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Class Name diffuser3

1: The package is called and the class is designated the name diffuser3. 2: The keyword extends is used to acquire the properties of the previous class diffuser2. 3: The default constructor is made .The super keyword is used to let the constructor call the constructor of its super class and the the various global variables are given their specific values for null. 4: The entry function is made and the IOException and BufferedReader classes are called. 5: The super keyword is used here followed by the dot . operator and the function name of the previous class which is the same i.e. entry. The keyword super is used to cause the phenomenon of overriding. 6: In this now an even more specific type of vehicle type is selected and the they are chosen from the types given in the options based on the earlier choice made.

7: The display function is made. 8: The super keyword is used here followed by the dot . operator and the function name of the previous class which is the same i.e. display. The keyword super is used to cause the phenomenon of overriding. 9: The braces are closed and the program ends.

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