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Incoming Kindergarten Parent Questionnaire

Student Name:_____________________________ DOB: ________

Guardian Information
Mothers name: _______________________ Home phone: _______
Mailing address:__________________________________________
Place of employment: _____________________________________
Work phone:____________
Fathers name: _______________________ Home phone: _______
Mailing address: _________________________________________
Place of employment:______________________________________
Work phone: _____________
Number of siblings in family: _______
Names and DOB: ____________________








Student Information
Previous School: _____________________________
Does your child have IEP or 504? ___________________
Has your child received special services in previous schools attended? (speech, ESL,
resource room or gifted program)

Does your child have any special interest or talents that we should be aware of?
Does your child have any specific learning needs that you know of?
Does your child need special accommodations in the classroom?
How does your child feel about coming to school?
Does your child have any fears about school?
Is there any other information that you think we should know about your child?
Signed: ______________________________ Date: ____________

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