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Identify the gaps vis--vis industry averages and in relation to Company Z, along the dimensions of performance that you

consider critical. These dimensions might include, at a minimum, financial performance and physical indicators. Other parameters could be strengths in technology, market share, distribution network, competitive advantages, links with parent companies, R&D capabilities, and so on. Your conclusion should address the question of where Company X stands in relation to the industry and Company Z. How far does it have to go along the identified dimensions to meet the industry standards or reach the status of Company Z? Does your analysis suggest any measures for closing identified gaps? Alternatively, what are the advantages it needs to protect? We encourage you to explore visual representations of the companys position vis--vis industry standards and Company Z, keeping in mind the nature of the target audience. You are expected to make your own choices regarding how you want to present the industry and company profiles and the gap analysis. The Steps Involved offers some clues, but you will have to develop appropriate sub-sections, with relevant titles. There is no check-list (like Situation Analysis Recommendations) to be followed.

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