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Strength Talents
Talent Swimmer Stand Your Ground Brutal Charge Cleave Power Attack Athletic Climber Leaper Cost Prerequisites STR/DEX = 2 STR = 4 STR = 4 Ability +4 to any Swim test Test STR to resist falling instead of AGI Charge adds +4 damage instead of +2

Agility Talents
Talent Catwalk Pick Pocket Shoot on the Run Dodge Lightning Reflexes Quick Draw Escape Artist Ride Stealth Undetectable Improved Feint Sneak Attack Cost Prerequisites AGI = 4 AGI = 3 AGI = 4 AGI = 4 AGI = 6, Dodge AGI = 2 AGI = 4 AGI = 2 AGI = 2 AGI = 5, Stealth AGI = 4, Level 5 AGI = 3, Stealth Ability AGI tests to balance get +4 You may make a standard attack while making a full movement action. Add +2 to Evasion against one attack. Lose your next half-action Add +5 to Evasion against one attack. Lose your next full-action Draw your weapon as a free-action AGI tests to escape binding get +4 +4 to riding a horse. Other animals receive +2 AGI tests to hide get +2 AGI tests to hide get +5 Defenders Evasion becomes 10 on a successful Feint +XXX Damage

Constitution Talents
Talent Toughness Endurance Cold Blooded Warm Blooded Hard Headed Grit True Grit Iron Stomach Broken Not Beaten Quick Healing Thick Skull Recoup Stamina Cost Prerequisites Ability +1 Health (may be taken multiple times) +4 to resist Fatigue Resistance 1 (Cold) Resistance 1 (Fire) +4 CON to resist stunning to the head +4 CON to resist Knock Out You cannot be Knocked Out +4 CON to resist consumed poison. Make a CON test to ignore a disabled limb for one extra turn. Wounds cure twice a fast -2 Damage against your head Spend a full action to lose 1 Fatigue in combat +2 Fatigue threshold

Perception Talents
Talent Cost Prerequisites Ability

Willpower Talents
Talent Cost Prerequisites Ability

Intelligence Talents
Talent Cost Prerequisites Ability

Charisma Talents
Talent Cost Prerequisites Ability

Strength = Melee attack + bonus Agility = Evasion, Movement Perception = Ranged attack, Awareness Constitution = Health, Willpower = possibly Magic Intelligence = Knowledges, maybe Magic Charisma = charm, bluff, possibly Magic

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