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Submitted By: AniketKulkarni (09IT06) AnkitGoyal(09It07) ArchitJakhar(09IT12) DaivikGangwar(09IT22) HarshitMishra(09IT29) KuldeepSingh(09IT37)

1.1 Design Phase

1.1.1 Class Diagram Login Interface

username : Text password : Text login : Button forgotpassword() submitquery() displayerrormessage()

NITK Controller
submitlogindetails() submitregistdetails() confirmregistration()

Friend List Interface friendlist : List

deletepeer() displaypeerwall()

Home Interface
groups : List inbox :MessageList search : Text pingapeer() logout() searchpeer()

User Account
name : Name phone : Number address : String

Ping Interface
peername : Text message : Text send : Button

email : String


displayinfo() getinfo() editinfo() peerlist() displayphotos() diplayvideos()

Profile Interface
editname : Text editDOB : Date ediProfilePic : Image editaddress : String editemail : String editContactNo : Number editchanges : Button

modifychanges() Photo Interface Photoslist :ImageList displayphoto()

1.1.2 Sequence Diagram Validate User


Login Interface


User Table

1 : Enter Login Details() 2 : Submit() 3 : Check Login Info()

4 : Redirect to Home Page() Alt 5 : Display Error Message()

Opt 6 : Enter Registration Details() 7 : Submit() 8 : Save Data() 9 : Send Email To Confirm Registration() 10 : Confirm Registration()

11 : Save Data of Confirmation() Home
User Opt Home Interface Controler User Table Friend Table

1 : click on Edit Profile() 2 : Submit()

3 : Redirect to profile Page() 4 : Click On Photo() 5 : Submit()

6 : Redirect to Photo Page() 7 : Click on Video Page() 8 : Submit()

9 : Redirect to Video Page() 10 : Click on Manage Friend List() 11 : Submit()

12 :Redirect to FriendList Page() 13 : Click on Search friend() 14 : Submit()

15 : Redirect to Search Frend Page() 16 : Click on Accept Friend Request() 17 : Submit() 18 : Update()

20 : Click on Reject Friend Request()

19 : Update() 21 : Submit() 22 : Update()

23 : Click On Logout()

24 : Submit()

25 : Redirect to Login Page( ) Inbox
User Message Interface Controller Wall Table

1 : Display Message()


2 : Enter Message to Reply() 3 : Submit() 4 : Save()

5 : Delete Message()

6 :Submt() 7 : Delete() Profile
User Profile Interface Controller UserTable Address Country

1 : Modify Profile info()

2 : Submit()

3 : Update()

4 : Update() 5 : Update() Search Friends

User HomePage Interface Search Friend List Interface Controller User Table Friend Table

1 : Enter Friend Name in search Box()

2 : Submit()

3 : Get List of Corresponding Names()

4 : Display List() Alt

5 : Display Blank Page with message()

Opt 6 : Click on Friend link() 7 : Click on add Button()

8 : Submit()

9 : Save()

10 : Save() Friend List

User Friend List Interface Friends Profile Interface Message Interface Controller Friend Table


1 : Display Friend List()

2 : Select Friend to Delete() 3 : Submit() 4 : Delete Friend() 5 : Click on some Friend Link()

6 : Submit() 7 : Display Friend Profile()

8 : Click on Wall()

9 : Submit() 10 : Display Wall Messages()

11 : Write and send Message()

12 : Submit()

13 : Save()

14 : Select own message to delete()

15 : Submit() 16 : Delete() Photo


Photo Interface


Photo Table

1 : Display List of photo( )


2 : Browse and Select Photo( )

3 : Submit Add Request( ) 4 : Save( )

5 : Delete Request( )

6 : Submit( )

7 : Delete( )

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