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The Cleanest Barangay In Our Town

Characters: Gloriette Anne - Narrator Apollo as Mr. Mendoza the Brgy. Captain Jomar as Mr. Sadang, the Teacher Chriz Anne and Daniella as pupils

The story starts in a school where their teacher and his students are going to visit a barangay.. Mr. Sadangs Grade Five class went around Barangay Rizal. This barangay is the cleanest barangay in the town of Moncada. The pupils talk with the barangay captain. They asked him how the people keep their barangay clean. Jomar and pupils: Good morning , Mr. Mendoza. Apollo: Good morning Mr. Sadang. Hello, children. What can I do for you? Jomar: We want to know how you keep your barangay clean. Chriz Anne: What do the boys and girls do, sir? Apollo: They plant flowers in their yards and along the streets. They water plants every afternoon. The men repair the broken fences. They dig the canals so the water can flow smoothly. Daniella: Does your barangay have a street cleaner and a garbage collector? Apollo: Well, everybody is a street cleaner a garbage collector. Everyone gives his or her own time Chriz Anne: Look at the sign over there. It says : Help Keep Our Community Clean. Apollo: That Sign helps everyone to remember. Jomar: I hope the other barangays can be as clean as your barangay. Daniella: They can be if everyone helps one another. After the short visit, the children learned a lot about helping each other in doing different task like keeping their community clean.

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