The Present Continuous

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Affirmative Long form I am working You are working He is working She is working It is working We are working You are working They are working Short form Im working Youre working Hes working Shes working Its working Were working Youre working Theyre working Long form I am not working

Negative Short form Im not working You arent working He isnt working She isnt working It isnt working We arent working You arent working They arent working


Am I working? Are you working? Is he working? Is she working? Is it working? Are we working? Are you working? Are they working?

You are not working He is not working She is not working It is not working We are not working You are not working They are not working

SPELLING: - The final consonant of the verb is doubled: after a single vowel : stop > stopping when the final syllable is stressed (slaba tnica): begin > beginning - the final consonant is not doubled: if it comes after two vowels: clean >cleaning if the word ends in two consonants: sing > singing if the word ends in two vowels: play >playing if the final consonant is y or w: borrow >borrowing - if the verb ends in a consonant + -e, the e is omitted: like > liking - if the verb ends in ee, the final e is not omitted: see> seeing - if the verb ends in ie changes to y: lie > lying

1. Choose the correct ing form: a. Becoming, becomyng, becoming b. Buing, buying, buyng c. Dieing, dying, dyng d. Learning, learning e. Knowing, knowning, knowying

f. g. h. i. j.

Goyng, going, goying Getting, getting Runing, running Swimming, swimming Having, haveing

USES To talk about something thats in progress now, at this moment

Brad and Dave are playing football Sylvie and Val are reading a book Harry is listening to music Diane and Carol are eating an icecream The girls arent singing Harry isnt talking to anybody Are the children having fun? Yes, they are. Is Brad doing his homeworks? No, he isnt.

Verbs not used in the present continuous: agree, be, believe, belong, care, forget, hate, hear, know, like, love, mean, mind, notice, own, remember, seem, suppose, understand, want,wish. We often use the present continuous to talk about a temporary activity or situation. It may not be in progress at the moment of speaking: Jenny works in New York but at the moment she is living in London. She arrived last month and is staying until August. Last month Now August

She is living in London

She works in New York With always, to talk about things that happen frequently and are irritating: My brother is always sleeping Future meaning. We use this form to talk about arrangements we have made for the future: Im meeting my friends tonight.

2. Are we talking about what is happening at the moment (A), about a temporary situation (B) or about future(C?): __ Youre studying English this year. __Im checking your English skill at this moment. __What are you doing this evening?

3. Which sentences are not correct? a. Hes being in his bedroom at the moment. b. Hes playing a computer game. c. He s loving computer games. d. His father is hating computer games. e. Hes thinking they are a waste of money. f. James isnt agreeing. 4. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb in brackets.

It is Sunday morning and the family is on the beach. Mrs Fairfax ..(sleep) under a sunumbrella. Mr Farfaix (read) a book. Their daughter .(swim) in the sea. Their son .(play) with a ball. It is noon and the family is on the beach. Look! The two girls ..(run) towards the boy. Mrs Fairfax .(call) them. Mr Fairfax (drink) some Coke and he ..(read) a book. 5. Complete the sentences using the words in brackets. a. What are Tom and Tina doing in the disco? (dance) .. b. What are you doing? (listen/records) .. c. What is the baby doing? (cry) .. d. What is your sister doing in the bathroom? (have/ a bath) ..
6. What's happening at the moment Make true sentences for you. 1 (I / wash / my hair) 7 (I / listen / to the radio) 2 (it / snow) 8 (the sun / shine) 3 (I / sit / on a chair) 9 (I / wear/ shoes) 4 (I/eat) 10 (I / smoke / a cigarette) 5 (it / rain) 11 (I / read / a newspaper) 6 (I / learn / English)

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