Safe Computing Guide

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Information Security

Safe computing tips

1. Patch, patch, PATCH! Most desktop security incidents centre around aws in the operating system. As these aws are discovered, vendors release patches to cover these security holes. By updating your operating system regularly, you ensure it has all the latest patches. Both Windows and Macintosh operating systems have Automatic Update features. 2. Install protective software Protective software, such as anti-virus and anti-spyware software, will help protect your computer and data from online security threats such as viruses, trojans, rootkits, and spyware. Purchase protective software from a well-known, reputable vendor to ensure the best protection. 3. Keep your software up-to-date Like your operating system, some software packages o er regular security updates. These should be installed promptly after they are released, as failure to do so will leave your computer vulnerable to security threats. Microsoft O ce, Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Flash, and Java are common programs that should be updated regularly. 4. Use desktop rewalls Macintosh and Windows computers have basic desktop rewalls as part of their operating systems. When set up properly, these rewalls will help prevent unauthorized access to your computer over the network. Network-based rewalls provide an additional layer of security. 5. Manage your passwords Choosing passwords that are di cult to guess and easy to remember will help keep your important les and accounts secure. Choose a long password with a combination of upper case and lower case letters, numbers, and symbols. Do not use words found in any dictionary. Create a di erent password for each account, and change passwords regularly. Never give your password to anyone, for any reason, no matter what.

6. Backup, backup, BACKUP! Make regular copies of important data and store them securely in a geographically separate location. This will help prevent data loss if your computer is attacked by a virus or trojan, or if your computer's hard disk fails. Enterprise backup services are available for faculty and sta . 7. Control physical access to your computer Don't leave your computer, tablet, cell phone, or storage media in an unsecured area, or unattended and logged on, especially in public. Enable a screensaver with password on your computer, and setup a login password for your tablet or smartphone. If you need to store sensitive data on your computer, use encryption. The physical security of your devices is just as important as its technical security. 8. Use email and the Internet safely Ignore unsolicited emails, and be wary of attachments, links and forms in emails, instant messaging services, and social networking sites that come from people you don't know, or which seem "phishy." Avoid untrustworthy (often free) downloads from freeware or shareware sites. 9. Use secure connections When connected to the Internet, your data can be vulnerable while in transit. Look at secure remote connectivity and le transfer options, such as VPN services, when o campus. When using your browser to transmit sensitive information, ensure the URL address starts with https:// and look for the lock icon in your browser indicating a secure page. 10. Protect sensitive data At the very least, your computer contains sensitive data about you, the user, and likely stored passwords in key chains and in Web browsers. Depending on your job or clearance, you might also have access to the sensitive data of others. Store restricted data on University servers. Saving data to your local hard drive, printing it or transferring it to a laptop or USB key can increase the risk to that data. Limit the information you provide to websites and regularly verify and adjust privacy settings on social network websites like Facebook.

Helpful security websites

National Cyber Security Alliance - Staying safe online: Oce of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada: Microsoft Safety & Security Center: RCMP Internet Safety: UVic Information Security Oce: informationsecurity/

Contact the Computer Help Desk: Email: Web: Phone: In person: 250-721-7687 Clearihue A004 and C143 McPherson Library

Contact us for assistance with:

NetLink ID UVic AirNet ResNet Public access ports UVic My page Hardware/software Workstation security Virus/spyware removal Data recovery System rebuilds Moodle Site-licensed products Student registration system

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