Volunteer Form

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Bellingrath Middle School 3350 South Court Street

Montgomery, AL 36108 334) 269-3623 or Fax 269-6173

Volunteer Form
Name______________________________Students name__________Grade_________ Adress________________________________________________________________________ Home #___________________Cell #__________________Work #_________________ Please indicate the areas you are available to volunteer for the school: _____ Volunteer to watch a class for meeting, or etc. _____ Hall Monitor _____ AM Outside Monitor ____PM Outside Monitor _____ Make copies for teachers, guidance, or main office. _____ Gardening or yard work. _____ Duty free lunch for teachers. _____ Provide refreshments. _____ Recruit businesses and/or other organization as Partner-In-Education _____ Recruit parents to participate in school activities. _____ Solicit incentives for honor assemblies and /or other activities. _____ Photograph and/or videotape school activities. _____ Guest speaker to share my professional experience. (____________________) _____ Spanish interpreter. Please indicate the areas you are available to volunteer for a classroom: ____ Circle the area you are interested in: Music, Art, Drama, Athletic Dept., Math English, History, Science, and/or Technology. ____ Tutor a student. ____ Help with teachers clerical work. ____ Help student with a project. ____ Help students with dramatic performances, ____ Help students prepare for a special program. Please indicate the time and day of the week you are available to volunteer: Day of the Week Time
____ ____ ____ ____ ____ Mondays Tuesdays Wednesdays Thursdays Fridays _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________

Note: AM Outside Monitors are needed from 7 a.m. until 8 a.m. PM Outside Monitors are needed from 2:45 p.m. until 3:15 p.m.
Bellingrath Needs You!

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