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Unit 4: Storytelling_Script: The Executioners Meal

The Executioners Meal Original Story by Simon J. Bloyce Screenplay by Simon J. Bloyce

FINAL DRAFT March 2012 THE EXECUTIONERS MEAL FADE IN: EXT: THE INNE There is an Olde, rickety building. The mood is dark and brooding and the weather reects this. We see a dark, heavy set gure approaching the door. The camera cuts to the eyes of the gure, then his hand, in which he carries an axe. The gure approaches the door, swinging it open. INT: THE INNE There is a long table with people eating. They swing their heads in alarm at the fury with which the door opens and, seeing the menacing gure, return their gaze to their meal. The Executioner approaches the serving hatch and stabs a meaty nger at the sign, ROOM FOR THE NIGHT AND MEAL 2 GROATS INNE KEEPERS WIFE What would you like to eat Sir? The Same Meaty nger is stabbed at the menu on the desk in front. INNE KEEPERS WIFE Boiled egg and soldiers? Right you are, it wont be long

Unit 4: Storytelling_Script: The Executioners Meal

The Executioner takes a seat and waits for his meal. Shot changes to the rest of the room who take care to avoid his gaze and generally ignore him. INNE KEEPERS WIFE Boiled egg and soldiers, cutlerys on the side, your rooms at the top of the stairs. The Executioner takes his meal, and his belongings and approaches the door to the stairs. THE STAIRS The Executioner makes his way holding his tray in one hand and his belongings in the other. He ascends many, many stairs. Up and up until he reaches his room. (This scene will be mirrored and extended to communicate the length of the ascent required to reach the lodgings) INT: THE EXECUTIONERS ROOM The executioner enters a small room with a simple table and chair. A bed (out of sight) and a coat hook. The Executioner removes his cowl and cape, places his axe down, places his meal on the table and.... ...REALISES THAT HE FORGOT TO BRING A SPOON WITH HIM!!! Cut to the Executioner looking enraged, cut to the egg. The Executioner stands up quickly, smashing his head on the low ceiling. THE EXECUTIONER Groooooowwllllll He scoops up the table, sending the egg and egg cup to the oor and, before sending the table ying into the wall lowers it carefully. He looks to see his egg intact, but his egg cup broken. He experiments, trying to keep the egg upright on the table, of course it falls onto its side and rolls of the table. He picks up the egg, bracing it between 2 soldiers. Focus on the egg, held by its bready charge. Cut back to THE EXECUTIONER with his murdering garb now in place as he weighs his axe in his hand.

Unit 4: Storytelling_Script: The Executioners Meal

Cut back to the Egg in silhouette, we hear a drum roll (typical French guillotine revolutionary drum roll). We then see THE EXECUTIONER raise his axe (in silhouette) and as the camera cuts to black briey before the end of the drum roll, we hear the swish of the Axe. -The End-

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