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Billing and Customer Care System Prepaid Services : THE CUSTOMER IS

charged for usage inthe prior

month (hence ' and



hence doesnot

feature any limitatio ns on

volume of servic e used.

Postpaid Services :

t asks custome rs to add a

certaina mount to their accounts

prior to usage and theirmax

imum usage is limited to the

amount that is addedto

the account.

Custome r service

is a series of activitie s

designed toenhanc e the level of

custome r satisfac tion

thefeeli ng that a product

or service has met the

custome rexpecta tion.

Many organiza tions have

implemen ted feed back loopstha

t allow them to capture feedbac

k at the point of exper ience.

The operator s provide

the user wit h one dial cust

omercar e services and

suppleme nt them by havin

g offices incities.




Techniq ue Used

-CDMA uses code

division multipl e

access wherea s GSM

uses timediv ision

multipl e access.

Power Consum

ption and Adjace

nt Channe

lInterf erence

Data Transf

er Speed-

CDMA has beentr

adition ally faster

than G SM, though

bothte chnolog ies

continu e to rapi

dly leap frogalo ng this

path. Both bo ast

"3G" standar ds,

or3rd generat ion

technol ogies.

Subscri ber Identit

y Module (SIM)

cards and



n the age of

growing connect ivity

CDMA playsa crucial

role in bringin

g us closer.

Accord ing to a surve

y CDMA networ

ks support over

270 million subscri

bers worldwi de.

The techniques involved in it enable us toachieve the data transfer speeds of almost 3.1mbps(EVDV cards).

Future advancement in technology is going totake us to new heights in terms of capacitiesand facilities offered to customers.

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