were placed on affected areas. These practices have been enshrined in the definitive medical tract called Supplement to Outline of Materia Medica by the famous physician Zhao Xuemin. During the time of the Qing Dynasty, cupping technique and acupuncture were integrated into a single session therapy. Heated cups were normally placed over embedded acupuncture needles. It was also during these times that cupping was indicated for the treatment of common colds, back pains, knotted nerves and muscles, and arthralgia. A variation of this technique was recorded in the Arabian Desert. Medicine men in those areas made small incisions on the areas to be cupped. It thus sucked bad blood from the body and helped cleanse the system of the patient. It probably draws inspiration from the Chinese cupping methodologies of the Qing Dynasty period. The modern technique of Chinese cupping used glass and fine plastic cups. In the early 20th century, even common glass cups were used as vehicle for cupping therapies. The basic principles and indications of cupping remain the same as was originally practiced in ancient China. Today, advanced implements are being used to administer cupping. Plastic cups with suction tubes are the commonly used implements. Air was pumped out from the cups using the suction tubes thus providing modern practitioners more convenience. The history of Chinese cupping is a long history of healing and innovation. This ancient

method has been proven effective against common disorders associated with the pulmonary system.

Chinese 12-Cup Cupping Set Chinese 24-Cup Cupping Set Chinese 6-Cup Cupping Set Price: $24.95 Price: $42.00 Price: $15.00

Pump-N-Cups Price: $20.00

Flat Top Glass Fire Cupping Round Top Glass Fire Jars Cupping Jars Price: $2.75 Price: $2.75

Biomagnetic 24 Deluxe Cupping Set 12-Piece Rotary Cupping Set Rubber Cupping Set Price: $79.00 Price: $59.95 Price: $27.00

Chinese Cupping If you still haven't undergone Chinese cupping treatment you're probably asking the million dollar question: how does cupping heal? Well, for starters, it would be best to view cupping based on its philosophical principle. Chinese traditional medicine believed in the balance between Yin energy and Yang energy. These can be translated loosely to positive and negative energies. Achieving balance means good health, while an imbalance or disruption means sickness and the occurrence of diseases. Through cupping, traditional Eastern medicine seeks to establish balance and good harmony of your body by restoring the Yin and Yang equilibrium.

If you get sick, then your Yang factor probably is greater thus tilting the health equilibrium. Through the application of cupping treatment methods, some of the Yang factor can be flushed out and the Yin restored to full vitality. In this way, optimum health is restored. It is in this light that cupping works and this is the basic philosophy for its curative and healing powers. It may sound too metaphysical and surreal but these philosophical bases do have scientific underpinnings. In fact, the body is a comprehensive system that needs to be balanced in order to work properly. An imbalance to your system can make you sick. For example, if too much toxin made their way inside your system, it will create enormous disruptions in your body which could lead to sickness. In like manner, if cold air packets have penetrated your muscles nerves, it could cause common sickness and pains. Cupping will use heat to suck out those toxins and accumulated stress and tensions. The suction created through cupping method will loosen impacted nerve endings thus restoring them to their original state. If these happen, healing will occur. This is especially true if the therapist will use heat promoted cupping method. Heat has been used since ancient times for medical practices. Through the application of heat, the cold channels inside your body can be eliminated thus restoring balance of heat and cold. The essential oils applied on the skin and the rubbing action associated with cupping also provides an effective healing solution. Normally, your back will receive liberal amounts of oils during cupping sessions. After establishing the cups on their appointed spots, the therapist will run the cups along your muscles and nerve endings. The massaging action coupled with the suction technique can stimulate activity of health cells. This is made possible through the promotion of excellent blood circulation. With good circulation and healthy activity and growth of cells, your body immune system can effectively fight diseases. This then will lead to good health. Cupping is recommended principally for respiratory and lung disorders. It is believed that its action against colds is not through direct combat against virus, but through strengthening the capacity of the body to produce more anti-virus. Its action against arthritis and rheumatism can be attributed to the stimulation of muscles through the application of heat and friction during cupping sessions. Cupping has been used in Traditional Medicine as a powerful and very effective method of fighting diseases and illnesses. Since ancient time to the present, voluminous records of anecdotal evidences and eyewitness testimonials have shown that indeed, cupping certainly heals.

Products for Plastic Cupping Sets

12-Piece Rotary Cupping Set Price: $59.95

Biomagnetic 24 Deluxe Cupping Set Price: $79.00

Chinese 12-Cup Cupping Set Price: $24.95 Chinese 6-Cup Cupping Set Price: $15.00

Chinese 24-Cup Cupping Set Price: $42.00 Magnetic Twist Top 8 Cup Set Price: $29.95

Products for Pump Cupping Sets HACI Magnetic Cupping Set Price: $42.00

Pump-N-Cups Price: $20.00

Rubber Cupping Set Price: $27.00

Products for Fire Cupping Sets Flat Top Glass Fire Cupping Jars Price: $2.75

Hemostat Clamp Price: $2.95

Round Top Glass Fire Cupping Jars Price: $2.75

Traditional Bamboo Cupping Set Price: $7.00

Products for Cupping Sets for Women Biomagnetic Cupping Set for Women Price: $69.00

Breast Massage Cups Price: $27.00

Products for Cupping Sets for Men Biomagnetic Cupping Set for Men Price: $69.00

How Cupping Therapy Works Cupping therapy works by reducing the pain we feel in our bodies. In alternative medicine, pain is believed to be caused by problems relating to your Qi flow. This can be related to stress in the body, imbalances of hormones and fluids, lack of blood flow, and temperature in the muscles and joints. When a suction cup is place on a problem area, the vacuum pull of the cup creates warmth and circulation in the area. Very soon, you will feel that the pain is reduced. In Chinese medicine, all the organs are connected together. So if you have a problem with one organ, it can affect the health of other parts of your body. For example, it is believed that the kidneys are connected to a persons aging. A person with an imbalance or disease in the kidneys will experience more graying of the hair, wrinkled and dry skin, etc. The use of cupping therapy has many benefits and can be applied in many treatments. Some of the conditions cupping therapy can be used in are:

Constipation, IBS, diarrhea Headaches

Back Pain Arthritis Fatigue Sciatica Skin Problems Period cramps Weight problems and more

Biomagnetic Deluxe 24 Cup SetRELAXING

MUSCLES TO BOOST WELL-BEING Suction Cupping is a modern development based on traditional cupping. It produces the effects of traditional cupping methods and eliminates some of the disadvantages.

DURABLE, BREAK-RESISTANT, EASY TO USE, MULTI-PURPOSE This Deluxe 24 cup set comes with a leather carrying case, cupping paste (helps retain vacuum at rim of cup) and Gua Sha Board. Includes two curved-opening cups for small areas. A high quality and durable cupping set with pistol grip hand vacuum pump (suction pump). Light, break-resisting and age-resisting plastic. Variety of cup sizes, plus a user manual containing diagrams, and application instructions. Also included are magnetic "needles" (non-penetrating pressure-giving points) of both polarities, which give balanced magnetic exposure of traditional acupuncture points. The magnetic "needles" (strength 2000 ~ 2500 gauss) apply a continuous, spring-adjusted pressure on the skin when installed. They are easily removable from the dome of each cup and equally easy to reinstall.

The cups' transparency lets you clearly see the reddening that takes place in the skin as cupping time increases, so you can completely control the cupping as to its effects and the optimal cupping time needed. Without the use of fire there is not the danger of burning the skin; and the negative pressure within the cup can be tailored to each patient's condition, as you control it by hand using the pressure gun. Every piece in the Suction Cupping set is virtually unbreakable, convenient, safe and suitable for both clinical and family use. INCLUDED IN THE 24-CUP DELUXE SET: Cups Quantity 5.8 cm (inner diameter) 5.0 cm (inner diameter) 4.2 cm (inner diameter) 3.5 cm (inner diameter) Curved Opening Cup for Small Areas 3.5 cm (inner diameter) 2.4 cm (inner diameter) Magnetic Points or "Needles" North Pole Magnetic Points(blue) South Pole Magnetic Points (red) Others Connector Tube Suction Pump Cupping Paste Rubber Ring Leather Case Package Info Weight Length x Width x Height 4.6 lb / 2.0 kg 11.4" X 15.6" X 3.5" 1 1 2 1 1 8 8 1 1 4 14 2 2

12-Piece Rotary Cupping Set Our Price: $59.95 DescriptionThe Rotary Cupping Set is a very unique cupping with a modern development for traditional cupping. Each cup can create its own vacuum. Just place the cup on the skin and turn the knob clockwise to adjust the suction pressure. With this set you no longer have to mess with connecting and disconnecting hand pumps to each cup. The plastic cups are strong, lightweight, and durable. View the treatment through the transparent cups. No need for fire or heat which makes it safe to use.

Quantity 2 2 2 2 2 2 1

Size (inside diameter) 1.125", 2.5cm 1.5", 3.5cm 1.75", 4.5cm 2", 5cm 2.375", 6cm 2.75", 7cm Instructions

Chinese 24-Cup Cupping Set Our Price: $42.00 Description The Chinese plastic cupping set is durable, light weight, and easy to use with the hand gripped vacuum pump. The 24-Cup cupping set is an excellent affordable cupping set and includes seven different cup sizes to target any part of the body. The biomagnetic needles are improved from the standard needles by incorporating a spring inside the needle shaft to allow the needle to retract when the skin presses on it during suction. Transparent cups allow you to view and adjust the pressure to the patients own comfort level and allows you to see the reddening progress of the treatment. Features

Seven different cup sizes let you treat any part of the body. Includes two of each size. Vacuum suction cupping is easy and convenient to use without the need for fire eliminating dangers of burning the skin. Cups are designed with smooth curved edges for increased comfort and skin contact for an airtight seal. Durable transparent plastic cups allows for easy viewing of the treatment area and to view negative pressure and the reddening of the skin. Easy to use pressure valves allow you to effortlessly release pressure for cup removal (includes replacement valves). Biomagnetic points included increase efficacy of the treatment.

Each 24-Cup cupping set includes Cups 5.8 cm (inner diameter) 5.0 cm (inner diameter) 4.2 cm (inner diameter) 3.3 cm (inner diameter) 2.4 cm (inner diameter) Quantity 4 4 4 4 4

2.0 cm (inner diameter) 1.6 cm (inner diameter) Magnetic Points Suction Pump & Connector Hose Replacement Valves

2 2 8 1 1

Cupping Manual (English and Chinese) 1

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