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Makes up around 10% of organic matter within a cell. Functions of carbohydrates are:

Energy source (released for glucose during respiration Energy store (starch) Structure (cellulose)

Contain the elements C,H,O, substances whose molecules are made up of sugar units CnH2nOn Sugars, starches, celluloses Sugars are soluble in water, taste sweet 3/9/12 Starches and cellulose are


One sugar unit Glucose, fructose and galactose


If n=3, triose


2 monosaccharide molecules joined together E.g two alpha glucose join to form maltose Condensation reaction Linakage called a glycosidic bond Covalent bonds Disaccharides are soluble in water 3/9/12 and also taste sweet



Linking thousands of alpha glucose molecules with 1-4 glycosidic bonds produces amylose, found in starch Amylose molecules coil around to form a spiral, making them compact and a lot of starch can be stored in a small space Hydrogen bonds hold it in shape Cellulose (plants) Beta glucose 1-4 3/9/12 glycosidic bonds

Animals store carbohydrates as glycogen Similar to amylose in structure 1-4 glycosidic bonds of alpha glucose but this time they have branches where 1-6 glycosidic bonds form Difficult to form bonds so not as tightly coiled


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