Mckay Vol1

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Building | construction W.B.McKay METRIC - VOLUME 1 PREFACE TO THE FIFTH EDITION Iw this edition the various units have been converted to metric terms, Since the first appearance of this volume in 1938, the materials of construction for simple two-storey structures have hardly changed although techniques have been modified. As the earlier editions were pub- lished obsolete methods be omitted entirely w 9E6r sendnyy “OW EM ‘suons9s 2eaq3 uodn Bue9q ‘wend iryesn yn 405 pur “KrsuIof pue AnuadseZ uo sraidey> 243 yo sjooud aya Fuupeos 40} so9uadg, vonzauues uw suonsakins “AW andeaqoo sty 02 popuarxa ose aie squry, Bulquinig uo andey> 3 : Peonsead pur ajqenyes Sueur tury aneB oy UIE, “T “A JW PUR puR|SUg "} “CaP &D pargopur Atferode> 1 24 pur ‘s2ounos jesa4ae wy 2ouEIsSHe pry FEY JOYINE ax Yoo siIA Jo sUONIIS UNNI Buedoad uy snaays ‘aunusesSosd arp ut padoppxap 2omauoy so noe poourteg-tjom 3 Pouoyas “98 “ig jo austaaduease 3p 34 0 paau sixafqne ayn araqm ‘e2eIM09 seo6-yay ayp 819409 UR a4ow poussou0s Anuodse “hauoreyy pur yoMpiug se yo ‘sjooqeiou s13%p wy suapms kq poysr2ys 94 ‘amusod jm oun se 2ey se ‘ypo1dAs se papsedas 9q Kew yoryH 38010 Jo mn Pp Buunp auopmis aya Aq 2]e98 01 umexp aq ued Yoo ay2 Ut URoYs sjwsap oup jo UoRJododd [jews 4K ¥ Aquo wip parruflosss 13], sunuresdo1g YomauoH{ ,, paisadins ay 0} umeap st oRUIRY. “paws jenbape uayA “uoIss>s 4p Jo syUoUr fIIe> uapras se9K-re4y ay) Suara. -uoo padnosd 2q 02 set9p paitisoese ayqeua or 371s 28:2] 01 j -sfurasap pur 2x00 amp Aq possaco weudosdde oy Ben popeay st aude yoeg oo{qne amp jo af esau mou st se JaneW one Aquo suunjon my SII UE apnpsU juipion3y 10D Pue sjooysg yeo!uyoayf, us Hur 1 soenger[As saraK may ased ay oNtung NOIM1Ig3 Lswid HL OL aDVddud CONTENTS |. Brack Wala, FOUNDATIONS. : 5 ctialsBonding—Stopped. Ende~Junctions and Quoins-—Piers—Jambs—-Caviry Walls—Foundations-—Dasnp Coarnee Sue Concrete Offsets ai Corbels—Lintele—Archer—Window Sill—Thresholds—Copings— 1+—Tools, Construction, Jointing snd Pointing—Plastered Walls ner Quarrying —Preparation—Defects—Walling—Rubble Werk—Ashlar—Arches Window ice String, Courses Copings—Masonry Joints—Mortar Jointing—Lafting Appliances soning, Preservation, Conversion, Defects and Classification of Tunber—Floon— ‘reused Hatter end Framed Roofs Trench Timbering—Centering IV, Doors, Winpows, Stas. : Ledged Braced und Battened, Framed Ledged Braced and Battened, Panelled and Flush Doore—Timber Casement, Cased Frame, Pivoted and Yorkshire Windows, Metal Windows—Hardware—Arehitraves, Skitings, Piture Rails and Angle BeadsStairs—Nails, Serews and Fasteners—Tools. V, Roor Covenines : es ¢ oe : Formation, Quarrving, Conversion, Preparation and Charactersties of Slates—Centre-naled and Head-naled ‘lating Details--Naile--Ridges-Higa—Valleyy—Toole—Plain and toueriocking Tiina theraterstca of Yead—Lend Rolls, Drips, Flashings and Soskers—Detoils of Leadwork at Gut ‘Stacks, Ridccs, Hips and Valleye—Leend and Copper Pipe Joints—Eaves Gutter—Down- ‘VIL Mun Stet Srevions, Botts aNo Rivers HOMEWORK PROGRAMME. INDEX . & 131 - 158 - 163 am vonuodoxd sodoud ur sjeuaveus ayp ‘pasn sf su1ypews auip asinine: uiosied © UO au0p 3 shea 241 fo yiBuoue ous topos Sigopurs lyocs foo 2 24 aana (sjasoys Bursn kg) kip 40s0 pavamy uo, oxi pur uuopieed papseog uo paoerd 91 ‘puey Aq poxyus 3] -Gaunypew Aq 20 pury fq, s34%9 2u0p tenon ious at sts te unovy woo pinby, yom e or paomper uasq 81 puns ayJ, “pues £ :auows> 1 jo aun © st sm ——FEHIONY poxsu: 99 p]noys wa1yy Suspuu¥ pur Sunnie: ay) “anoyBnoy umoprun 2q freys feuzarets 242 so Aasuap 243 vey> 21nsU2 OF $e OF Burpyng 242 uo painbos a:2ym porsodap Aynjaiea aq pinoys 21919009 94,1, ‘AqyBnouoyn a1e pues pur aun ayy ‘qs Bnd #1 poxn 001 zayirau “Kouarsisuos YB 242 jo Summ “poonpas Aqasoys qnSuasis pur aunge aq On oye ‘uw gf # yfnonp js 0380 a1 won 9ai309 24) "wos ST1VM ADIN ‘aves zapun Bumas yo Gusdosd ayy amy aL “ansrjd 01 20u yr 18 panunuos uonesado BONDING BONDING, SOLID BRICK WALLS of the bricklayer is concerned with embedding bricks in mortar rranging them so that the mass, called brickwork, conforms with during the const ‘wasted if a consignment contains bricks of varying siz is required to make a selection as the work proceeds. ‘The length of a brick should be twice its width int in order that @ proper bond may be Bricks in common use vary in size ‘OF A BONDED WALL & WEAKNESS. OF AN UNBONDED WALL makes a format of 200 by 120 by 75 mm. Terms.—The following defines those which have a general application to brickwork :— PIO; Je Hodéne ogy so) apiaaid worq uownane 249 yea4q Syapun pyoor sioysians 30 s208j Buol ayp 2104 “pours ai stfe pu (0% “Bey 398) uno} yo uonansuos aye UF KySRGD U0 suDpeay Jo sI}eu09 Jem Jo 98700 0 14 J wuoteuouy ay: jn stung] siesnueout Uo sue ay wo Syouq jossadxo 243 SAY \Gootan ‘mponsvodand so pe pur adeys pasinbas aya 01 Aijemods STIVM XDINS Popnow fjqenan ate ¢ “Bg ut uaoye & pur s “x “> eyoug Bursar oq, ~amopun feq uimiso yo suronb “7 “o(iue we pout) patina 29 on pasinbas ase spas aq) ayn ex som feuondanx> U poen KUO ame (4 pus 0) 290; posnpy -g “Big ‘a ve UMoye et pur (paiUEs 40 paieids) poqaag aouy soqorans auo ery (x) 100/2 poyoorg UL, “R “Big “a 1 poptiog Big ‘x 225) pom st 09 9pR3y F Ut my eon Hg ‘A pura ‘0 39s) auep sane] em 01 sapu0 ut sioafoud 4 vuayo1q 228) s1uiof ounspp se(£ iy 225) “9 fig “0 50 eo) aa Sw H BEVELED BAT-SMALL QUEEN CLOSER- HAL et sare ite Ky oN wey CA J F MORTAR 28 Of Sam RADIUS a “ ~” ON N = BEVELLED CLOSER MITRED CLOSERS DOUBLE BULLNOSE ZX somaveas 2 STRETCHING Li ntaoer course Anois VARIES 4625 1AP |] jomm 84d soos BONO SPLAY STRETCHER SP LAY-HEADER 7 seve EMT seo wn Frere i LAN OF COURSE ®& ‘constaucron 3, a i bed i a : ne BE = ; o z a FL Fu ~ Q~ :

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